Hormone example sentences
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- "Hormone" example sentences
Related (9): estrogen, testosterone, insulin, prolactin, cortisol, oxytocin, adrenalin, thyroxine, melatonin
"Hormone" Example Sentences
1. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that influence the menstrual cycle.
2. Insulin is a hormone that helps control blood sugar levels.
3. The pituitary gland secretes several important hormones.
4. Oxytocin is a hormone that stimulates labor contractions and the letdown of breast milk.
5. Testosterone is the main male sex hormone.
6. The adrenal glands produce cortisol and other hormones that help regulate metabolism.
7. Hormone replacement therapy uses hormones to relieve symptoms of menopause.
8. Adrenaline is a hormone that causes the fight-or-flight response.
9. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and heart rate.
10. The decrease in hormones during menopause causes hot flashes and night sweats.
11. Growth hormone helps kids grow taller during puberty.
12. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates wake and sleep cycles.
13. Hormone imbalance can cause acne, hair loss, and mood changes.
14. Pheromones are hormones that trigger social responses in others.
15. The hypothalamus controls hormone secretion through the pituitary gland.
16. During pregnancy, hormone changes prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding.
17. An overactive thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone.
18. Hormones bind to receptors that activate signaling within cells.
19. Some medications affect the function of hormone-producing glands.
20. Obesity can alter the body's production and response to several hormones.
21. Human growth hormone injections are sometimes prescribed to stimulate growth.
22. Estrogen levels decrease sharply during menopause.
23. A hormone panel blood test measures several important hormone levels.
24. The pancreas secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon.
25. Hormone levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle.
26. High stress levels increase production of stress hormones like cortisol.
27. Ghrelin is a hormone that signals feelings of hunger.
28. Sex hormones regulate the development of secondary sex characteristics.
29. Leptin is a hormone that controls appetite and regulates metabolism.
30. The ovary secretes hormones that cause egg maturation and release.
31. Luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation in females.
32. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates pituitary hormone production.
33. The hypothalamus secretes hormones that regulate thirst and hunger.
34. Sex hormone levels help differentiate male and female body shapes.
35. Changes in hormone balance can cause mood swings and erratic behavior.
36. Gestational diabetes occurs when pregnancy hormones block insulin action.
37. DHEA is a hormone precursor to testosterone and estrogen.
38. Hormone treatment is used for many disorders including infertility and cancer.
39. Suppressing hormone production is a strategy for treating some cancers.
40. Peptide hormones are composed of short chains of amino acids.
41. Hot flashes occur when levels of estrogen and other hormones drop rapidly.
42. Sex hormones affect mood, libido, and other physiological processes.
43. during puberty, hormone changes spark physical and emotional development.
44. Altering hormone levels is a tactic used in non-reproductive birth control methods.
45. excess androgen can cause unusually high levels of body and facial hair in women.
46. High levels of reproductive hormones cause pregnancy symptoms.
47. The hypothalamus secretes hormones that regulate hunger, thirst and body temperature.
48. Infertility is often related to hormonal imbalances.
49. Steroid hormones elicit long-term physiological changes within cells.
50. Hormone changes during menopause cause vaginal atrophy.
51. Gonadotrophins include FSH and LH hormones.
52. Sex hormones influence the development of secondary sex characteristics.
53. Cortisol is a stress hormone released in response to fight-or-flight situations.
54. Synthetic hormones are often used for medical purposes.
55. Progesterone is an important hormone during pregnancy.
56. Chemicals in the environment can disrupt the endocrine system and hormone balance.
57. Early puberty can be a sign of hormone imbalance.
58. Hormone levels dramatically change during pregnancy and after childbirth.
59. Chemical castration uses hormonal agents to decrease sex hormone levels.
60. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed to alleviate menopause side effects.
Common Phases
1. Hormonal imbalance
Hormone levels
Hormone therapy
Hormone production
Hormone release
Hormone secretion
Hormone treatment
8. Sex
9. Stabilize
hormone levels
Hormone replacement therapy
Hormone panel test
Hormone deficiency
13. Increase
hormone levels
14. Fluctuating
15. Balance
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