Mutter example sentences

Related (5): whisper, murmur, grumble, mumble, growl

"Mutter" Example Sentences

1. He muttered under his breath as he walked away.
2. I could hear her muttering to herself as she worked.
3. The old man muttered curses at the passersby.
4. The angry customer started muttering threats when the clerk refused his refund request.
5. I muttered a quick apology as I rushed past.
6. The students began muttering complaints as the teacher collected their homework.
7. The angry crowd began loudly muttering as the police arrived.
8. She muttered her disagreement but didn't speak up.
9. He muttered something unintelligible and went back to work.
10. The guard muttered to himself as he inspected our passports.
11. The employee muttered angrily after being reprimanded by the boss.
12. The bored student began muttering and tapping his foot during the long lecture.
13. The senator muttered an obscenity when confronted by the reporter's question.
14. I could hear her muttering excuses as she packed her things.
15. She muttered at the spilled food on her shirt.
16. The lecture continued while the students muttered and passed notes.
17. The passenger began muttering threats after his flight was delayed.
18. The coach muttered criticisms of the players' performance.
19. I muttered an apology as I bumped into the stranger.
20. The children began muttering noises as they pretended to be monsters.
21. The convicted criminal muttered threats at the judge.
22. The couple began muttering heatedly under their breaths after the waiter forgot their order.
23. The old man muttered angrily to himself as he tried to work the new technology.
24. He could hear her muttering angrily on the other side of the door.
25. The protestors began loudly muttering insults at the police.
26. The students began muttering complaints after failing the surprise quiz.
27. The baby began muttering noises in his sleep.
28. The child began muttering as a way to soothe herself.
29. The lost tourist started muttering curses after misplacing his map.
30. She started muttering discontentedly as soon as her husband left the room.
31. I could hear my neighbor muttering angrily at his dog next door.
32. The angry protesters began muttering threats against the politician.
33. The football fan started muttering insults at the referee.
34. The criminal began muttering threats against the judge as he was led from the courtroom.
35. The patient began muttering and yelling incoherently.
36. The student started muttering complaints after receiving her graded exam.
37. The offended guest started muttering curses against the host.
38. The shopper began muttering unhappily after realizing she lost her coupon.
39. The children began muttering rudely at the actors onstage.
40. The cashier began muttering insults under his breath after dealing with a difficult customer.
41. The angry fan began loudly muttering insults against the opposing team.
42. The tired worker began muttering complaints about the long hours.
43. The crowd began muttering nervously as the news got worse.
44. The dog began muttering and growling at the approaching stranger.
45. The student began muttering unhappily after failing the test.
46. The driver began loudly muttering insults against the slow-moving traffic.
47. The soldiers started muttering excitedly as they prepared for battle.
48. He began muttering incoherently as the fever worsened.
49. The comedian began muttering insults at the heckler in the crowd.
50. The old woman began muttering and talking to herself as she wandered the street.

Common Phases

1. He muttered a curse under his breath.
2. She muttered something unintelligible and walked away.
3. The old man muttered to himself as he rocked back and forth in his chair.
4. I muttered a quick thank you and rushed out of the store.
5. The students muttered amongst themselves as the teacher announced the pop quiz.
6. She muttered angrily as she saw the damage done to her car.
7. I could hear him muttering as he worked on the broken pipes under the sink.
8. My mother muttered something about me being late as I walked through the door.
9. The crowd began to mutter in disapproval as the official announced the ruling.
10. The toddler muttered to his teddy bear as he played with his toys.
11. The detective muttered under his breath as the witness changed her story again.
12. He muttered his acceptance of the terms as he signed the contract.
13. The referee muttered under his breath after making a controversial call.
14. The students muttered protests as the teacher assigned yet another homework assignment.
15. The dog began to mutter and growl as the stranger approached.
16. The audience began to mutter in surprise at the shocking plot twist.
17. I could hear him muttering curses as he searched for his lost keys.
18. The teacher muttered an exasperated sigh after disciplining the misbehaving student for the third time.
19. The jury began to mutter questions amongst themselves during the witness testimony.
20. The boy muttered a strangled apology as he realized he had broken his mother's favorite vase.
21. I could hear my wife muttering to herself as she tried unsuccessfully to put together the kids' new toy.
22. The actor muttered his lines under his breath as he waited backstage.
23. The prisoners began to mutter complaints as the warden announced the lockdown.
24. The children began to mutter and toss paper airplanes once the teacher left the room.
25. She muttered in frustration as the computer froze yet again.
26. The mechanic muttered to himself as he examined the engine problem.
27. The students began to mutter and protest as the principal announced the extended school day.
28. I could hear my neighbors muttering as I wheeled my trash cans to the curb late again.
29. The rescue workers muttered prayers under their breath as they searched for survivors.
30. The gambler muttered curses as he lost another hand.
31. She began to mutter angrily as the phone line went dead again.
32. I could hear the workers muttering at their desks as the boss walked by.
33. The elderly lady began to mutter unintelligible phrases as her dementia progressed.
34. He began to mutter angrily as he searched the medicine cabinet for his missing pills.
35. The passengers began to mutter complaints as the plane sat on the runway for an extended time.
36. The congregation began to mutter amongst themselves as the service went long past the scheduled time.
37. She began to mutter under her breath as she fought to put the IKEA furniture together without the instructions.
38. The nurses began to mutter concerns as the patient's condition rapidly deteriorated.
39. I could hear my dogs muttering to themselves as they chased each other around the yard.
40. The hikers began to mutter complaints as the fire in their camp stove refused to light.
41. The homeowners began to mutter disagreements as they debated the new parking restrictions.
42. The class began to mutter protests as the alarm signaling the end of recess sounded.
43. I could hear my elderly aunt muttering to herself as I visited with her.
44. The reporter began to mutter criticisms of the politician's speech as she watched it live.
45. The passengers began to mutter angrily as the flight attendant dropped a tray of drinks.
46. The toddler began to mutter to his teddy bear as his mother scolded him.
47. I could hear my husband muttering curses as he searched for his keys, wallet and phone.
48. The pedestrians began to mutter as they stumbled through the city during the power outage.
49. The thieves began to mutter plans amongst themselves as they eyed the loot.
50. The campaign workers began to mutter concerns as the candidate's poll numbers dropped.
51. I could hear the residents muttering complaints as the retirement home's budget was cut.
52. The football players began to mutter threats as the opposing team trash talked them.
53. The construction workers began to mutter jokes and insults at the passersby.
54. The dogs began to mutter and growl at each other as they claimed their territory.
55. The grumbling crowd began to mutter threats as the food shortage grew dire.
56. She began to mutter darkly as her plans went awry.
57. The battered soldiers began to mutter prayers and goodbyes as the attack began.
58. The guests began to mutter racist remarks as the minority family entered the restaurant.
59. The students began to mutter as the substitute teacher took attendance.
60. The strikers began to mutter amongst themselves as the factory owners refused to meet their demands.

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