Floss example sentences

Related (5): string, minty, interdental, threader, waxed

"Floss" Example Sentences

1. She always carries floss in her purse.
2. My dentist always tells me to floss more.
3. I forgot my floss on my vacation and my teeth felt gross.
4. The string on my hoodie is like dental floss.
5. The dental hygienist showed me how to properly floss my teeth.
6. I found a piece of floss stuck between my teeth after lunch.
7. My cat loves to play with floss whenever she finds it.
8. My boyfriend thinks it's weird that I floss before brushing my teeth.
9. Flossing daily can help prevent gum disease and cavities.
10. The floss kept getting stuck in between my teeth.
11. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and the dentist gave me floss picks to use.
12. Flossing may seem like a chore, but it's important for oral hygiene.
13. I use cinnamon flavored floss because it makes my mouth feel fresh.
14. The dentist gave me a lecture about how I need to floss more often.
15. I have a hard time reaching the back of my mouth to floss.
16. Flossing your teeth can also freshen your breath.
17. I was digging through my bag and found a piece of floss.
18. Sometimes I floss while watching TV to make the time pass faster.
19. The floss container is almost empty and I need to buy more.
20. My roommate always leaves her floss out and it drives me crazy.
21. My dentist recommends using a certain brand of floss for the best results.
22. I have a pack of floss in my desk drawer at work.
23. My dad always tells me to floss or I'll regret it later in life.
24. I ran out of floss and had to use a toothpick instead.
25. Flossing should be done gently to avoid damaging teeth and gums.
26. I never used to floss until my dentist pointed out how important it is.
27. My younger sister loves to pretend she's flossing her teeth with a piece of string.
28. You can also use floss to remove stuck on food from in between your teeth.
29. Floss threaders can help people with braces floss properly.
30. I always feel so much better after I floss my teeth before bed.

Common Phases

you want me to provide the phases only?
1. "I need to floss my teeth."
2. "Did you floss today?"
3. "My dentist recommended flossing twice a day."
4. "I always forget to floss before bed."
5. "Flossing really helps remove plaque and prevent cavities."
6. "I prefer the waxed dental floss over the unwaxed one."
7. "I ran out of floss, can I borrow yours?"
8. "My gums bleed when I floss, should I be concerned?"
9. "Flossing can also improve bad breath."
10. "I learned how to properly floss from my dental hygienist."

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