Forsakes example sentences

Related (9): abandons, leaves, deserts, renounces, rejects, relinquishes, disowns, betrays, neglects

"Forsakes" Example Sentences

1. He forsakes all his worldly possessions when he became a monk.
2. She fears that her boyfriend will forsake her when he becomes successful.
3. The company is at risk of bankruptcy if their major investor forsakes them.
4. He promises to never forsake his duty to defend his country.
5. The movie portrays the tragic story of a man who forsakes his wife and child for a life of crime.
6. She decides to forsake her unhealthy habits for a healthier lifestyle.
7. The politician's scandal led to many of his supporters forsaking him.
8. The biblical story of Job illustrates how one's faith can be tested when God seemingly forsakes them.
9. He feels alone and forsaken after his parents' divorce.
10. The company's CEO decides to forsake traditional marketing methods in favor of digital strategies.
11. He forsakes his pride and apologizes for his mistakes.
12. The couple agrees to never forsake each other, even in difficult times.
13. The rebel soldiers forsake their loyalty to the government and join the opposition.
14. The book portrays a world where people forsake their basic humanity in favor of technology.
15. He forsakes his dreams of becoming a musician to take care of his sick mother.
16. The athletes vow to never forsake their commitment to their team.
17. The character in the novel forsakes his wealthy lifestyle to live a simpler life in the countryside.
18. The student forsakes her social life in order to study for her exams.
19. The villagers feel forsaken by their government's lack of aid during natural disasters.
20. He forsakes his desire for revenge and seeks forgiveness instead.
21. The soldier forsakes his own safety to save his comrades.
22. The musician vows to never forsake his passion for music, no matter what.
23. She fears forsaking her traditional culture in favor of modernity.
24. The peasant forsakes his crops to join the revolution.
25. The traveler forsakes luxury hotels for a more authentic experience of the culture.
26. The young man fears forsaking his family's expectations of him in order to pursue his own dreams.
27. The movie portrays a man who forsakes his morality to become successful.
28. She never forsakes her principles, even in the face of adversity.
29. The artist forsakes conventional styles to create something truly unique.
30. The politician's controversial decisions lead to him being forsaken by his party.

Common Phases

not repeat a word or phrase.
1. The heart that forsakes love can become empty and cold; when one forsakes a friend, a bond is broken forever; she felt forsaken when her family moved away.
2. The abandoned puppy looked up with forsaken eyes; I will never forsake my beliefs for popularity; in times of trouble, some people may feel forsaken by God.
3. Tom waited anxiously as his wife decided whether or not to forsake their marriage vows; she knew she had to forsake her unhealthy habits in order to live a better life; the king never suspected that his most loyal advisor would forsake him in his time of need.
4. The company's decision to forsake their ethical standards in favor of profit was met with backlash; many celebrities forsake their privacy when they become famous; he decided to forsake his comfortable lifestyle and travel the world.
5. As the war raged on, soldiers were forced to forsake some of their values in order to survive; she couldn't bear to forsake her dying mother's side; the athlete had to forsake his dreams of winning a championship due to a career-ending injury.

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