Formular example sentences

Related (7): form, formula, formulation, formulize, formulated, formulating, formulaic

"Formular" Example Sentences

1. He used a formular to calculate the area of the circle.
2. In order to solve the equation, she needed to use a specific formular.
3. The pharmacy gave her a formular for her prescription.
4. The recipe for the cake calls for a complicated formular.
5. The tax form had a confusing formular to calculate deductions.
6. The mathematician developed a new formular for solving complex equations.
7. The scientist used a formular to determine the chemical composition of the substance.
8. The engineer created a formular for calculating the strength of the bridge.
9. The doctor used a special formular to determine the patient's dosage.
10. The financial analyst relied on a complex formular to predict stock market trends.
11. The meteorologist used a formular to calculate the intensity of the storm.
12. The data analyst developed a formular to measure customer satisfaction.
13. The researcher used a formular to calculate the probability of the results.
14. The architect used a formular to determine the correct angle for the building.
15. The statistician used a formular to analyze the data.
16. The software engineer developed a formular to optimize the program's performance.
17. The economist used a formular to calculate the country's gross domestic product.
18. The chemist used a formular to determine the acidity of the solution.
19. The biologist used a formular to calculate the population growth rate.
20. The material scientist created a formular to determine the strength of the material.
21. The nutritionist used a formular to calculate the daily nutritional needs of the patient.
22. The physicist used a formular to calculate the velocity of the object.
23. The geologist used a formular to determine the age of the rock formation.
24. The botanist used a formular to calculate the photosynthesis rate.
25. The geneticist used a formular to analyze the DNA sequence.
26. The pharmacologist used a formular to determine the half-life of the drug.
27. The zoologist used a formular to calculate the migration pattern of the animals.
28. The ecologist used a formular to study the ecosystem's stability.
29. The linguist used a formular to analyze the syntax of the sentence.
30. The psychologist used a formular to calculate the personality traits of the subject.
31. The historian used a formular to determine the historical significance of the event.
32. The philosopher used a formular to explain the concept of morality.
33. The mathematician used a formular to solve the geometry problem.
34. The teacher used a formular to grade the exam.
35. The lawyer used a formular to calculate the damages in the lawsuit.
36. The agronomist used a formular to determine the optimal fertilizer for the crop.
37. The physiologist used a formular to investigate the body's response to stress.
38. The criminologist used a formular to measure the crime rate in the city.
39. The geographer used a formular to map the geographic features of the region.
40. The sociologist used a formular to analyze the social patterns of the community.

Common Phases

1. Use the formular to calculate the circumference of a circle;
2. The chemist applied the formular to create a new compound;
3. Please check the formular again before submitting your calculations;
4. The engineer used the formular to design the bridge's structure;
5. The doctor prescribed a medication based on a specific formular;
6. The accountant utilized the formular to balance the company's finances;
7. The architect employed a formular to determine the building's dimensions;
8. The scientist formulated a hypothesis using a specific formular;
9. The mathematician used a complex formular to solve the equation;
10. The researcher modified the existing formular to suit his experiment.

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