Lighted example sentences

Related (7): Illuminated, glowing, radiant, shining, brightened, beaming, luminescent.

"Lighted" Example Sentences

1. The room was dimly lighted with candles.
2. The path was poorly lighted making it difficult to walk at night.
3. The stage was brightly lighted for the performance.
4. The accident occurred on the poorly lighted country road at night.
5. He lighted the candles on the birthday cake.
6. The porch was covered and lighted for evening gatherings.
7. She lighted a cigarette and took a drag.
8. The soldier lighted the fuse on the bomb.
9. The king lighted the ceremonial torch to signal the start of the games.
10. He lighted a cigar and leaned back in his chair.
11. I could barely see in the dimly lighted room.
12. The theater lighted up as the show began.
13. They lighted the grill and prepared hamburgers for dinner.
14. The runway was fully lighted for night landing.
15. He approached the lectern and lighted the candles.
16. The cavern was dimly lighted with glow sticks and flashlights.
17. The driveway was lighted with solar-powered landscape lights.
18. She lighted the tiki torch to keep mosquitoes away.
19. The grandmother lighted a fire in the wood stove.
20. The concert stage was brilliantly lighted for the performance.
21. The road was poorly lighted by a single streetlight.
22. The passenger lighted her lighter to use as a flashlight.
23. The classroom was dimly lighted by a desk lamp.
24. The hunter lighted matches to help find his way out of the woods.
25. She lighted the jack-o-lanterns with her candle.
26. The mechanic lighted the flare on the car to warn approaching traffic.
27. The soldier lighted his pipe after a long march.
28. The crew lighted flares to warn boats of the rocks.
29. The candle lighted his way through the dark cave.
30. The gas stove was lighted with matches.
31. He lighted a torch to guide his way through the tomb.
32. The porch was dimly lighted by a single lantern.
33. The trail was poorly lighted by the flashlight's dim beam.
34. The fuse lighted the fireworks display.
35. The sunset lighted the horizon in a golden glow.
36. The guests lighted sparklers for the children on the Fourth of July.
37. The DJ lighted a joint and passed it around.
38. The stagehand lighted the lantern as a cue for the performance to begin.
39. The porch was dimly lighted with fading Christmas lights.
40. They lighted the kindling to start a campfire.
41. The cavern was poorly lighted by their headlamps.
42. The runway was brilliantly lighted for the inbound flight.
43. The fuse lighted the explosive charges.
44. The chemist lighted the Bunsen burner to heat the beaker.
45. The porch was dimly lighted by tiki torches and mason jars.
46. The pilot lighted the kerosene lamp to navigate by.
47. The fuse lighted the dynamite sticks.
48. The campers lighted campfires against the coming darkness.
49. The cave was dimly lighted by glowworms.
50. The landing strip was fully lighted for the emergency landing.

Common Phases

1. She lighted the candles on the birthday cake.
2. The lighted candles illuminated her face.
3. The pathway was lighted with solar lamps.
4. The fireworks lighted the dark night sky.
5. The dawn lighted the horizon in shades of orange and pink.
6. The lighted lampposts lined the street.
7. They lighted a campfire to make s'mores.
8. The jack-o-lanterns were all lighted on Halloween night.
9. The lighted city could be seen for miles away.
10. He lighted the gas stove to cook dinner.
11. The actor lighted a cigarette between scenes.
12. The pilot lighted the burners on the stove.
13. The sky lighted up with lightning during the thunderstorm.
14. He lighted the joint and passed it to his friend.
15. She lighted the menorah for Hanukkah.
16. They lighted sparklers on the Fourth of July.
17. The lighted candles calmed her nerves.
18. He lighted the cigar and leaned back in his chair.
19. The lighted page threw shadows on her face as she read.
20. The lighted stadium cast a glow over the surrounding area.
21. They lighted matches to locate the gas leak.
22. The lighted display signs drew customers into the store.
23. The flame lighted her way through the dark tunnel.
24. The lighted room felt warm and welcoming.
25. The lighted signs advertised sales and specials.
26. They lighted a fire in the fireplace to stay warm.
27. Red and green lights were lighted on the Christmas trees.
28. The bulb lighted the path leading to the house.
29. The match lighted his cigarette.
30. The bulb lighted the darkened room.
31. They lighted torches to guide the way.
32. The sign was lighted in multi-colored bulbs.
33. The pilot lighted the burner on the stove.
34. They lighted their cabin with candles.
35. The firelight lighted the cave walls.
36. He lighted the end of the cigar.
37. The streetlights lighted their path home.
38. She lighted the kindling under the logs in the firepit.
39. The jack-o-lanterns were all lighted by the time we arrived.
40. The sky lighted up due to a lightning strike nearby.
41. They lighted the bundle of sticks to start a warming fire.
42. The house was lighted from within as they approached.
43. He lighted a cigarette and leaned on the balustrade.
44. Thousands of lights were lighted on the buildings.
45. The lamp lighted the dark corners of the room.
46. The ring of candles was lighted to sanctify the circle.
47. The stove was lighted to heat the cabin.
48. The gas stove was lighted with a match.
49. The lighted sign announced the open bakery.
50. The flashlight beam lighted the path.
51. The fireworks lighted the night.
52. The moonlighted path led to the cabin.
53. The stranger lighted his pipe.
54. The lighted windows beckoned homeward.
55. The stove lighted the room with its glow.
56. The campfire was lighted for warmth.
57. The menorah was lighted for the first night of Hanukkah.
58. The bonfire was lighted in celebration.
59. The advent wreath was lighted to mark the start of Advent.
60. The sign was lighted with multi-colored neon bulbs.

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