Fleeing example sentences

Related (7): running, escaping, leaving, evacuating, absconding, bolting, retreating

"Fleeing" Example Sentences

1. The protesters were fleeing the riot police.
2. The victims were fleeing the burning building.
3. The villagers were fleeing the invading army.
4. The criminals were fleeing the scene of the crime.
5. The animals were fleeing the approaching fire.
6. The family was fleeing the war-torn country.
7. The crowd was fleeing in panic.
8. The suspect was fleeing on foot.
9. The refugees were fleeing the violence.
10. The couple was fleeing their pursuers.
11. The soldiers were fleeing the enemy.
12. The passengers were fleeing the crashed plane.
13. The students were fleeing the locked-down school.
14. The woman was fleeing her abusive husband.
15. The staff were fleeing the collapsing building.
16. The gypsies were fleeing the mob.
17. The mice were fleeing the cat.
18. The deer was fleeing the hunter.
19. The driver was fleeing the site of the accident.
20. The tourists were fleeing the tsunami.
21. The bat was fleeing the light.
22. The man was seen fleeing the scene.
23. The wounded soldier was fleeing the battlefield.
24. The slaves were fleeing from their owners.
25. The fugitives were fleeing capture.
26. The shoplifter was fleeing the store.
27. Witnesses saw the suspect's car fleeing at high speed.
28. The convicted criminal was fleeing house arrest.
29. The journalist was fleeing the repressive regime.
30. Police were chasing the suspects fleeing the bank robbery.
31. The children were fleeing the smoke and flames.
32. The military were fleeing the oncoming horde.
33. Gunshots were heard as the robbers fled the vault.
34. The elk were fleeing the forest fire.
35. Police pursued the murderer fleeing on foot.
36. The bandit was seen fleeing into the hills.
37. The inmates were fleeing the prison break.
38. Witnesses saw the figure fleeing into the night.
39. The arsonists were fleeing the scene of the fire.
40. The stray dog was fleeing its attackers.
41. The rebel forces were fleeing the government troops.
42. Authorities were searching for the murderer still believed to be fleeing the area.
43. The escaping convicts were fleeing across the field.
44. The fugitive was fleeing from police.
45. Gunshots rang out as the fleeing robber dropped the bag of money.
46. The ladybugs were fleeing the coming winter.
47. The target of an assassination attempt was seen fleeing the scene.
48. Law enforcement tracked down and arrested the fugitive who had been fleeing for years.
49. The soldiers were fleeing the incoming artillery fire.
50. The pickpockets were fleeing the crowded marketplace.
51. Law enforcement pursued the getaway car fleeing at high speed.
52. The demon was fleeing the angel.
53. The victims were fleeing down the stairwell.
54. Reports indicated the suspect was still fleeing the area.
55. The horse was seen fleeing the burning stable.
56. The mice were fleeing the house as winter set in.
57. The runaway slave was fleeing to freedom.
58. The burglars were fleeing the property through the fields.
59. The detective pursued the suspect fleeing on foot through the city streets.
60. Many were fleeing for their lives in the face of increasing violence.

Common Phases

1. The fleeing suspect led police on a high speed chase.
2. The refugees were fleeing the war-torn country.
3. The soldiers began fleeing in panic as the enemy army approached.
4. The family fled their home as the forest fire advanced.
5. The animals began fleeing the forest as the wildfire approached.
6. The thieves fled the scene of the crime as soon as they heard the police sirens.
7. The citizens were fleeing for their lives as the hurricane made landfall.
8. The bank robbers fled the bank in a stolen getaway car.
9. The shoplifter fled the store as soon as the alarm went off.
10. The zebra began fleeing as the lion approached.
11. The cat fled from the dog as soon as it saw it.
12. The students fled the school building as soon as the fire alarm went off.
13. The villagers fled as the volcano erupted.
14. The civilians were fleeing the city before the bombing began.
15. The injured animal was fleeing its predator.
16. The criminals fled their hideout as soon the police arrived.
17. The rats began fleeing the sinking ship.
18. The bug fled from the light being shone on it.
19. The citizens were fleeing the toxic fumes as they spread through the city.
20. The deer fled at the first sign of danger.
21. The child fled in terror from the large dog that approached her.
22. The witness fled town to avoid testifying in court.
23. The pirate ship began fleeing as the navy vessels approached.
24. The mice began fleeing as the cat entered the room.
25. I witnessed several fleeing tourists as the hurricane made landfall.
26. The fleeing girl crashed through the underbrush in her haste to escape.
27. The slaves began fleeing the plantation at the first sign of Union troops.
28. The students began fleeing the sinking ferry as it began to list heavily.
29. The pickpocket fled just before he was apprehended.
30. The assassins began fleeing the scene as soon as their mission was accomplished.
31. The terrorists fled across the border after committing the atrocity.
32. The demonstrators began fleeing as the police advanced.
33. The protesters began fleeing the tear gas deployed by the authorities.
34. The bats began fleeing the cave as we entered with our flashlights.
35. The vandals fled the scene as soon as the police arrived.
36. Hundreds of people were seen fleeing the stadium after the bomb threat.
37. The burglar fled out the back door as soon as the homeowner returned.
38. The criminal fled justice for many years before finally being apprehended.
39. The soldiers began fleeing for their lives as they realized they were surrounded.
40. The birds began fleeing their nests as the snakes approached.
41. The mosquitoes fled from the fire that I lit.
42. The apartment began filling with smoke as the fleeing tenants evacuated the building.
43. I saw countless fleeing civilians as the drone strikes began.
44. The mob began fleeing as the SWAT team arrived.
45. The astronaut candidate failed the zero-gravity flight and fled the training facility in disgrace.
46. The horse began fleeing at the first sign of lightning.
47. The flea fled from the light of my flashlight.
48. The escaping convicts fled across the prison yard.
49. The workers fled the factory as the chimney collapsed.
50. The spy fled the country after his cover was blown.
51. The inmates began fleeing their cells as the prison riot broke out.
52. The coyote fled at the sound of gunfire.
53. We saw fleeing pedestrians as the tornado approached.
54. The Romans began fleeing at the approach of Hannibal's army.
55. The suspect fled on foot as soon as he saw the police car.
56. The mice began fleeing the burning barn.
57. The insects fled from the spray of insecticide.
58. The test subject fled the laboratory as soon as his cage was opened.
59. The POW began fleeing the camp at the first opportunity.
60. The fugitive evaded capture for years before finally being apprehended.

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