Inexactness example sentences

Related (10): imprecision, unreliability, approximation, fallibility, ambiguity, vagueness, uncertainty, error, inconsistency, indistinctness

"Inexactness" Example Sentences

1. The data showed a high degree of inexactness due to measurement errors.
2. The ambiguity and inexactness of the terms led to confusion.
3. The estimates were understood to have considerable inexactness.
4. Our ignorance and inexactness regarding many things must be kept in mind.
5. His approximative reasoning showed a large amount of inexactness.
6. The results were reported with sufficient caveats regarding their inexactness.
7. The words often have great inexactness because they suggest multiple meanings.
8. Critics pointed to the inexactness of the calculations used to reach the conclusion.
9. The approximations rely on many factors with uncertain values, leading to inexactness.
10. The survey had a margin of error showing the inherent inexactness of the data.
11. When dealing with large numbers, a degree of inexactness is tolerable.
12. Precision requires minimizing inexactness, vagueness, and ambiguity.
13. Estimates by their very nature imply a measure of inexactness.
14. The hypothesis depended on an assessment with an unspecifiable degree of inexactness.
15. That which is vague and inexact leads to confusion and misunderstanding.
16. The inexact nature of the measurements led to variable results.
17. The judge's instructions relied on words of imprecise meaning, leading to inexactness.
18. The research uncovered areas of fundamental inexactness in previous studies.
19. All language contains some measure of inexactness due to polysemy and ambiguity.
20. Vague language should be avoided to minimize inexactness and potential confusion.
21. The crudeness of the tools led to a large margin of inexactness in the measurements.
22. The blurriness of the image was a source of inexactness that could not be fully accounted for.
23. The simplistic model had limitations and inaccuracies that became apparent with repeated use and inexactness.
24. The claim relied on estimates suspected of containing significant inexactness.
25. The plan depended too much on factors subject to a high degree of inexactness.
26. Approximations and generalizations inherently contain some measure of inexactness.
27. Reducing inexactness required finding more precise terms, measurements and parameters.
28. The poet embraced the inexactness of metaphor and symbolism to convey deeper truth.
29. Imprecise language and vague concepts lead to confusion and erroneous conclusions due to their inherent inexactness.
30. Inexactness should be reduced wherever possible through greater precision, specificity and exactitude.
31. Scientists try to minimize inexactness through refined measurements and more narrowly defined terminology.
32. Crude instruments will inevitably produce results with a higher degree of inexactness.
33. Inexactness poses a challenge to systematic reasoning that relies on logical consistency.
34. The claim relied on data subject to a large and unspecifiable margin of inexactness.
35. The generalizations contained an inexactness that limited their applicability in specific cases.
36. Reducing the inexactness in our terms, concepts and measurements improves the reliability of our theories and conclusions.
37. Any approximation inherently contains an unknown degree of inexactness.
38. Ethical teachings often have an inexactness that allows for latitude in interpretation.
39. Conclusions based on observations subject to large margins of error carry a measure of inexactness.
40. Inexactness arises from error, vagueness, ambiguity and uncertainty within our terms, concepts and measurements.
41. Metaphors allow for a degree of inexactness while conveying meaning in imaginative ways.
42. Inexactness can lead to misunderstanding when precision is required.
43. The calculator introduced inexactness due to rounding and truncation of decimal values.
44. Although models can be useful, their inherent inexactness should always be kept in mind.
45. Inexactness can reveal gaps in our knowledge and understanding that invite further exploration.
46. Precision tools and instruments reduce inexactness in measurements and observations.
47. Generalizations inherently contain a degree of inexactness that limits their applicability in specific cases.
48. Approximations inherently include some measure of acceptable inexactness.
49. Inexactness can undermine confidence in conclusions based on faulty or unclear premises.
50. Language must tolerate some degree of inexactness to have meaning and communicate efficiently.
51. Inexactness should be minimized wherever it might lead to erroneous reasoning or action.
52. Metaphors allow poetic inexactness while communicating truth by suggestion and association.
53. Precise measurements reduce subjective inexactness in scientific research.
54. Inexactness becomes problematic when precision is required but not attained.
55. Subjective terms introduce inexactness that invites different interpretations.
56. Judges tried to minimize ambiguity and inexactness in their jury instructions.
57. Inexactness arises from imprecise measurements, limited knowledge and vagueness of expression.
58. Scientists try minimize inexactness wherever it can hinder progress or understanding.
59. Jury instructions were revised to reduce inexactness and ambiguity in key terms.
60. Excessive mathematical inexactness renders calculations unreliable and useless.

Common Phases

1. The inexactness of the language does not allow for an exact description of the concept.
2. Due to the inexactness of memory, the witness's recollection of events may not be entirely accurate.
3. The data is prone to inexactness due to human error in collecting the measurements.
4. The map showed several geographic inaccuracies that revealed its inexactness.
5. They complained about the inexactness of the information provided to them.
6. He criticized the experiment due to the variables' inexactness.
7. The measurement's inexactness resulted in significant error in the calculation.
8. The approximate nature of language leads to some inherent inexactness in meaning.
9. The witness's testimony was called into question because of its perceived inexactness.
10. The calculation suffers from inexactness due to the use of rounded numbers.
11. The model relied heavily on assumptions, revealing its inherent inexactness.
12. The forecast's inexactness stemmed from a lack of sufficient data.
13. The suspect claimed the witness's identification was unreliable due to its inherent inexactness.
14. Critics pointed out the inexactness of the survey's methodology.
15. Due to little information, historical accounts are often marred by inexactness.
16. They complained about the inexactness of the map and its lack of key details.
17. The theorist was criticized for the inexactness of his many hypotheses.
18. Government statistics are prone to inexactness due to methodology and reporting issues.
19. The theory's inexactness arose from the lack of measurable evidence to support it.
20. The translation suffered from inexactness due to gaps in the knowledge of cultural nuances.
21. The poll's inexactness called into question its usefulness and validity.
22. The news report was riddled with factual inexactness.
23. The lawyer argued that the eyewtiness's testimony was tainted by perceptual inexactness.
24. Bias and imprecise methodology contributed to the study's statistical inexactness.
25. The experiment's results were inconclusive due to the inexactness of the measurements.
26. Errors in data collection led to substantive inexactness in the research findings.
27. Critics complained about the inexactness of definitions used in the study.
28. The storyteller's penchant for exaggeration led to an inexactness of details in his tales.
29. The researcher struggled to calibrate his instruments to reduce measurement inexactness.
30. His tendency towards exaggeration led others to question the inexactness of his claims.
31. The apparent inexactness in his descriptions calls into question his credibility as a historian.
32. The painting revealed the artist's inexactness in rendering certain anatomical details.
33. The composer struggled to notate rhythms with mathematical precision due to the inexactness of spoken language.
34. The photographer achieved precise imagery despite the inherent inexactness of her chosen medium.
35. His careless writing style led others to criticize the factual inexactness of his novels.
36. The professor urged students to minimize inexactness in their use of technical terms.
37. Her imprecise wording created an inexactness of meaning that confused readers.
38. The general complained about the inexactness of intelligence that hampered military planning.
39. They argued that the estimates were inherently inexact due to insufficient data.
40. His words were filled with the kind of inexactness that undermines credibility.
41. The sketch revealed the inexactness of the artist's attempt at realism.
42. The mathematician spent years refining definitions to minimize analytic inexactness.
43. Even the most careful scientist must contend with operational inexactness.
44. The historian lamented the many gaps and inexactness in the historical record.
45. The passage's inexactness created ambiguity and confusion for readers.
46. The memoir's overuse of hyperbole called into question the factual inexactness of the events described.
47. The poet struggled to achieve precision while hewing to the inexactness inherent in poetic language.
48. Critics complained that the biography's many factual errors revealed the author's inexactness as a historian.
49. The researcher chose her words carefully to minimize interpretive inexactness.
50. The ethnographer struggled to reconcile scientific exactness with cultural inexactness.
51. She criticized the excessive use of metaphor due to its interpretive inexactness.
52. His memoir was written in a spirit of poetic inexactness that enhanced rather than detracted from its truthfulness.
53. The professor stressed the importance of minimizing technical inexactness in scholarly writing.
54. Critics charged that the philosopher's theories suffered from conceptual inexactness.
55. The scientist had a profound respect for empirical data that minimized theoretical inexactness.
56. I struggled to understand the poem due to the seeming inexactness of its language.
57. Journalists bemoaned the inexactness of government statistics that purported to explain national trends.
58. The lack of historical records led to much inexactness in understandings of ancient civilizations.
59. Scientific discourse aims for precision while recognizing inherent epistemological inexactness.
60. The severe penalties reflected the government's intolerance for even minor factual inexactness.

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