Impatit example sentences

Related (6): impatient, impatience, impetuous, impulse, impulsive, impetuousness

"Impatit" Example Sentences

1. The impatient child couldn't wait to open his birthday present.
2. Her impatience was evident as she tapped her foot and checked her watch repeatedly.
3. The line at the supermarket was moving slowly, and impatience grew among the customers.
4. He was impatit to start the race and kept pacing back and forth.
5. I could sense the impatience in his voice as he asked when the project would be completed.
6. Impatience is not a virtue, and it often leads to mistakes being made.
7. She was impatit to see her fiancé, who had been away for months on business.
8. Waiting for the train, he became increasingly impatit and checked his phone for the time.
9. His impatit nature often clashed with his laid-back coworkers.
10. The teacher tried to calm the impatience of her students, reminding them that good things come to those who wait.
11. Impatience can cause us to miss important details and overlook critical information.
12. She was impatit to hear back from the job interview and constantly checked her email for news.
13. His impatience was evident when he stormed out of the meeting halfway through.
14. Impatit with the long commute, he decided to move closer to work.
15. Waiting in traffic made her impatit, but she knew honking wouldn't make it go any faster.
16. The impatience of the toddler was understandable, but his tantrum was difficult to manage.
17. The coach knew that his impatit reaction to mistakes was not helping the team.
18. She was impatit with the slow service at the restaurant and decided to leave.
19. Impatience is often a symptom of anxiety, and can lead to a vicious cycle of stress.
20. His impatience with the slow progress of the project led him to take risky shortcuts.
21. Impatit with the slow internet speed, he considered switching providers.
22. She tried to hide her impatience as her patient continued to ramble on.
23. His impatit personality made it difficult for him to relax and enjoy life.
24. Impatience is often seen as a sign of assertiveness, but can also come across as rude and inconsiderate.
25. She was impatit with herself for not catching the mistake earlier.
26. His impatience with the process of learning made him susceptible to frustration.
27. Impatit with the clutter in her house, she decided to hire a professional organizer.
28. The CEO's impatience with his underlings led to a high-pressure work environment.
29. She felt impatit with the slow pace of life in her small hometown.
30. Impatience can be a useful trait in certain situations, but should be balanced with patience and reflection.

Common Phases

1. I'm getting impatit with waiting for this to happen;
2. Impatit people usually struggle to maintain their composure in long lines;
3. She was becoming increasingly impatit with her slow progress;
4. Impatit drivers often make risky decisions on the road;
5. I need to reign in my impatience and take things one step at a time.

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