Incapacity example sentences

Related (8): disability, ineptitude, impotence, incompetence, handicap, weakness, paralysis, inability

"Incapacity" Example Sentences

1. The accident left him with partial incapacity in his legs.
2. The prolonged illness led to his incapacity to work.
3. His physical incapacity prevented him from performing many tasks.
4. Her mental incapacity meant she needed round the clock care.
5. The committee reviewed his incapacity claim.
6. The doctor assessed her incapacity to determine disability benefits.
7. Her parents worried about her increasing mental incapacity.
8. His incapacity and inability to care for himself put a strain on his family.
9. We filed for disability benefits due to his mental incapacity.
10. She applied for financial aid due to her complete incapacity.
11. His physical incapacity confined him to a wheelchair.
12. Her mental incapacity left her unable to live independently.
13. The accident resulted in permanent physical incapacity.
14. He hired someone to help him due to his increasing physical incapacity.
15. They applied for benefits due to her mental incapacity.
16. The doctors warned his family of his deteriorating mental state and increasing incapacity.
17. The doctor determined that her mental incapacity made her completely dependent.
18. Her mental incapacity made her vulnerable and at risk of abuse.
19. His increasing physical incapacity meant he needed assistance for daily tasks.
20. The stroke left him with severe physical and mental incapacity.
21. The committee approved his claim for benefits due to his mental incapacity.
22. Due to his mental incapacity, he was unable to manage his finances.
23. The accident resulted in her profound and permanent physical incapacity.
24. Her mental incapacity prevented her from living independently.
25. He relies on government assistance due to his mental incapacity.
26. The judge ruled that he lacked legal capacity due to his mental incapacity.
27. His mental incapacity made him unable to care for himself.
28. Her physical incapacity left her trapped at home.
29. His mental and physical incapacity made him completely dependent on others.
30. She was deemed legally incompetent due to her mental incapacity.
31. His complete physical incapacity made him unable to work.
32. His mental and physical incapacity requires round the clock care.
33. She struggled with the limitations caused by her mental incapacity.
34. The doctor declared him mentally incapacitated.
35. They tried to help him cope with his increasing physical and mental incapacity.
36. His physical and mental incapacity worried his family.
37. He was unable to break free from his mental and physical incapacity.
38. Her legal incapacity left her unable to make her own decisions.
39. The judge ruled that she was mentally incapacitated.
40. The doctor ordered therapy to help her cope with her mental incapacity.
41. His increasing physical incapacity made helping him increasingly challenging.
42. Their mental incapacity left them unable to live independently.
43. His mental incapacity trapped him in his delusions and paranoia.
44. She struggled with the isolation and depression caused by her mental incapacity.
45. His mental and physical incapacity rendered him helpless.
46. The doctor declared her mentally incapacitated and recommended a legal guardian.
47. Her prolonged incapacity left her increasingly anxious and withdrawn.
48. His incapacity captured the sad fragility of the human condition.
49. Their legal incapacity required a court appointed guardian.
50. The doctor declared him mentally incapacitated and unable to manage his affairs.
51. His mental incapacity robbed him of independence and dignity.
52. The prolonged incapacity left her increasingly frustrated and despondent.
53. His mental incapacity made him an easy target for exploitation.
54. His mental incapacity left him unable to comprehend reality.
55. His complete incapacity left him completely dependent on others.
56. Her mental incapacity seemed to trap her in a state of perpetual delusion.
57. Their legal incapacity required supervised care.
58. His family feared the effects of his prolonged incapacity.
59. His mental and physical incapacity rendered him almost childlike.
60. The judge ruled her mentally incapacitated and appointed a legal guardian.

Common Phases

1. His incapacity to make decisions quickly stalled the project.
2. The company provided her with paid medical leave due to her temporary incapacity.
3. Her disablement and incapacity to work resulted in financial difficulties for the family.
4. The doctor recommended a medical incapacity leave for his severe depression and anxiety disorder.
5. She received permanent incapacity benefits after her work accident.
6. The governance crisis revealed the incapacity of the political leadership.
7. He filed for incapacity benefits as he was unable to work anymore.
8. Their moral incapacity to do the right thing horrified the community.
9. The injury left him with partial incapacity and he needed assistive devices.
10. The law protects workers with disabilities and medical incapacity.
11. His mental incapacity prevented him from living independently.
12. The treaty allowed for prisoners of war due to physical incapacity.
13. The family struggled with the emotional and financial toll of her mental incapacity.
14. The old factory had to close down due to the economic incapacity of the owners.
15. She retired early due to medical incapacity.
16. His cognitive incapacity hindered his academic performance.
17. The company was sued for failing to make reasonable accommodations for employees with physical incapacity.
18. Her temporary incapacity meant she needed help with taking care of her young children.
19. Her severe mental incapacity required 24 hour supervision.
20. The doctor evaluated his physical incapacity to determine disability benefits.
21. His rational incapacity to see reason frustrated his colleagues.
22. The bureaucratic incapacity caused inefficiency and waste.
23. She suffered temporary incapacity after surgery and was on medical leave.
24. The court ruled that his mental incapacity made him incapable of managing his own affairs.
25. His creative incapacity prevented him from dreaming up new designs.
26. The proposal seeks to provide social welfare for people with severe physical incapacity.
27. Her intellectual incapacity made learning new concepts challenging.
28. The government provides financial assistance for citizens suffering total and permanent incapacity.
29. The miner received compensation for his permanent partial incapacity due to the work injury.
30. The proposed bill aims to protect workers from unjust dismissal due to medical incapacity.
31. Her incapacity to admit fault caused conflict in their relationship.
32. The medical assessment determined her functional incapacity and recommended work modifications.
33. His auditory incapacity required the use of a hearing aid and assistive technology.
34. Their moral incapacity fueled their unethical behavior.
35. The insurance covered lost wages due to temporary incapacity.
36. The tragic accident left him with 80% total permanent incapacity.
37. She took an incapacity leave following her surgery and chemotherapy treatments.
38. The bill seeks to improve access to higher education for students with learning incapacity.
39. The group advocates for the rights of people with physical and intellectual incapacity.
40. His communication incapacity created obstacles in social settings.
41. The government study found widespread educational incapacity in deprived areas.
42. The poorly funded health system was unable to provide adequate care for patients with severe medical incapacity.
43. His physical incapacity limited his ability to work.
44. She planned on retiring early due to declining health and medical incapacity.
45. The vision incapacity left him unable to drive or work in front of a computer screen.
46. Their gross intellectual incapacity was on full display during the debate.
47. The family's financial incapacity prevented them from paying medical bills.
48. His reduced earning capacity due to incapacity was considered in the divorce settlement.
49. The law required employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities or medical incapacity.
50. She applied for total and permanent incapacity benefits after the terminal cancer diagnosis.
51. The severe sensory incapacity left him isolated and cut off from the world.
52. Local authorities failed to provide adequate social services for citizens suffering medical incapacity.
53. The proposal seeks to improve support for at-risk youth with mental health and behavioral incapacity.
54. His emotional incapacity prevented him from forming healthy relationships.
55. Work incapacity benefits are provided for employees unable to work due to illness or disability.
56. Their global intellectual incapacity made a reasoned debate impossible.
57. His functional incapacity was so severe that he needed round-the-clock care.
58. The psychologist evaluated his cognitive incapacity to determine eligibility for disability benefits.
59. The law aimed to protect the legal rights of citizens suffering from mental incapacity.
60. The care home provided residential support for adults with severe intellectual incapacity.

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