Twainmiddle example sentences

Related (10): mark, intermediate, between, median, center, midway, centrist, in-between, betwixt, mean

"Twainmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The river flowed onward, split in twain, making an island that was the perfect spot for a picnic in the middle.
2. The magician had a trick where he would pull a rabbit out of a hat that was cut in twain in the middle.
3. The hike was difficult because the trail was split in twain by a steep cliff right in the middle.
4. The log was split in twain by the lumberjack's powerful swing, right down the middle.
5. The population was divided in twain by the political issue, creating a deep rift in the middle.
6. He held out his arms and marked the air with a twainmiddle gesture, indicating where he wanted the painting to hang.
7. The old bridge was split in twain at the middle, making it unusable for cars and trucks.
8. They had to leave the car in the middle of the road, with the engine split in twain by some malfunction.
9. In the story, the hero had to choose between two paths, each one split in twain by a fork in the middle.
10. The stained glass window was split in twain by a bolt of lightning that struck it right in the middle.
11. The family argument split the gathering in twain, with half of them on one side and half on the other in the middle of the room.
12. The psychic held her hands out in the air and traced a twainmiddle line with her finger, indicating a vision of an impending catastrophe.
13. The leader of the tribe split the sacrificial goat in twain with a single knife stroke, right down the middle.
14. The border between the two countries was split in twain by an imposing wall that ran right down the middle.
15. The cake was split in twain by the baker's careful cut, revealing the delicious layers of chocolate and cream in the middle.
16. The storm caused the tree to split in twain right in the middle of the trunk, leaving a splintered mess on the ground.
17. The actor made a dramatic gesture, slicing the air in a twainmiddle motion with his hand to emphasize his point.
18. The basketball court was split in twain by a line in the middle, dividing the teams equally.
19. The fence in the backyard was split in twain by a fallen tree limb that landed right in the middle.
20. The violinist drew her bow across the strings in a twainmiddle motion that produced a haunting melody.
21. The train tracks were split in twain by a deep ravine right in the middle, requiring a long and winding bridge to cross.
22. The game of chess involves moving pieces on a board that is split in twain by a line in the middle.
23. The enemy army was split in twain by a sudden attack from the middle, making it easier for the defenders to hold their ground.
24. The painter dipped his brush into the paint and made a twainmiddle stroke across the canvas, creating a bold and colorful design.
25. The argumentative couple split in twain when they couldn't agree on where to eat dinner, standing on opposite sides of the street in the middle of town.
26. The old book was split in twain by a careless reader who didn't handle it with care, causing it to fall apart in the middle of a page.
27. The road was split in twain by a deep pothole in the middle, causing cars to swerve and bounce as they drove over it.
28. The plot of the movie involved two detectives who were split in twain by a difference in philosophy, causing friction between them in the middle of a high-stakes case.
29. The party guests were split in twain by their choice of drink, with some preferring wine and others beer, standing on opposite sides of the room in the middle of the party.
30. The curtains hung in twain in the middle of the window, allowing a shaft of light to beam through and illuminate the room.
31. The singer's voice soared to a high note and then came down in a twainmiddle motion, eliciting cheers and applause from the crowd.
32. The energy in the room was split in twain when the politician made an unpopular statement, causing some people to clap and others to boo in the middle of his speech.
33. The old church was split in twain by a lightning bolt that struck the steeple and split it down the middle, leaving it in ruins.
34. The football field was split in twain by a yellow line that marked the first down distance, separating the teams in the middle of the game.
35. The sculpture was split in twain by a line in the middle that separated the different materials used to create it, giving it a unique and textured appearance.
36. The climbers were split in twain by a sudden rockslide that divided their group right in the middle, leaving some stranded on one side and some on the other.
37. The battlefield was split in twain by a line of trenches that separated the two sides in the middle of the war.
38. The poem ended with a twainmiddle rhyme, bringing together two different words that sounded similar but had different meanings.
39. The building was split in twain by a long hallway that ran down the middle, separating the offices from the meeting rooms.
40. The atom was split in twain by a scientist who discovered the power of nuclear fission, unlocking a new era of technological and scientific progress.

Common Phases

1. We met each other in the twainmiddle of the park;
2. At the twainmiddle of the night, I heard a strange noise;
3. The two teams were tied at the twainmiddle of the game;
4. He found himself at a twainmiddle in his career;
5. The river divided into two streams at the twainmiddle of the forest;
6. The road led us to the twainmiddle of the city;
7. The two lovers met at the twainmiddle of the bridge;
8. The book had a surprising twist at the twainmiddle.

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