Grouse example sentences

Related (9): complain, gripe, grumble, whine, moan, protest, beef, nitpick, carp

"Grouse" Example Sentences

1. The grouse shook out its feathers and took flight.
2. Grouse hunting season starts in the fall.
3. The grouse bird has feathered feet that help it walk on snow.
4. The hunter released his grouse dog to search the thick brush.
5. The cook stuffed and roasted the grouse over an open fire.
6. They spotted a grouse on the side of the mountain trail.
7. The grouse fluttered up into the pine tree to avoid the predator.
8. The grouse call sounded in the distance.
9. The bird dog sniffed out the hiding grouse in the undergrowth.
10. We could hear the sharp rattling call of a grouse in the woods.
11. The grouse covey took flight as we approached.
12. The dog pointed at the hiding grouse in the tall grass.
13. The grouse ran along the ground before taking to the air.
14. The tail feathers of the grouse helped it steer through the thick brush.
15. Grouse feathers were used to decorate hats and garments.
16. The bristling grouse seemed twice its size when it puffed up its feathers.
17. The hunter and his dog were out looking for partridge and grouse.
18. The grouse nest is well hidden on the ground.
19. We found the droppings and feathers of a grouse under the spruce tree.
20. The grouse hunter walked slowly through the meadow.
21. The grouse hunt yielded several birds for the pot.
22. The grouse feathers were reddish brown with dark spots.
23. The grouse drummed its wings to attract a mate.
24. The grouse chicks followed their mother through the undergrowth.
25. The grouse flesh is dark and fairly lean.
26. The grouse route took them up over the ridge and into the next valley.
27. The hunters were on the lookout for running or flying grouse.
28. The grouse caller imitated the sound to attract the birds.
29. The grouse hunter crept quietly through the bracken.
30. The hunter searched the poplar grove for signs of grouse.
31. Their grouse shoot netted a dozen or so birds.
32. The grouse season opener was a favorite tradition.
33. The grouse hunter waited patiently for the birds to flush.
34. The hunter followed the dogs as they sniffed out the grouse hiding places.
35. The grouse hunter blew on his call to mimic the grouse sound.
36. The grouse flew up in a tight flock and circled overhead.
37. The grouse roast was the highlight of the feast.
38. The old grouse hunters shared many tales over drink.
39. The moor was perfect habitat for grouse breeding.
40. The grouse hunter searched high and low through the hillside fields.
41. The grouse hunting lodge had comfortable rooms and a well-stocked bar.
42. Grouse hunting enthusiasts came from far and wide.
43. The grouse ran out in front of the hunting dogs.
44. The female grouse is called a hen and the male a cock.
45. The grouse hunters headed out at dawn to catch the birds feeding.
46. The grouse dog flushed a bird from the heather.
47. The grouse hunters' camp could be seen by its evening campfire glow.
48. The grouse expertly dodged in and out of the undergrowth.
49. Hunters secured gun permits before heading out for the grouse shoot.
50. The grouse expert knew all their hiding places and habits.

Common Phases

1. Grouse shooting - Hunting grouse for sport or food.
2. Grouse moor - An area of habitat suitable for grouse breeding and living.
3. Grouse season - The specific time period when grouse hunting is legally allowed.
4. Grouse hunter - A person who hunts grouse.
5. Grouse call - An imitation sound used to attract grouse within range.
6. Grouse dog - A bird dog trained to locate and retrieve grouse.
7. Grouse covey - A flock or group of grouse.
8. Grouse feather - Feathers from a grouse used for decoration.
9. Grouse drumming - The sound made by male grouse wings during courtship displays.
10. Grouse hen - A female grouse.
11. Grouse cock - A male grouse.
12. Grouse chicks - Young unfledged grouse.
13. Grouse route - A route or path used by grouse.
14. Grouse habitat - An area with suitable shelter, food and nesting sites for grouse.
15. Grouse nest - A shallow ground nest made by a female grouse.

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