Futile example sentences

Related (5): pointless, fruitless, ineffective, vain, useless

"Futile" Example Sentences

1. His attempts were futile, he could not escape.
2. She realized her efforts were futile and gave up.
3. The search proved futile as no one was found.
4. The fight against the machine was futile.
5. They fought a futile battle against the raging river.
6. His struggles against the system were ultimately futile.
7. The soldier fought futilely against the enemy forces.
8. Their protests seem futile in the face of government resistance.
9. His attempts to change her mind were futile.
10. Wasting more time on this would be utterly futile.
11. Her pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears and were met with futility.
12. Attempting to revive him now would be futile.
13. I knew any argument would be futile, so I stayed silent.
14. My pleading and begging were futile in the face of her obstinance.
15. We should not waste time on futile tasks.
16. Wars are futile if they cannot solve underlying issues.
17. His attempt to hide from the truth was futile.
18. The delays only added to the feeling of futility.
19. His struggle against the current was futile.
20. The exercise proved futile as she learned nothing new.
21. Further resistance seemed futile so he surrendered.
22. Her explanations were met with futility and annoyance.
23. Trying to reason with him in his anger was futile.
24. Their attempts to resuscitate the patient were futile.
25. Any objections I could raise would be futile.
26. The arguments fell on deaf ears, proving futile.
27. Her attempts at gaining his affection were futile.
28. Their struggle seemed pointless and futile.
29. The search for meaning proved futile in the end.
30. His fight against the machine was doomed to futility.
31. Any attempts at waking him would be futile.
32. I knew further objections would only lead to futility.
33. Diplomacy proved futile in resolving the conflict.
34. His attempts to fix the broken machine were futile.
35. The argument ended in futility, neither side budging.
36. Prayers for deliverance proved futile in the face of such evil.
37. Any further discussion would only result in futility.
38. The task seemed futile from the very beginning.
39. His pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears and were met with futility.
40. The struggle to survive seemed futile in the face of the disaster.
41. They persevered despite knowing their efforts were futile.
42. Logic and reason proved futile in the face of her passion.
43. Further explanations would have been futile.
44. Her optimism proved futile in the face of such bleak realities.
45. The search for the meaning of life proved futile in the end.
46. Any attempt at fixing the broken contraption would prove futile.
47. The resistance was doomed to futility from the start.
48. His pleas fell upon deaf ears, proving futile.
49. Seeing her again would only result in further futility.
50. Her attempts to change his mind were in vain and futile.
51. The exercise proved futile and exhausting.
52. His pleas were met with deafening silence and utter futility.
53. Diplomacy proved entirely futile in the face of such anger.
54. Any words of reason would fall upon deaf ears, proving futile.
55. The student's efforts proved futile in the face of complexity.
56. War seems futile once you've witnessed its horrors firsthand.
57. Her pleas were met with cruel indifference and futility.
58. The fight for justice seemed futile in that moment.
59. His attempts at wooing her proved futile from the start.
60. Logic proved futile in the face of passion and desire.

Common Phases

1. His efforts were futile, she never agreed to go out with him.
2. Struggling against the strong current was futile, he had to swim with it.
3. Trying to reason with her when she was this angry would be futile, he decided.
4. The citizens' protests appeared futile in the face of government oppression.
5. The rescue attempt turned out to be futile as the ship had already sunk.
6. Any attempts at escape would be futile, the prison walls were too high and well guarded.
7. His attempts to get his money back from the scam artist were futile.
8. Pleading with the judge made no difference, it was a futile effort.
9. She realized that arguing with him further would be futile and dropped the subject.
10. The soldiers fought bravely but their resistance was futile against the enemy's superior forces.
11. Attempting to change his mind once he had made a decision was futile, he never wavered.
12. Trying to fix the irreparably damaged machine would be a futile waste of time and energy.
13. The salesperson knew it would be futile to try and sell that particular model to the customer.
14. It's futile to argue with someone who refuses to change their mind.
15. His attempts to lift the heavy box alone were futile, he needed help.
16. Their simplistic plan to solve world hunger was seen as futile and impractical.
17. Attempting to outrun the incoming storm would be futile so they sought shelter.
18 It seems futile to continue fighting this illness without the proper medicine.
19. Her pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, it was a futile attempt.
20. His threats had no effect, they were completely futile against her resolve.
21. Digging through the rubble in search of survivors was a futile effort.
22. Continuing to water plants that were already dead would be a futile waste of water.
23. Trying to fix the relationship at this point would be futile, it was time to move on.
24. His futile attempts to impress her only made him seem foolish.
25. Struggling against the ropes only made them tighter, it was a futile effort.
26. Her attempts to revive the dead bird were sadly futile.
27. No amount of reasoning would change his mind, it was futile to argue.
28. The battle was hopeless, the soldiers knew their resistance was futile.
29. Complaining to the manager seemed futile, he knew nothing would change.
30. Attempting to swim against the violent current would be a futile waste of energy.
31. Shielding herself from the oncoming rain with an umbrella proved futile in the face of the driving storm.
32. Their plan to fix the leaking roof without a ladder seemed futile and ill-advised.
33. Trying to resuscitate the victim was a futile attempt, he had already been dead for hours.
34. Counting on the meteor not hitting Earth would be utterly futile.
35. Her continued crying and begging seemed futile in the face of his stony indifference.
36. His futile attempts to impress the girl only made him appear clumsy and foolish.
37. Counting on history not repeating itself would be utterly futile and naive.
38. Any attempts to stop the floodwaters were futile, they simply had to ride it out.
39. Pleading for mercy was absolutely futile, the king showed no sign of leniency.
40. Trying to reason with the unreasonable is futile and frustrating.
41. His threats were empty and futile against her calm resolve.
42. Digging through collapsed buildings in search of survivors was often a futile exercise.
43. Trying to argue someone out of an opinion they did not reason themselves into is futile.
44. Attempting to save the drowning man proved futile as he had already gone under.
45. Continuing the affair behind his wife's back seemed both futile and morally wrong.
46. Battling the elements and natural forces is often a futile exercise.
47. Her desperate clawing at the surface of the water proved futile as she slowly sank below.
48. Reasoning with an angry mob tends to be futile and dangerous.
49. Struggling against the tight ropes only made them tighter and cut into her wrists, it was a futile effort.
50. Pleading for mercy from the oppressive regime was futile, their cruelty knew no bounds.
51. Counting on divine intervention would be utterly futile in the face of natural disasters.
52. Trying to repair the machine when you have no technical knowledge or skills would be futile.
53. His attempts to convince her otherwise were futile, she had made up her mind.
54. Trying to stop the riptide by swimming against it was futile, she had to swim parallel to the shore.
55. Begging for her forgiveness seemed futile, she had moved on from their relationship.
56. His pleas for leniency fell on deaf ears, it was a futile attempt.
57. Attempting to swim to shore against the violent storm winds proved futile.
58. Counting on human nature to change would be utterly futile and naive.
59. Shielding herself from the unrelenting downpour with an umbrella proved futile against the storm.
60. Struggling uselessly against the inevitable is often a futile exercise.

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