Gearing example sentences

Related (1): gearboxes

"Gearing" Example Sentences

1. The company is gearing up for the new product launch.
2. The cyclist changed gears before tackling the steep hill.
3. The workers are gearing up for the strike on Monday.
4. Companies are gearing their marketing towards millennials.
5. The spacecraft slowly changed its gearing before entering the planet's atmosphere.
6. The engine needs to be in low gearing for climbing the mountain.
7. The new software update allows for smoother gearing transitions.
8. The train started gearing up before it accelerated out of the station.
9. The economy is gearing down after several years of robust growth.
10. Investors should monitor the Federal Reserve for signs of gearing up interest rates.
11. Germany's manufacturing sector has been gearing up production significantly.
12. The election campaign is gearing into high gear ahead of November.
13. The engine started making an odd noise when gearing down.
14. The marketing campaign is gearing towards niche consumer segments.
15. The bureaucratic system is slowly gearing itself towards change.
16. The car struggled to change gears on the steep, winding road.
17. Oxford Street is gearing up for the busy Christmas shopping season.
18. The company is gearing its strategy towards new technologies.
19. The team is gearing up for the big game this weekend.
20. The company is gearing down after several unprofitable quarters.
21. The recruiter is gearing the job ads towards experienced candidates.
22. This tractor requires low gearing for plowing the fields.
23. Sports fans are gearing up for the start of the new football season.
24. The business is gearing towards a more online market.
25. The machinery was making grinding noises while gearing up for production.
26. The startup is gearing to launch a new product in the next quarter.
27. The nation's economy is gradually gearing down after a sustained period of growth.
28. They are gearing up for the sales push over the holiday season.
29. The product failed to test properly due to gearing issues.
30. The car's gears cranked loudly as it struggled to change gear.
31. The new gym is gearing up for its grand opening next week.
32. The central bank is gearing to raise interest rates in the coming months.
33. The economy is gearing up for a slowdown in growth later this year.
34. The sailing boat struggled to get its gearing adjusted while trying to tack into the wind.
35. The retransmission gearing was not engaging properly, resulting in faulty gears.
36. The aviation industry is gearing up for the busy summer travel season.
37. The engineering team spent months gearing the new product for worldwide release.
38. The competitor is apparently gearing for an acquisition.
39. The announcement came as a surprise, as few people were gearing for this kind of news.
40. The business is gearing towards a more global customer base.
41. The launch vehicle performed a critical gearing maneuver before detaching the payload.
42. His approach was gearing towards the conceptual rather than the practical.
43. The conventions are gearing to showcase their party's political agendas.
44. The new submarine features advanced gearing for maneuvering in tight spaces.
45. The company is gearing to implement the new strategic plan.
46. The athlete's training regime was geared towards Olympic qualification.
47. The debutante ball was a highlight; the whole town was gearing up for it.
48. Their spending is carefully geared to the seasons, with most outlay in summer and autumn.
49. The store was gearing towards Christmas, stocked with cards, decorations and toys.
50. He geared his speech towards the needs and interests of his imagined audience.
51. Aid agencies are gearing up to provide relief for victims of the hurricane.
52. The school is gearing up for the beginning of the next academic year.
53. The politicians are gearing up for a heated debate on healthcare reform.
54. The new production equipment is gearing towards higher volume and efficiency.
55. The election campaign is gearing into the final stages.
56. The athlete struggled with over-gearing her bicycle for the steep hill climb.
57. Companies need to continually gear their strategies towards changing markets and technologies.
58. The nation is gearing up for Independence Day celebrations.
59. The new machine can achieve higher production through advanced electronic gearing.
60. The office environment has gradually geared towards a more casual dress code.

Common Phases

Gearing up - Preparing for something; making preparations
Example: The company is gearing up for the product launch next month.
Gearing towards - Moving in a particular direction
Example: The company's strategy is gearing towards more online customers.
Geared towards - Designed for or intended for a particular purpose, audience, etc.
Example: The program is geared towards young students.
Gearing into - Moving into; entering
Example: The election campaign is gearing into its final weeks.
Gearing for - Preparing or ready for
Example: The business is gearing for another year of strong growth.
Gearing down - Slowing down; reducing activity or output
Example: Production is gearing down for the holiday season.
Gearing up interest rates - Increasing interest rates
Example: The central bank is gearing up interest rates to combat inflation.
So in summary, the common pattern with "gearing" is that it describes preparation for an event, change, or goal, as well as indicating direction or focus. The word conveys a sense of transition and realignment of resources.

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