Idle example sentences

Related (13): lazy, inactive, dormant, unused, unemployed, unoccupied, stagnant, stationary, motionless, unproductive, unprofitable, fruitless, futile.

"Idle" Example Sentences

1. The car was idling in the parking lot.
2. The workers were idling away the afternoon.
3. The factory was idled due to lack of demand.
4. The machinery idled noisily, unused for years.
5. The bus idled at the stop, waiting for passengers.
6. Please turn off the engine and stop idling.
7. His hands idled aimlessly while he waited.
8. The threat of layoffs idled the workers with fear.
9. The motor idled roughly, in need of a tune up.
10. The boy idled his days away playing video games.
11. The threats had little impact and idled no fear in them.
12. The machines idled away while production was halted.
13. She idled her time browsing social media.
14. The factory idled hundreds of workers during the recession.
15. The law prohibits idling vehicles for more than a minute.
16. His mind idled on thoughts of the past.
17. The politician's promises idled no action.
18. The trailer idled behind the truck at the red light.
19. The student idled through class, not paying attention.
20. The law aims to reduce carbon emissions by decreasing vehicle idling.
21. The motorcycle idled roughly as it waited at the light.
22. The threats idled no fear in the fearless soldier.
23. The economy idled in stagnation during the recession.
24. Idle curiosity prompted her to open the mystery package.
25. Their relationship idled along without much emotion.
26. The bill seeks to cut carbon emissions by limiting vehicle idling.
27. Her fingers idled on the keyboard while she daydreamed.
28. His thoughts idled on memories of the past.
29. idlers will be asked to turn off their engines.
30. The stoplights were idling green, with no traffic in sight.
31. Please do not idle your vehicle unnecessarily.
32. The threats idled no concern for him.
33. The engine idled loudly as the driver waited.
34. She idled away her free time shopping online.
35. The engine idled roughly as the car sat unused.
36. The shift change idled the factory production line.
37. His finger idled unconsciously on the trigger.
38. The program aims to reduce pollution by discouraging vehicle idling.
39. The soldier idly toyed with his weapon while waiting for orders.
40.The equipment idled in the corner, unused for years.
41. The proposal aims to reduce traffic congestion and emissions caused by vehicle idling.
42. The politician's promises idled little confidence.
43. The bored student idled through his classes.
44. Her eyes idled aimlessly over the magazine.
45. The threats idled no fear in her brave spirit.
46. Please do not idle your vehicle for an extended period of time.
47. His mind idled with thoughts of the past.
48. The car's engine idled roughly as it sat in the driveway.
49. His thoughts idled on memories of his youth.
50. The city aims to reduce idling vehicles by enforcing stricter laws.

Common Phases

1. idle away (to spend time in an empty, unproductive manner)
2. idle chatter (casual, insignificant conversation)
3. idle curiosity (curiosity stemming from boredom rather than genuine interest)
4. idle gossip (trivial, unfounded rumors or talk)
5. idle hands (hands with nothing productive to do)
6. idle hours (hours spent doing nothing useful or enjoyable)
7. idle rumor (an unfounded rumor that lacks credibility)
8. idle speculation (groundless theorizing)
9. idle talk (aimless, inconsequential talking)
10. idle threat (a threat that is unlikely to be carried out)
11. idle away one's time (to spend time doing nothing useful or worthwhile)
12. idle moment (a moment spent in inactivity or without purpose)

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