Knelling example sentences

Related (7): funeral, death, tolling, grief, mourning, burial, dirge

"Knelling" Example Sentences

1. The bell was knelling mournfully in the distance.
2. The sound of knelling filled the air as the funeral procession passed.
3. I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding when I heard the knelling of the bell.
4. The knelling of the bell echoed through the empty church.
5. The knelling of the bell signified the end of an era.
6. The knelling of the bell was a reminder of the church's long history.
7. The knelling of the bell could be heard for miles around.
8. The somber knelling of the bell added to the solemnity of the occasion.
9. The knelling of the bell grew louder as the funeral procession approached.
10. The persistent knelling of the bell was starting to get on my nerves.
11. The knelling of the bell was a call to mourners to assemble.
12. The knelling of the bell signaled the start of the funeral service.
13. The knelling of the bell was a haunting sound that stayed with me for days.
14. The knelling of the bell grew softer as the funeral procession moved away.
15. The knelling of the bell was a reminder of the fragility of life.
16. The knelling of the bell resounded through the silent night.
17. The knelling of the bell was a fitting tribute to the deceased.
18. The knelling of the bell was a reminder that death comes for us all.
19. The knelling of the bell signaled the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
20. The knelling of the bell was a comforting sound that gave me peace.
21. The knelling of the bell pierced the silence like a knife.
22. The knelling of the bell was a warning of impending doom.
23. The knelling of the bell echoed through the empty streets.
24. The knelling of the bell was a reminder that life goes on, even after we're gone.
25. The knelling of the bell was the only sound in the deserted church.
26. The knelling of the bell was eerie and unsettling.
27. The knelling of the bell was a call to arms for the mourners.
28. The knelling of the bell was a solemn reminder of our mortality.
29. The knelling of the bell echoed through the hills and valleys.
30. The knelling of the bell was a symbol of the circle of life and death.

Common Phases

1. The entire congregation was knelling in prayer;
2. He was knelling to propose to his girlfriend;
3. She was knelling down in front of the gravestone to pay her respects;
4. The soldiers were knelling to honor their fallen comrades;
5. The gymnast was knelling on the balance beam before her routine;
6. The children were knelling around the Christmas tree to open their presents;
7. The choir was knelling during the hymn to show reverence;
8. The protesters were knelling in solidarity with the cause.

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