Graverobbers example sentences

Related (16): grave, robbery, coffin, cemetery, thief, exhume, body, burial, desecrate, steal, relic, tomb, bones, vandalism, plunder, loot

"Graverobbers" Example Sentences

1. "Graverobbers" were often thought of as the lowest of the low in society.
2. He had heard tales of "graverobbers" and shuddered at the thought.
3. "Graverobbers" were often believed to be cursed by the dead.
4. The local magistrate had a strict policy about dealing with "graverobbers".
5. The churchyard was said to be haunted by the ghosts of "graverobbers".
6. He had been warned to stay away from places known to be frequented by "graverobbers".
7. The old man had a reputation for being one of the most notorious "graverobbers" in the area.
8. The townspeople were known to take vigilante action against "graverobbers".
9. The "graverobbers" had been caught in the act of digging up a grave.
10. "Graverobbers" were often hunted down by the local authorities.
11. It was said that the "graverobbers" had been sent by the devil himself.
12. The "graverobbers" had been caught red-handed by the constable.
13. The "graverobbers" were known to desecrate the graves of the dead.
14. The "graverobbers" were said to be selling the stolen goods on the black market.
15. The "graverobbers" had been seen lurking in the shadows of the cemetery.
16. The "graverobbers" had been warned to stay away from the graveyard.
17. The "graverobbers" had been known to use black magic to raise the dead.
18. The police were on the lookout for the "graverobbers" who had escaped.
19. "Graverobbers" were said to be able to find hidden treasures in the graves.
20. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own nefarious purposes.
21. The "graverobbers" had been known to steal the jewelry from the deceased.
22. The "graverobbers" had been known to sell the stolen goods to the highest bidder.
23. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the bodies for their own dark rituals.
24. The "graverobbers" had been known to desecrate the graves of the innocent.
25. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the bodies for their own twisted experiments.
26. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own nefarious schemes.
27. The "graverobbers" had been known to steal the valuables from the graves.
28. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own evil purposes.
29. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own wicked experiments.
30. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the bodies for their own sinister purposes.
31. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own nefarious activities.
32. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own twisted ambitions.
33. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own dark desires.
34. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the bodies for their own wicked designs.
35. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own evil plans.
36. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the bodies for their own sinister plots.
37. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own nefarious plots.
38. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own wicked agendas.
39. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own dark agendas.
40. The "graverobbers" had been known to use the corpses for their own evil ambitions.

Common Phases

unearth secrets; plunder tombs; disturb the dead; desecrate graves; violate sanctity; steal artifacts

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