Ire example sentences

Related (9): anger, rage, fury, indignation, wrath, irefulness, exasperation, annoyance, vexation.

"Ire" Example Sentences

1. The politician's remarks stirred up ire among his opponents.
2. Her constant criticism provoked the ire of her coworkers.
3. The girl's impertinence aroused the teacher's ire.
4. The proposal elicited little ire from the public.
5. The court ruling did nothing to appease the plaintiff's ire.
6. The columnist faced ire from readers for her controversial opinions.
7. His dishonesty caused ire among his former colleagues.
8. Her laughter unleashed the man's ire.
9. The commentator's opinion piece aroused much ire on social media.
10. The football coach's post-game tirade stoked the ire of the officials.
11. The instructor's unfair grading policy incited the students' ire.
12. He spoke out against the policy to the great ire of his superiors.
13. The extreme measures provoked the townspeople's ire.
14. The politician's remarks kindled ire among his critics.
15. The senator expressed his ire over the bill during the floor debate.
16. The football player's harsh hit drew the ire of the opposing team.
17. The decision to increase taxes sparked ire among voters.
18. The spoiled child's constant demands incited his parents' ire.
19. The protesters expressed their ire over the new law.
20. The fire captain spoke out against the new budget to the ire of city officials.
21. The criticism provoked the author's deep ire.
22. The treacherous act incited the woman's ire.
23. The coach's stern lecture unleashed the player's ire.
24. The man's rude behavior aroused the woman's ire.
25. The judge's verdict did little to quell the defendant's ire.
26. The priest's condemnation kindled ire in the sinners' hearts.
27. The underhanded political tactics stirred up much ire in the race.
28. The journalist's confrontational interview style had stirred up a great deal of ire among celebrities.
29. The police officer spoke out against the chief's policy to the great ire of her superiors.
30. The board's strict new rules sparked great ire among parents.
31. The writer's inflammatory opinion piece aroused much ire among readers.
32. His rude remarks elicited the woman's ire.
33. The unprecedented measures sparked ire among citizens.
34. The teacher's unfair grading policy kindled the students' ire.
35. The rude remarks incited the man's ire.
36. The government's austerity measures provoked ire among citizens.
37. The accusations elicited the politician's ire.
38. The controversial new law aroused much ire from the public.
39. The man's dishonesty provoked the woman's ire.
40. The judge was fair yet firm in the face of the defendant's ire.
41. The announcement stirred up deep ire among stockholders.
42. The unethical practices incited the public's ire.
43. The ruthless attack stirred up ire within the enemy camp.
44. The disrespectful remarks unleashed the woman's ire.
45. The controversial decision aroused ire from fans and players alike.
46. Her harsh words kindled his ire.
47. The ruling did little to appease the plaintiff's ire.
48. The dishonor provoked the man's deep ire.
49. The hypocrisy provoked the woman's ire.
50. The unfair policy incited the professor's ire.
51. His callous comments unleashed the woman's ire.
52. The fire captain's critique of the new budget aroused the ire of city officials.
53. The defendant expressed her ire over the unfair trial.
54. The young man's rude behavior incited the woman's ire.
55. The reporter's antagonistic questions provoked the celebrity's ire.
56. The misguided decision elicited ire from the community.
57. The media personality's acerbic tongue aroused much ire among her critics.
58. The senator's remarks sparked ire from opponents.
59. The extreme punishment incited the prisoner's ire.
60. The unjust verdict provoked the defendant's ire.

Common Phases

1. The soldier's actions provoked the ire of his commanding officer.
2. The man's constant complaining aroused the ire of his coworkers.
3. The decision sparked public ire and criticism.
4. The scandal has drawn the ire of lawmakers.
5. Her comment stirred the ire of those who disagreed with her stance.
6. His arguments did nothing to quell the rising ire of the audience.
7. The high cost of living continues to fan the flames of public ire.
8. Her actions roused the ire of her parents.
9. The rude behavior drew the ire of onlookers.
10. The news report stoked the smoldering ire of the protesters.
11. The policies have come under the public ire due to their negative impact.
12. Ireland's contested history with Britain continues to fuel nationalist ire.
13. The celebrity's insensitive remarks sparked widespread ire on social media.
14. The harsh treatment of refugees incited the ire of humanitarian groups.
15. The faulty product ignited the ire of dissatisfied customers.
16. Her biting remark provoked my ire at the time.
17. The greedy executive drew the public's ire for his excessive salary.
18. The announcement managed to ignite ire on all sides of the issue.
19. His insensitive jokes aroused the ire of his coworkers.
20. The official's unethical behavior invited the ire of his superiors.
21. The political opponent's baseless accusations provoked my ire.
22. The strong measures drew the ire of civil liberties groups.
23. The rising cost of food and gas has stoked the ire of inflation-weary consumers.
24. The greedy banks have become the focus of public ire for fueling the economic crisis.
25. The book's controversial stance stirred up a lot of ire from critics.
26. Her public criticisms drew the ire of her colleagues.
27. The divisive comments stoked the ire of those on both sides of the political spectrum.
28. The high fees incurred the ire of dissatisfied customers.
29. The frivolous lawsuit attracted public ire.
30. The instance of police brutality provoked widespread public ire.
31. The mismanaged project aroused the ire of supervisors.
32. His pompous attitude provoked my ire during the meeting.
33. The unpopular celebrity invited public ire for her insensitive remarks.
34. Her rude behavior incurred the ire of onlookers.
35. The traffic infringement incurred the ire of the police officer.
36. The decision stoked consumer ire due to higher costs.
37. The hasty decision aroused the ire of those depending on the program.
38. Her tone provoked my ire during our conversation.
39. The government's heavy-handed crackdown incurred human rights groups' ire.
40. The company's shady business practices have drawn the ire of regulators.
41. The harsh law provoked the ire of civil rights groups.
42. The political gaffes attracted the ire of opponents.
43. His disruptive behavior aroused the ire of his teachers.
44. The unfair policy incited public ire.
45. The insensitive remark provoked my ire at the time.
46. The corrupt politician drew public ire for his unethical conduct.
47. His patronizing attitude provoked my ire.
48. The harsh critique stoked the author's ire.
49. The condescending tone aroused my ire during our interaction.
50. The unjust laws invoked the ire of human rights activists.
51. The underhanded business tactics aroused public ire.
52. The black mark incident incurred my ire at the time.
53. The strict rules invoked student ire.
54. The tone-deaf remark incurred widespread public ire.
55. The cancellation of the program aroused the ire of subscribers.
56. The rude gesture elicited the ire of onlookers.
57. The stubborn attitude incurred my ire during our argument.
58. The outrageous fee provoked the customer's ire.
59. The deceptive marketing sparked public ire.
60. The insensitive comment aroused the ire of his coworkers.

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