Wander example sentences

Related (14): roam, meander, stray, ramble, drift, stroll, saunter, hike, trek, journey, traverse, walk, amble, gallivant

"Wander" Example Sentences

1. I wandered aimlessly through the forest.
2. The dog wandered into the backyard.
3. Don't wander too far from the campsite.
4. The lost hikers wandered in circles for hours.
5. The thoughts wandered through my mind.
6. The animals wandered through the grass in search of food.
7. He wandered through the museum, admiring the art.
8. My mind began to wander during the long lecture.
9. The child wandered off while her parents were distracted.
10. The stray cat wandered into our yard.
11. The sailors wandered into town after months at sea.
12. The elderly woman wandered the halls of the nursing home.
13. They wandered through the mall, window shopping.
14. The rebels wandered the desert for weeks.
15. Her attention began to wander during the long meeting.
16. The guests wandered through the garden after dinner.
17. I often wander in the woods near my house.
18. The group wandered through the mountains for several days.
19. My thoughts often wander off at work.
20. The nomad wandered the desert in search of water.
21. The prisoner wandered the small courtyard for exercise.
22. We wandered through the field of wildflowers.
23. The train wandered its way through the countryside.
24. The ideas began to wander as I grew tired.
25. The hikers wandered off the main trail by mistake.
26. The boy's eyes began to wander around the room.
27. Children should not be allowed to wander alone outside.
28. The astronauts wandered the surface of the moon.
29. His mind began to wander as he read the boring text.
30. He used to wander the city streets for hours as a teenager.
31. Her mind began to wander as the drug took effect.
32. The exiles wandered for years without a home.
33. The walk helped me to wander my worries away.
34. My imagination began to wander during the quiet moment.
35. The animals wandered the plains in search of prey.
36. The old man often wandered the park reminiscing.
37. The discussion began to wander into irrelevance.
38. The cows wandered the pasture, grazing peacefully.
39. The friends wandered the streets debating life.
40. Her thoughts wandered to happier times as she daydreamed.
41. Let's wander down by the lake before we head home.
42. Nightfall found the soldiers still wandering the desert.
43. The spies wandered the embassy grounds under cover of darkness.
44. The music helped my thoughts to wander freely.
45. The mind can wander to strange places late at night.
46. His eyes wandered the room as he searched for an exit.
47. The ship began to wander off course in the storm.
48. The tourists wandered from shop to shop in the market.
49. The refugees wandered the streets seeking shelter.
50. The conversation soon began to wander off track.
51. We wandered the country roads for hours.
52. He couldn't help but let his mind wander during the boring lecture.
53. The discussion soon began to wander from the topic at hand.
54. The nomads wandered the desert in search of grazing land for their animals.
55. The lost child began to wander in circles, crying.
56. Her thoughts often wander to that special place from her childhood.
57. The puppies wandered out of the yard and into the street.
58. The horse wandered freely in the pasture.
59. The bored children began to wander around the classroom.
60. His eyes wandered toward the window as he daydreamed.

Common Phases

1. The little boy began to wander away from his parents.
2. She tended to wander around the shops while her husband focused on what he needed to buy.
3. I often wander through the park on my days off.
4. The hikers had to watch the little boy closely to make sure he didn't wander off the trail.
5. My thoughts began to wander as the lecture continued.
6. The homeless man wandered the streets at night looking for shelter.
7. The dog wandered up to us, wagging its tail and looking for affection.
8. I like to wander along the shoreline and collect seashells.
9. The zookeeper has to make sure none of the animals wander out of their enclosures.
10. The older gentleman would often wander downtown and chat with the shopkeepers.
11. The desert traveller had to be careful not to wander off the beaten path.
12. The small town was peaceful, a place people wandered through on a leisurely afternoon stroll.
13. As a kid, I used to wander the halls of the museum for hours, gazing at the exhibits.
14. The tourists were allowed to wander freely through the gardens.
15. The cowboy wandered from town to town looking for work.
16. The astronauts had to be tethered so they would not wander away from the space station during their space walk.
17. I tend to wander around the aisles multiple times when I go grocery shopping.
18. My mind began to wander as I stared out the car window at the countryside.
19. They wandered the midnight streets looking for someplace to eat.
20. The elderly gentleman would wander around his neighborhood every afternoon, greeting people as he passed by.
21. The young couple wandered slowly through the farmer's market, taking in all the sights and smells.
22. The boy likes to wander through the woods by himself, enjoying the peace and quiet.
23. Visitors were allowed to wander freely through the art museum.
24. The postman wandered from house to house, delivering the mail.
25. Her steps began to wander as she neared the end of the marathon.
26. We wandered the bookstore aisles in search of something new to read.
27. The cat wandered into the house through the open door and made itself at home.
28. The travelers wandered the crowded market stalls searching for souvenirs.
29. Our conversation began to wander as we caught up on all the news.
30. The little girl liked to wander around the garden, discovering new flowers every day.
31. The spelunkers had to be careful not to wander off the path through the cave system.
32. Her thoughts began to wander as she stared out at the ocean waves.
33. We wandered through the old neighborhood, reminiscing about when we were kids.
34. The cow wandered away from the herd and got lost in the woods.
35. The herd of bison tended to wander over large areas of land as they grazed.
36. The free-spirited teenager liked to wander the streets at night with her friends.
37. Let's wander through the market and see if anything catches your eye.
38. They wandered through the corn maze trying to find their way out.
39. The curtain began to wander from its rod and needed to be reattached.
40. His mind began to wander as he sat through the long, boring meeting.
41. I tend to wander the aisles in bookstores and lose track of time.
42. The puppies wandered all over the backyard exploring every inch of the new space.
43. The strangers who wandered through this desert town rarely stayed for long.
44. The children wandered through the field chasing butterflies and picking wildflowers.
45. Her thoughts began to wander to her childhood home as she stared at the old photo album.
46. The teen was prone to wander aimlessly around the neighborhood with no particular destination in mind.
47. The tramp wandered from town to town, working odd jobs when he could find them.
48. They wandered from store to store searching for presents for each other.
49. My mind began to wander as I watched the waves crash onto the shore.
50. She wandered the huge, crowded market in search of the perfect souvenir.
51. The herd started to wander as the grazing land became less abundant.
52. As I grew older I began to wander further away from home on my adventures.
53. We tend to wander through the department stores trying on fancy clothes we'll never buy.
54. The character's thoughts began to wander as he sat staring into the campfire.
55. The man tends to wander around his small town, stopping to chat with anyone he sees.
56. Their conversation began to wander between various unrelated topics.
57. The road sign had begun to wander from its post due to the fierce windstorm.
58. Let's wander through the old neighborhoods and see what has changed.
59. His steps began to wander as he grew tired on the long hike.
60. My mind tends to wander during boring lectures and meetings.

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