Jerrycan example sentences

Related (12): Fuel, gasoline, petrol, diesel, container, storage, transportation, military, army, NATO, Blitzkreig, Wehrmacht.

"Jerrycan" Example Sentences

1. He filled the jerrycan with water from the well.
2. The soldiers carried jerrycans full of petrol.
3. She pulled the jerrycan on its wheels behind her across the desert.
4. The fuel leak was coming from a rust hole in the jerrycan.
5. They stored extra jerrycans of fuel in the shed.
6. The hikers took several jerrycans of water with them for the long hike.
7. The relief workers distributed jerrycans of drinking water to the villagers.
8. The jerrycans of water were lashed to the camel's back.
9. The refugees had to carry all their belongings, including jerrycans of water, for miles.
10. The survivalist kept dozens of jerrycans of fuel and water in his bunker.
11. The farmer filled his jerrycans from the irrigation pump every morning.
12. They smelled petrol fumes coming from the damaged jerrycan.
13. The aid worker checked each jerrycan of water for contamination before distributing it.
14. The generator needed a steady supply of fuel from the jerrycans.
15. The villagers collected rainwater in jerrycans to drink and cook with.
16. Security searched her bags and found the hidden jerrycan of fuel.
17. The jerrycans were covered in dust from traveling across the desert.
18. He stored water in various jerrycans around his bunker.
19. They used rags soaked in petrol from a jerrycan to start the campfire.
20. The fireman filled buckets and jerrycans of water from the fire hydrant.
21. The border guards were suspicious of the jerrycans being brought across.
22. The supplies included boxes of food and stacks of jerrycans.
23. The air that smelled of fuel vapor from the leaky jerrycans gave him a headache.
24. The truck carried stacks of jerrycans filled with water and food to the disaster area.
25. She suspected foul play when she saw the jerrycans hidden under a tarp in the bushes.
26. They used a length of rope to carry the heavy jerrycan on their shoulders.
27. They spent days hauling jerrycans of water to the drought-stricken villages.
28. She fetched her man a drink from the jerrycan of water.
29. The survivalist's basement was filled with shelves stocked with cans of food and rows of jerrycans.
30. When the power went out, he used fuel from the jerrycan to run the generator.
31. The workers checked all the jerrycans before loading them onto the truck.
32. The paint on the jerrycan was peeling, revealing patches of corroded metal.
33. All the jerrycans were inspected and topped off with fuel before the journey.
34. The terrorist cell was stockpiling weapons and jerrycans of explosives.
35. The children splashed in water from an overturned jerrycan.
36. The parched camels rushed over when they saw the jerrycans of water.
37. They poured fuel from the jerrycan into the motorcycle's tank.
38. The gas siphoned from the jerrycans was used to make explosives.
39. The troops' supply convoy included trucks filled with jerrycans of fuel, water and rations.
40. The supply of fuel in the jerrycans would not last much longer.
41. The jerrycans were lashed to the sides of the vehicle for the journey.
42. The conman advertised jerrycans of clean drinking water for sale to the desperate refugees.
43. They tested the lid of the jerrycan for leaks before filling it with fuel.
44. The parched ground smelled of fuel from overturned jerrycans.
45. After filling the jerrycans, they secured them tightly and double-checked for leaks.
46. He sloshed fuel from the jerrycan onto the bonfire.
47. The militia loaded ammunition and jerrycans of fuel onto their trucks.
48. The jerrycan would come in handy when they ran out of bottled water.
49. He caught a whiff of the sour odor emanating from the old jerrycan of crude oil.
50. The floor was sticky from spilled fuel that had leaked from rusty old jerrycans.
51. The convoy included trucks carrying several dozen stacked jerrycans.
52. They filled the jerrycans to the brim to maximize their fuel supply.
53. She salvaged an old jerrycan to collect rainwater.
54. The beggar asked passersby for money to buy fuel for his empty jerrycans.
55. The locals used jerrycans to collect and store water between well visits.
56. He found the hidden stash of jerrycans filled with petrol in the bushes.
57. The fisherman kept jerrycans of water and fuel on his small boat.
58. The rusty old jerrycans were covered in dents and scrapes.
59. He scrubbed out the rust inside the old jerrycan before filling it with clean water.
60. They covered the jerrycans of fuel with a tarp in the back of the pickup truck.

Common Phases

1. Fill up the jerrycans.
2. Check the jerrycans for leaks.
3. Secure the jerrycans.
4. Top off the jerrycans.
5. Carry the jerrycans.
6. Stack the jerrycans.
7. Replace the jerrycans.
8. Scrub out old jerrycans.
9. Store fuel in jerrycans.
10. Collect water in jerrycans.

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