Gnashes example sentences

Related (9): grinds, crunches, chomps, clenches, grates, rasps, scrapes, screeches, snaps.

"Gnashes" Example Sentences

1. She gnashes her teeth in frustration.
2. The dog gnashes its jaws at the mailman.
3. The villain gnashes his teeth as he plots his revenge.
4. The predator gnashes on its prey with razor-sharp teeth.
5. The soldier gnashes his teeth in anger as he watches his comrades fall.
6. The enraged bull gnashes its horns against the matador's cape.
7. The toddler gnashes his teeth as he tries to cut through a tough piece of meat.
8. The wizard gnashes his teeth in frustration as his spell fails.
9. The dragon gnashes its teeth as it defends its lair.
10. The wrestler gnashes his teeth as he tries to break his opponent's hold.
11. The monster gnashes its teeth as it rampages through the city.
12. The prisoner gnashes his teeth in despair as he realizes he won't be released.
13. The patient gnashes his teeth in pain as the dentist drills into his tooth.
14. The zombie gnashes its teeth as it chases after its next meal.
15. The CEO gnashes his teeth as he considers the possibility of a hostile takeover.
16. The lion gnashes its teeth as it defends its territory from intruders.
17. The cyclist gnashes his teeth as he pedals up a steep hill.
18. The villainous queen gnashes her teeth in envy at the beauty of the princess.
19. The villainous king gnashes his teeth in anger at the success of the hero.
20. The shark gnashes its teeth as it tears into a school of fish.
21. The mountain climber gnashes his teeth in frustration as he struggles to make progress.
22. The werewolf gnashes its teeth as it transforms under the full moon.
23. The criminal gnashes his teeth as he tries to break out of his handcuffs.
24. The surly customer gnashes his teeth as he complains about the quality of his meal.
25. The ram gnashes its teeth as it butts heads with another male.
26. The ninja gnashes his teeth in determination as he prepares for battle.
27. The Viking warrior gnashes his teeth as he charges into battle.
28. The bull rider gnashes his teeth as he tries to stay on the bull's back for eight seconds.
29. The gladiator gnashes his teeth as he prepares to fight to the death.
30. The pirate gnashes his teeth in frustration as he realizes his ship has been overtaken by the navy.

Common Phases

1. She gnashes her teeth in frustration;
2. The angry dog gnashes its jaws at the intruder;
3. He gnashes his teeth before making a tough decision;
4. The villain gnashes his teeth as his plan falls apart;
5. She gnashes her teeth in pain as the dentist works on her teeth;
6. The monster gnashes its teeth as it prepares to attack;
7. He gnashes his teeth in anger at the unfair treatment;
8. The betrayed lover gnashes her teeth in heartbreak;
9. The starving wolf gnashes its teeth at the sight of prey;
10. He gnashes his teeth in determination to overcome the obstacle.

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