Landlady example sentences
Related (5): lessor, homeowner, proprietress, renter, lessee.
landlady (noun) · landladies (plural noun)
- a woman who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant.
- a woman who owns or runs a boarding house, inn, or similar establishment.
proprietor, proprietress, lessor, letter, householder, freeholder, landowner, landholder, mistress, tenant, lodger, publican, licensee, innkeeper, manager, manageress, proprietor, hotelier, host, restaurateur, barmaid, barperson"Landlady" Example Sentences
1. The landlady raised the rent this year.
2. My landlady is fixing the roof next week.
3. We always pay our rent on time to our landlady.
4. The landlady evicted the tenant for not paying rent.
5. I contacted my landlady about the leaky faucet.
6. The tenant had a dispute with the landlady over repairs.
7. The landlady was complaining about the noise late at night.
8. The landlady made some improvements to the building.
9. Most landladies require renter's insurance from their tenants.
10. The tenant was furious with the rude and neglectful landlady.
11. Every month, I must go to the landlady's office and pay my rent in cash.
12. The new landlady promised to fix all the issues in the building.
13. The landlady said she would deduct repair costs from my security deposit.
14. The tenant was due a refund from the security deposit, but the landlady never paid.
15. Some landladies require their tenants to fill out an application form.
16. The landlady refused to turn on the heat until the colder months.
17. The tenants organized to demand repairs from the negligent landlady.
18. The landlady is showing our apartment to prospective tenants this weekend.
19. Many tenants have a difficult relationship with their landlady.
20. The landlady was unresponsive when asked about pest control services.
21. I requested the rental agreement from my landlady in writing.
22. The landlady handed me an eviction notice and told me to move out.
23. Some tenants with irresponsible landladies form renters' associations.
24. The landlady apologized for not fixing the leaky roof sooner.
25. The renter and landlady signed a lease agreement for one year.
26. The landlady's contact information is listed on the rental agreement.
27. My last landlady was very helpful and kind throughout my tenancy.
28. The tenant threatened to withhold rent until the landlady made repairs.
29. The landlady was not sympathetic when we told her about financial hardship.
30. Our landlady is very attentive and quickly fixes any issues that arise.
31. The landlady eventually agreed to lower the rent after I negotiated.
32. The tenant called the health department on the negligent landlady.
33. The landlady failed to return our security deposit after we moved out.
34. The tenant became angry when the landlady entered our apartment without notice.
35. After many complaints, the landlady finally addressed the mold problem in the bathroom.
36. The landlady was difficult to contact anytime we had an issue.
37. Our new landlady seems more reasonable and accommodating than the last.
38. My landlady was understanding when I asked for an extension on the rent payment.
39. The city issued several violations to the slum landlady for substandard housing conditions.
40. The tenant threatened legal action against the landlady after not receiving their security deposit.
41. The landlady neglected to fix the broken heater during our entire tenancy.
42. I notified the landlady immediately when the water heater started leaking.
43. The tenants moved out after the unreasonable demands from their new landlady.
44. The landlady raised the rent more than allowed in our lease agreement.
45. I gave my 30 day notice to my landlady that I would be leaving at the end of the month.
46. The tenant complained repeatedly to the landlady about the black mold problem.
47. Some people choose to live in apartments rather than deal with a landlady.
48. The landlady fixed the leaks in the roof immediately after we notified her.
49. I asked the landlady to provide a receipt for all rent payments.
50. We were unable to contact our landlady after the hurricane damaged the building.
51. Our landlady maintains the common areas of the apartment complex very well.
52. Some tenants find that having a landlady is a benefit for maintenance issues.
53. The landlady offered me a new lease agreement with a lower monthly rate.
54. The landlady screened potential tenants carefully before renting the apartment.
55. The landlady threatened to sue the tenants for damage done to the property.
56. I had to threaten legal action before the landlady finally fixed the plumbing issue.
57. Tenants have rights that protect them from unreasonable landladies.
58. The tenant complained that the landlady came over unannounced frequently.
59. The landlady fixed the broken garbage disposal within a day of me reporting it.
60. The tenants were frustrated with the inattentive and unreliable landlady.
Common Phases
• Rent from the landlady
• Pay rent to the landlady
• Complain to the landlady
• Request repairs from the landlady
• Negotiate with the landlady
• Have a dispute with the landlady
• Ask permission from the landlady
• Call the landlady
• Contact the landlady
• Submit paperwork to the landlady
• Sign a lease with the landlady
• Receive a notice from the landlady
• Get evicted by the landlady
• Thank the landlady
• Discuss an issue with the landlady
• Report an issue to the landlady
• Meet with the landlady
• Notify the landlady
• Ask for an extension from the landlady
• Provide information to the landlady
• Get inspected by the landlady
Hope this helps give you some common phrases! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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