Footway example sentences

Related (9): sidewalk, pavement, footpath, walk, promenade, boardwalk, esplanade, causeway, trail.

"Footway" Example Sentences

1. The pedestrians were walking along the footway.
2. The footway was resurfaced with new asphalt.
3. The footway was blocked by fallen branches after the storm.
4. Small plants were growing up between the paving slabs of the footway.
5. They widened the footway to make more space for pedestrians.
6. The footway was uneven and needed to be repaired.
7. The new railings were installed to edge the footway.
8. Many people were using the footway instead of the road.
9. They cleared the leaves and debris from the footway.
10. The footway led from the street to the front door of the house.
11. The footway ran along both sides of the high street.
12. They raised the kerb along the edge of the footway.
13. The footway was in need of deep cleaning.
14. Frost had formed on sections of the footway.
15. Planters were placed at intervals along the footway.
16. Snow was cleared from the footway after a heavy fall.
17. Traffic cones closed off part of the footway for repair work.
18. Signs were erected warning of a damaged footway.
19. The mother pushed her baby's pram along the footway.
20. The footway was slippery when wet due to lack of grip.
21. We were advised to avoid using the damaged footway.
22. The footway ran beside the river for several miles.
23. The footway along the front needed relaying.
24. The footway was illuminated at night with street lamps.
25. People on foot headed towards the footway from the road.
26. Utility companies dug up sections of the footway.
27. The footway was closed off pending urgent repair work.
28. Drainage channels ran under the surface of the footway.
29. Dog walkers used the footway at all times of day.
30. Trip hazards were marked on damaged sections of footway.
31. The builders had left materials blocking part of the footway.
32. High-visibility jackets were worn by workers on the footway.
33. Access for wheelchairs had to be maintained along the footway.
34. Cyclists were asked not to use the footway.
35. Temporary fencing was erected along the edge of the footway.
36. Foot traffic was diverted from the footway due to subsidence.
37. People walked side by side along the wide footway.
38. Grass and weeds grew up between the joints in the footway.
39. The tactile paving warned of the edge of the footway.
40. Skateboarders used the empty footway for practicing tricks.
41. The footway ran alongside the canal for several miles.
42. Many shops had entrances that opened directly onto the footway.
43. The cobbled footway gave way to tarmac further along the street.
44. The footway became flooded after heavy and prolonged rainfall.
45. Workers were resurfacing parts of the damaged and uneven footway.
46. Obstacles and trip hazards were quickly removed from the footway.
47. Caution tape cordoned off a section of the newly poured footway.
48. A courtesy crossing was built across the width of the footway.
49. Leaves were swept from the footway on a regular basis.
50. Potholes appeared in sections of the subsided footway.
51. The narrow footway became crowded with shoppers and tourists.
52. Icy patches formed on the exposed sections of the footway.
53. Loose paving slabs were replaced along the full length of the footway.
54. New lining was painted onto the edge of the footway for visibility.
55. Foot traffic on the footway remained busy throughout the day.
56. The damaged footway had been fenced off pending repair work.
57. The footway was closed temporarily for emergency works.
58. The footway was gradually sinking in parts due to subsidence.
59. The high kerb separated the road from the footway.
60. Foot traffic moved aside as a delivery van exited onto the footway.

Common Phases

1. Footway surface
The surface of the footway, typically asphalt or concrete.
2. Footway repairs
Maintenance and replacement work done on a footway.
3. Blocked footway
When debris, obstacles or vehicles prevent use of a footway.
4. Footway closure
When a footway is shut to pedestrians due to works or hazards.
5. Footway subsidence
When a footway sinks into the ground due to soil movement.
6. Footway damage
Any defect, deterioration or harm to a footway.
7. Edge of footway
The border or margin of a footway where it meets the road.
8. Across the footway
From one side of a footway to the other.
9. Along the footway
Beside and parallel to a footway as you move in its direction.
10. Beside the footway
Very close to the side of a footway but not on it.
11. Clear the footway
Remove obstructions and debris from a footway.
12. End of footway
The final part or limit of a length of footway.
13. Full length of footway
The complete span or stretch of a footway.
14. Footway lighting
Lamps that provide illumination along a footway at night.
15. Footway resurfacing
Renewing the surface layer of a footway.
16. From the footway
Away from and off of a footway.
17. Improve footway
Make a footway better, for example by repairs or widening.
18. Into the footway
Moving off a road and onto a footway.
19. Onto the footway
Moving from ground beside a footway directly onto it.
20. Use of the footway
Traversing or walking along a footway.

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