Jingoismo example sentences

Related (7): Nationalismo, Patriotismo, Militarismo, Imperialismo, Xenofobia, Histeria, Propaganda.

"Jingoismo" Example Sentences

1. The politician's speech was filled with jingoismo, promoting extreme nationalism.
2. The newspaper article accused the government of promoting jingoismo to gain support.
3. The war propaganda was filled with jingoismo, portraying the enemy as barbaric.
4. The extremist group's ideology was based on jingoismo and xenophobia.
5. The soldier's patriotism crossed the line into jingoismo, leading to unnecessary violence.
6. The country's foreign policy was criticized for its jingoismo approach to diplomacy.
7. The sports commentator's commentary was filled with jingoismo, rooting for the home team.
8. The nationalist party's platform was based on jingoismo, advocating for aggressive foreign policy.
9. The general's strategy was criticized for relying too heavily on jingoismo and not enough on diplomacy.
10. The flag waving during the political rally reeked of jingoismo more than genuine patriotism.
11. The high school history class emphasized jingoismo in its teaching of American exceptionalism.
12. The movie was criticized for perpetuating jingoismo by portraying one-sided glorification of the military.
13. The president's speech resonated with jingoismo, appealing to people's sense of exceptionalism.
14. The military parade showcased jingoismo at its finest, with displays of power and domination.
15. The talk show host's rant was filled with jingoismo, demonizing anyone who opposed the country's actions.
16. The author's book criticized jingoismo and called for more understanding and cooperation between nations.
17. The radio host's monologue was full of jingoismo, portraying outsiders as dangerous and inferior.
18. The political cartoon used humor to criticize the government's reliance on jingoismo in its policies.
19. The hockey game between two rival teams stirred up jingoismo among the fans on both sides.
20. The national anthem performance was criticized for its excessive jingoismo, overshadowing the spirit of unity.
21. The policy of banning foreign films was seen as a form of jingoismo by the country's critics.
22. The news anchor's commentary lacked objectivity and was rife with jingoismo.
23. The military veteran's memoir reflected on the dangers of jingoismo and its impact on soldiers.
24. The art exhibit explored the themes of nationalism and jingoismo through a unique lens.
25. The political ad used fear-mongering and jingoismo to manipulate voters.
26. The online forum was filled with jingoismo, with users resorting to insults and name-calling.
27. The rally for peace criticized jingoismo and called for dialogue and understanding between nations.
28. The teacher's lesson plan avoided jingoismo and instead focused on the commonalities between cultures and countries.
29. The international summit was a moment of collaboration and genuine diplomacy, far from the jingoismo of the past.
30. The documentary exposed the dangers of jingoismo and the negative impact it can have on society.

Common Phases

1. O jingoísmo é uma atitude perigosa;
2. O líder do país está se entregando ao jingoísmo;
3. O jingoísmo pode levar a conflitos desnecessários;
4. É preciso combater o jingoísmo para promover a paz;
5. O discurso jingoísta do político recebeu críticas da oposição;
6. O jingoísmo não é uma solução para os problemas do país;
7. O partido adotou uma postura jingoísta em relação às questões internacionais;
8. O jingoísmo é uma tentativa de desviar a atenção dos verdadeiros problemas;
9. Os movimentos nacionalistas tendem a ser acompanhados de jingoísmo;
10. O jingoísmo pode ser usado como uma ferramenta para a manipulação da opinião pública.

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