Indiscerniblemodif example sentences

Related (10): unnoticeable, imperceptible, unclear, ambiguous, indistinct, undefined, vague, inconspicuous, faint, elusive

"Indiscerniblemodif" Example Sentences

1. The handwriting on the document was indiscernible, making it difficult to decipher.
2. The subtle changes in the design were indiscernible to the naked eye.
3. The difference in taste between the two dishes was indiscernible.
4. The variation in color was indiscernible in the dimly lit room.
5. His accent was indiscernible, making it hard to tell where he was from.
6. The markings on the map were indiscernible, rendering it useless.
7. The sound quality was indiscernible between the two speakers.
8. The camera's autofocus was indiscernible, causing blurry shots.
9. The scent was indiscernible, leaving me unsure if the perfume was still good.
10. The texture of the fabric was indiscernible from a distance.
11. The difference in temperature was indiscernible, making the measurements inaccurate.
12. The taste of the water was indiscernible from tap to bottled.
13. The handwriting was so small it was almost indiscernible.
14. The difference in quality was indiscernible when comparing the two products.
15. The change in the recipe was indiscernible to most people.
16. The slight variation in paint color was indiscernible until they were side by side.
17. The difference in volume was indiscernible, despite the new speaker system.
18. The difference in weight was indiscernible, making them equally suitable for the task.
19. The joke was indiscernible to those who didn't understand the language.
20. The acceleration was indiscernible, making it hard to tell if the car was moving at all.
21. The data showed an indiscernible trend, making it hard to draw any conclusions.
22. The slight dent in the car was indiscernible to the untrained eye.
23. The difference in performance was indiscernible to the average user.
24. The change in formula was indiscernible, leaving customers unaware of any alterations.
25. The difference in size was indiscernible but still noticeable upon close inspection.
26. The error in code was indiscernible, causing the program to malfunction.
27. The slight variation in lighting was indiscernible, but still affected the mood of the room.
28. The change in hairstyle was indiscernible to most people.
29. The difference in material was indiscernible to the touch.
30. The difference in taste was indiscernible until one dish was analyzed more closely.

Common Phases

1. The difference was indiscernible at first;
2. The details were indiscernible under the dim lighting;
3. The changes made were indiscernible to the average eye;
4. The text was indiscernible because of the small font size;
5. The colors used were indiscernible due to their similarity;
6. The distinction between the two items was indiscernible;
7. The writing was indiscernible due to the poor handwriting;
8. The noise was indiscernible because of its low volume;
9. The odor was indiscernible until you got closer;
10. The alterations made were indiscernible to the untrained eye.

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