Landfill example sentences

Related (14): garbage, waste, trash, dumpsite, decomposition, leachate, contamination, biodegradable, litter, incineration, compacting, recycling, scavenging, capping.

"Landfill" Example Sentences

1. The city plans to create a new landfill outside of town.
2. We need to dispose of this trash properly in the landfill.
3. The landfill site is surrounded by a fence to prevent unauthorized access.
4. The smell from the landfill was unbearable on hot summer days.
5. It is important to properly sort your waste before taking it to the landfill.
6. The landfill was overflowing with garbage and needed to be closed.
7. We need to find ways to reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill.
8. The landfill was causing environmental damage to the surrounding area.
9. The recycling center separates materials that would otherwise end up in the landfill.
10. The landfill has strict regulations on what can and cannot be disposed of.
11. We need to properly seal the landfill to prevent contamination of the soil and groundwater.
12. The town council is discussing the possibility of a new landfill site.
13. The landfill was the source of persistent odor complaints from nearby residents.
14. The landfill was originally an abandoned quarry before being converted.
15. The landfill has been the subject of numerous environmental lawsuits.
16. The state government has mandated an increase in the amount of waste that must be diverted from landfills.
17. The city collects methane gas from the landfill to use as a renewable energy source.
18. The landfill is responsible for a significant portion of the city's greenhouse gas emissions.
19. The landfill is a necessary part of waste management, but we should strive to reduce our reliance on it.
20. The landfill is situated on the edge of town near an industrial park.
21. The landfill was declared a Superfund site due to high levels of contamination.
22. The closure of the landfill sparked protests from environmental activists.
23. The landfill site was chosen for its proximity to major highways and transportation routes.
24. The landfill was fitted with a system to collect leachate and prevent it from contaminating the surrounding area.
25. The landfill operators are required to periodically test the area for environmental pollutants.
26. The landfill closure plan includes a long-term maintenance and monitoring program.
27. The landfill is an eyesore and a potential health hazard for nearby residents.
28. The closure of the landfill resulted in a shortage of available disposal sites.
29. The landfill was excavated to create additional space for garbage.
30. The landfill project was met with resistance from local homeowners who feared decreased property values.

Common Phases

1. The landfill is overflowing;
2. The landfill is causing environmental damage;
3. The smell from the landfill is unbearable;
4. The landfill is a breeding ground for pests;
5. The landfill is a hazardous site;
6. The landfill is a blight on the landscape;
7. The landfill is poisoning the groundwater;
8. The landfill is emitting toxic gases;
9. The landfill is a source of pollution;
10. The landfill is leaching harmful chemicals into the soil.

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