Gracelessmodif example sentences

Related (5): awkward, clumsy, inelegant, uncoordinated, ungracious.

"Gracelessmodif" Example Sentences

1. Her graceless movements on the dance floor were a source of embarrassment.
2. The graceless addition of the new furniture ruined the elegant decor.
3. The athlete's graceless fall caused him to injure his ankle.
4. He spoke with a graceless tone that made everyone uncomfortable.
5. The painting was ruined by the graceless brushstrokes of the amateur artist.
6. She tried to walk in the high heels, but her graceless steps caused her to stumble.
7. He made a graceless attempt at a joke that fell flat.
8. The graceless actor stumbled over his lines and missed his cues.
9. The graceless movement of the heavy machinery caused the ground to shake.
10. She had a graceless habit of interrupting people mid-sentence.
11. The graceless design of the building made it an eyesore in the otherwise beautiful neighborhood.
12. He had a graceless way of eating, chewing loudly and with his mouth open.
13. The graceless handling of the delicate vase caused it to shatter into a million pieces.
14. She made a graceless exit from the party, causing a scene.
15. The graceless way in which she accepted the compliment made it seem insincere.
16. The chef's graceless plating of the food ruined the presentation.
17. The graceless movement of the car on the bumpy road made everyone feel sick.
18. He tried to dance with her, but his graceless movements caused them both to stumble.
19. The graceless application of the makeup made her look like a clown.
20. The graceless manner in which he spoke to his employees caused morale to plummet.
21. The graceless handling of the delicate instrument caused it to break.
22. She had a graceless habit of criticizing others without any constructive feedback.
23. The graceless attitude of the waiter made the dining experience unpleasant.
24. The graceless throwing of the ball caused it to hit a spectator in the head.
25. He had a graceless way of sitting, slouching and taking up too much space.
26. The graceless handling of the fragile package resulted in it breaking during shipping.
27. The graceless way she walked into the room made it seem like she didn't belong.
28. The graceless manner in which he accepted the award offended the other nominees.
29. The graceless handling of the situation caused it to escalate into a full-blown argument.
30. She made a graceless attempt at small talk, causing an awkward silence.

Common Phases

1. A graceless modification was made to the code;
2. The website suffered from a graceless modification;
3. The design was ruined by a graceless modification;
4. The document was altered with a graceless modification;
5. His work was criticized for a graceless modification;
6. The presentation was marred by a graceless modification;
7. The system crashed due to a graceless modification;
8. A graceless modification caused the project to fail;
9. The team had to fix the problem caused by a graceless modification;
10. The user experience was affected by a graceless modification.

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