Haughty example sentences

Related (13): arrogant, disdainful, snobbish, superior, prideful, condescending, contemptuous, imperious, insolent, uppity, patronizing, aloof, pompous.

"Haughty" Example Sentences

1. The duchess had a haughty manner and treated the servants poorly.
2. The arrogant millionaire had a haughty look on his face.
3. She gave him a haughty stare and turned her nose up at him.
4. The supermodel walked down the runway with a haughty air.
5. The old money family looked down their noses haughtily at the newcomers.
6. He cast a haughty glance at the peasant before moving on.
7. The snobby rich girl acted haughtily towards the other students.
8. Her haughty attitude alienated her from her classmates.
9. The princess's haughty demands angered the servants.
10. With their haughty demeanor, they made everyone else feel inferior.
11. The heiress gave me a haughty look and turned her back on me.
12. The scornful woman gazed haughtily around the room.
13. The haughty comment angered her coworkers.
14. The group of teens laughed haughtily at the old woman.
15. The uppity boss spoke to his employees in a haughty tone.
16. Her haughty expression made it clear she thought she was better than everyone else.
17. The haughty celebrity ignored the fans waiting for autographs.
18. The snooty waiter treated the customers with haughty contempt.
19. The actor gave a haughty performance as the pompous aristocrat.
20. The snobbish teacher spoke haughtily to her students.
21. After losing the game, the haughty football player blamed his teammates.
22. He swaggered along haughtily after winning the contest.
23. I could tell from his haughty smile that he thought he was better than me.
24. Her haughty look made it clear she was unimpressed.
25. The preening peacock strutted along in a self-satisfied haughty manner.
26. He greeted his adoring fans with a haughty wave of his hand.
27. The haughty landowner refused to lower the rent despite the hard times.
28. She looked down haughtily at the girl in ragged clothes.
29. The haughty tone of voice made me dislike him immediately.
30. The spoiled rich kid had a haughty, overly confident air about him.
31. The haughty official greeted the peasants grudgingly.
32. I didn't speak to her again after her haughty comment.
33. His haughty imperious manner irritated me.
34. The haughty comment lost him many friends.
35. The prince swept past his subjects with a haughty glare.
36. The haughty reply offended his girlfriend.
37. Her haughty nature alienated her from her friends.
38. She flipped her hair haughtily and walked away.
39. The privileged girl acted haughtily towards those who were less fortunate.
40. The spoiled child had a haughty demanding quality about her.
41. With a haughty toss of her head, she declared herself better than everyone else.
42. Her haughty behavior grated on my nerves.
43. He said the haughty comment without thinking of the consequences.
44. The haughty woman regarded the mess with disdain.
45. The haughty heir dismissed his servants with a wave of his hand.
46. The heiress's haughty demeanor belied her insecurity.
47. His haughty tone made it clear he expected to be obeyed without question.
48. She looked at me with haughty disdain on her face.
49. The prairie dweller felt haughtily superior to the city dweller.
50. Her haughty laugh cut him to the core.
51. The haughty noblewoman demanded to speak to someone of equal standing.
52. I refused to be spoken to in such a haughty tone again.
53. Her haughty manner alienated potential friends.
54. He wrinkled his nose with a haughty sniff.
55. The haughty oppressor looked down at the peasants in contempt.
56. She tossed her head back in a haughty gesture.
57. The haughty reply stung far worse than the silent treatment.
58. Her haughty condescension made me want to ignore her completely.
59. Insulted by her haughty greeting, I left without another word.
60. His haughty remark showed how little he thought of me.

Common Phases

1. The princess walked with a haughty stare, as if everyone else was beneath her.
2. The arrogant Duke looked down his nose with haughty disdain at the commoners.
3. The haughty model strutted down the runway as if she owned the place.
4. Her haughty attitude made it impossible for anyone to like her.
5. The viscount spoke to the servant in a haughty and imperious tone.
6. The haughty noblewoman gazed at the peasants with a look of scorn.
7. The arrogant knight looked haughtily at the squires, not deigning to speak to them.
8. The haughty actor believed his fame made him better than everyone else.
9. Her haughty demeanor made people reluctant to approach her.
10. The haughty little girl looked down her nose at the others playing in the sandbox.
11. With a haughty flick of her hair, the socialite turned her back on the reporter.
12. The haughty CEO acted as if the lesser employees were beneath his notice.
13. His haughty manner alienated many who would have otherwise been his friends.
14. The haughty general dismissed his subordinates without a second thought.
15. The haughty landlord spoke imperiously to his tenants.
16. The teacher reprimanded the haughty student for her snobbish behavior.
17. With haughty pride, she looked down on those less fortunate than herself.
18. The police officer spoke curtly to the uncooperative teenager in a haughty tone.
19. The artist dismissed the criticism with a haughty wave of his hand.
20. The jurors found the haughty defendant's attitude off-putting.
21. The haughty millionaire purchased another mansion, as though money meant nothing to him.
22. The celebrity acted with haughty disregard for the audience members clamoring for his attention.
23. Her haughty manner made it clear she thought herself better than everyone else in the room.
24. The haughty advisor looked down his nose at the inexperienced interns.
25. The haughty banking executive sneered at those who had lost their life savings.
26. The haughty prince ignored the pleas of his subjects.
27. With a haughty sneer, she dismissed the concerns of the common folk.
28. The servant bore the haughty behavior of his master with resigned patience.
29. The media mogul viewed others with a haughty lack of warmth or compassion.
30. The haughty woman stared down her nose at anyone of a lower social class.
31. With haughty disdain, the billionaire glanced at the beggar's outstretched hand.
32. The haughty comment angered those of more modest means.
33. The king's haughty demand infuriated his advisers.
34. Even the haughty baron eventually faced his own mortality.
35. The snobbish woman had a haughty demeanor that repelled most people.
36. The haughty noble ignored the pleas of the starving peasants.
37. The haughty celebrity acted as if she were better than everyone else in the room.
38. The teacher tried to replace the haughty girl's arrogance with humility.
39. The woman's haughty superiority and wealth made people dislike her.
40. The employee bore the haughty manager's insults with stoic silence.
41. The dictatorial ruler issued haughty decrees without regard for his subjects' wellbeing.
42. The damaged aristocrat acted haughty to hide his own insecurities.
43. The haughty snob looked disdainfully at those in more humble circumstances.
44. The haughty aristocrat gazed imperiously at the ordinary folk.
45. The woman's haughty demeanor concealed deep feelings of self-doubt.
46. The spoiled child had a haughty attitude that badly needed correction.
47. The haughty lord callously ignored the needs of his peasants.
48. The haughty reply angered those in more humble circumstances.
49. The woman's haughty behavior concealed her own insecurities.
50. The workers bore the factory owner's haughty manner with resignation.
51. The haughty attorney dismissed opposing counsel with a contemptuous smile.
52. With haughty disdain, the snobbish woman looked down her nose at the beggar.
53. The haughty tone of the wealthy socialite grated on those with more modest means.
54. Even the haughty monarch eventually faced his own mortality.
55. The haughty celebrity mistreated assistants who tried to correct her behavior.
56. The man's haughty attitude hid deep feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.
57. The haughty doctor gave little thought to the effect of his dismissive manner on patients.
58. The haughty politician viewed constituents with disdain rather than empathy.
59. Despite his haughty manner, the royal had trouble commanding true loyalty.
60. With haughty indifference, the wealthy man ignored those less fortunate.

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