Kickstartnoun example sentences

Related (13): fundraiser, launchpad, catalyst, ignition, impetus, boost, stimulus, jumpstart, activation, inception, genesis, outset, beginning.

"Kickstartnoun" Example Sentences

1. The company decided to use a kickstart loan to finance their new project.
2. John needed a little push to start his fitness journey, and a kickstart from his trainer was just what he needed.
3. The kickstart of the concert was explosive, leaving the audience begging for more.
4. The entrepreneur used her savings to kickstart her business, which has now become a booming success.
5. The teacher used a stimulating activity to kickstart the students' creativity during class.
6. After a long break, Tim needed something to help kickstart his motivation again.
7. The first few dance moves from the choreographer were the perfect kickstart for the rest of the routine.
8. The coach was able to kickstart the team's morale by giving them a motivational speech.
9. The energy drink was the perfect kickstart for the athletes before the game.
10. The kickstart of the car was rough, indicating that it needed some mechanical attention.
11. The new software was designed to be a kickstart for productivity in the workplace.
12. Jane used meditation as a way to kickstart her morning routine every day.
13. The new marketing campaign was a great way to kickstart sales for the company.
14. The conference served as a kickstart for networking opportunities in the industry.
15. The new CEO implemented a kickstart plan to help turn the struggling company around.
16. The motivational speaker was able to provide a powerful kickstart for the audience's self-improvement journey.
17. The personal trainer provided a kickstart workout plan for his clients to jumpstart their fitness goals.
18. The new product launch was a great way to kickstart the company's revenue for the quarter.
19. Sarah used a kickstart training program to improve her running speed and endurance.
20. The motivational book provided a much-needed kickstart for John's journey towards self-discovery.
21. The new employee orientation was a great way to kickstart our new hires' integration into the company culture.
22. The summer internship program was a great kickstart for college students' future careers.
23. The fundraising event was a kickstart for the charity organization's outreach efforts.
24. The kickstart of the movie left the audience at the edge of their seats with anticipation.
25. The digital marketing campaign was able to kickstart the company's online presence and brand awareness.
26. The new menu item was a kickstart for the restaurant's sales and customer reviews.
27. The start-up company used crowdfunding as a way to kickstart financial support for their new project.
28. The kickstart of the race was signaled by a gunshot from the referee's pistol.
29. The book club provided a great opportunity for people to kickstart their reading habits again.
30. The new software program was able to provide a kickstart for the IT team's productivity and efficiency.

Common Phases

1. Kickstart your day with a healthy breakfast;
2. Let's kickstart this project by defining our goals and objectives;
3. We need to kickstart our fundraising efforts to meet our target;
4. It's time to kickstart our fitness journey with a rigorous workout routine;
5. Let's kickstart the party with some upbeat music;
6. The company plans to kickstart its growth by expanding into new markets;
7. I need to kickstart my creativity by trying new things;
8. The farmers are hoping for rain to kickstart their crops.

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