Humidex example sentences

Related (2): temperature, humidity

"Humidex" Example Sentences

1. The humidex reading at the airport was 40 degrees Celsius.
2. I can't stand the humidex during summer months.
3. The humidex adds an extra layer of discomfort to already hot temperatures.
4. I always check the humidex before going for a run outside.
5. The humidex can make it feel like it's 10 degrees hotter than it actually is.
6. When the humidex is high, it's important to stay hydrated.
7. The humidex level today is quite high, so make sure to take breaks if you're outside.
8. My brother struggles with the humidex and prefers cooler temperatures.
9. The humidex is a measurement of how hot it feels outside, taking into account both temperature and humidity.
10. I never used to pay attention to the humidex until I moved to a more humid climate.
11. Running with a high humidex can be dangerous, so it's important to take precautions.
12. The humidex is often used by meteorologists to advise people to take extra care during extreme heat.
13. It's important to take breaks and rest in air-conditioned spaces when the humidex is high.
14. Some people are more sensitive to the effects of the humidex than others.
15. The humidex can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke if precautions are not taken.
16. It's common for outdoor events to be cancelled or postponed when the humidex is particularly high.
17. The humidex can have a significant impact on the physical performance of athletes during events.
18. When the humidex is high, it's crucial to wear lightweight and breathable clothing.
19. The humidex is calculated by taking the temperature and adding the amount of moisture in the air.
20. The humidex rating is often displayed on weather apps and news broadcasts.
21. Working outside in a high humidex can be taxing on the body and mind.
22. The humidex can affect one's ability to concentrate and think clearly.
23. Temperatures may not be excessively high, but a high humidex can still provide discomfort.
24. The humidex is used in many countries as a measure of how hot it feels outside.
25. A low humidex can make cool weather feel even colder.
26. The humidex can help people make more informed decisions about how to dress and behave in hot weather.
27. The humidex is a useful tool for people who are planning outdoor activities.
28. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a high humidex.
29. It's important to be aware of the humidex when travelling to new locations.
30. Even indoor spaces can feel uncomfortable when the humidex level is high.

Common Phases

1. The humidex is unbearable today;
2. I need to check the humidex before going outside;
3. The humidex makes it feel hotter than it actually is;
4. High humidex values can be dangerous for your health;
5. The humidex is expected to rise throughout the day;
6. I always feel more uncomfortable when the humidex is high;
7. It's important to stay hydrated when the humidex is high;
8. The humidex level is a good indicator of how the weather will feel;
9. I try to stay indoors when the humidex is too high;
10. A low humidex can make the weather feel more enjoyable.

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