Liver example sentences

Related (10): organ, detoxification, bile, alcohol, hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, metabolism, fatty, transplant

"Liver" Example Sentences

1. The liver produced important enzymes and proteins that help digest food and filter toxins from the blood.
2. Chicken liver is a delicacy for many people.
3. Foie gras is a french delicacy made from the fattened liver of a duck or goose.
4. Certain medications and dietary supplements can cause damage to the liver over time.
5. Cirrhosis of the liver is an advanced scarring of the liver that can cause life-threatening complications.
6. A healthy liver is crucial for overall health and wellbeing.
7. The doctor discovered that the patient had an enlarged liver during the physical examination.
8. The liver flukes caused severe damage to the man's liver and he needed a transplant.
9. People who abuse alcohol are at risk of developing fatty liver and cirrhosis.
10. The patient's blood tests showed elevated liver enzymes, indicating possible liver damage.
11. Bad choices can take a toll on your liver health over the years.
12. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of liver disease.
13. The patient's yellow skin and eyes were signs of potential liver dysfunction.
14. Certain liver diseases cause itching all over the body.
15. The smooth surface of turkey liver makes it easy to slice thin.
16. Liver supplements can help support liver function and detoxification.
17. The doctor recommended a low-fat, high-fiber diet to help heal the patient's damaged liver.
18. Pancreatic issues can sometimes affect the liver as well.
19. Liver cancer is difficult to detect early and has a low survival rate.
20. Smoking tobacco can negatively impact liver health.
21. Liver fluke infections occur when tiny parasites infest the bile ducts of the liver.
22. The surgeon removed part of the man's diseased liver during the operation.
23. A liver transplant may be necessary for patients with severe liver failure.
24. The patient had to eat a low-protein diet to allow his damaged liver time to heal.
25. Medications that are broken down by the liver can accumulate in the body if the liver is not functioning properly.
26. I had to stop eating high-fat foods for a while after having some liver problems.
27. Patients with acute liver failure often require intensive medical care.
28. The roasted chicken liver pate was spread on crispy crackers as an appetizer.
29. Researchers were studying the effects of acetaminophen overdose on liver function.
30. Pregnancy can sometimes cause the liver to work harder and become enlarged.
31. The health food store sold supplements claimed to support the body's natural detoxification through the liver.
32. Obesity is a risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
33. The patient's jaundiced eyes were an indication that his liver was failing.
34. The rescue dogs needed immunization shots and treatment for liver worms.
35. The patient needed medication to decrease the swelling in his liver.
36. People with cirrhosis of the liver may experience confusion and personality changes.
37. The doctors checked the patient's liver function before starting chemotherapy.
38. Avoiding foods high in sugar and processed carbs can help support healthy liver function.
39. Mushrooms and artichokes are high in nutrients that support the liver.
40. The chef delicately sliced the calf's liver into medallions for the dinner entree.
41. The avocado smoothie was rich in healthy fats that aid in liver detoxification.
42. Regular exercise can assist the liver in processing toxins from the blood.
43. Damaged bile ducts within the liver can cause jaundice.
44. The traditional Chinese medicine focused on herbs that nourish and tonify the liver.
45. Excessive alcohol consumption over many years eventually led to liver failure.
46. A diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables supplies the vitamins and minerals needed for optimal liver function.
47. The liver is essential for removing toxins from the body.
48. Liver disease can shorten a person's lifespan if left untreated.
49. Medications that are hard on the liver should be avoided whenever possible.
50. The chef seared the medallions of calf's liver in hot butter until cooked to medium rare.
51. Many patients with liver cirrhosis require a special diet to manage symptoms.
52. Diet and lifestyle changes can help improve early signs of fatty liver disease.
53. Smoked bacon made from pork liver is a rich delicacy.
54. The patient's skin eventually turned yellow as his liver function continued to deteriorate.
55. A healthy dietary pattern emphasizing plant-based foods supports optimal liver health.
56. The doctor prescribed medication to decrease stomach acid and reduce liver inflammation.
57. The liver cleans the blood of toxins and produces bile to aid in food digestion.
58. People recovering from liver disease often need to limit alcohol consumption for life.
59. Most common liver diseases progress slowly over many years.
60. The chef warmed leftover chicken liver to make pâté for crostini appetizers.

Common Phases

1. Ailing liver
This phrase refers to a liver that is not functioning properly due to disease or damage.
2. Damaged liver
This phrase refers to a liver that has been harmed in some way through disease, toxicity, or acute injury.
3. Fatty liver
This refers to a condition where excess fat builds up in the liver, either alcoholic fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
4. Failing liver
This refers to a liver that is losing function and approaching liver failure.
5. Live liver
A live liver is a liver that is functioning normally without disease.
6. Sick liver
A sick liver has disease or damage that is affecting its ability to function properly.
7. Stressed liver
A liver under stress faces conditions that make it work harder, such as obesity, diabetes, or excessive alcohol consumption.
8. Toxic liver
A toxic liver has been exposed to substances that damage liver cells and impair function.
9. Healthy liver
A healthy liver functions normally and efficiently without signs of disease.
10. Diseased liver
A diseased liver shows physical signs of damage and dysfunction due to illness.
11. Functioning liver
A functioning liver carries out all of its normal roles in the body to support health.
12. Failing
This refers to a liver that is losing function and approaching liver failure.
13. Enlarged liver
The liver has increased in size, which can be a sign of fatty liver disease or cirrhosis.
14. Liver transplant
A liver transplant involves replacing a diseased or failed liver with a healthy donor liver.
15. Support liver function
Activities and foods that help the liver carry out its roles effectively.

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