Lobbyings example sentences

Related (1): advocacy

"Lobbyings" Example Sentences

1. The company spent millions on lobbyings to ensure their interests were protected.
2. The politician faced criticism for accepting lobbyings from a controversial group.
3. Lobbyings from environmental groups have had a significant impact on policy decisions.
4. Lobbyings by the healthcare industry have influenced the outcome of healthcare reform.
5. The lobbyist was known for her ability to make effective lobbyings.
6. The company's lobbyings failed to sway public opinion on their controversial actions.
7. The politician's support for the bill was largely due to heavy lobbyings from special interest groups.
8. The organization's successful lobbyings resulted in a significant increase in funding.
9. Many politicians have been accused of accepting illegal lobbyings in exchange for political favors.
10. The company's lobbyings were criticized for being dishonest and manipulative.
11. The lobbyist was skilled at using lobbyings to sway public opinion on controversial issues.
12. The politician's close ties to certain lobbyists led to accusations of favoritism in their lobbyings.
13. The success of the lobbyings was largely due to a strong grassroots campaign.
14. The company's heavy lobbyings on Capitol Hill were widely reported in the media.
15. The lobbyist's efforts to influence public policy through lobbyings were highly effective.
16. The politician's stance on the issue was influenced by heavy lobbyings from constituents.
17. The organization's efforts to increase transparency in government led to significant changes in the lobbyings process.
18. The company's well-funded lobbyings were seen as a threat to the democratic process.
19. The politician's acceptance of lobbyings from special interest groups was viewed as a betrayal of public trust.
20. The successful lobbyings by environmental groups led to the implementation of stricter pollution controls.
21. The lobbyist was known for her ability to persuade politicians through skillful lobbyings.
22. The company's excessive spending on lobbyings was a major factor in their eventual bankruptcy.
23. The politician's refusal to accept lobbyings from certain groups was seen as a sign of integrity.
24. The organization's lobbyings on behalf of minority groups led to significant advances in civil rights.
25. The company's questionable lobbyings tactics were exposed by investigative journalists.
26. The lobbyist's close relationships with politicians were key to her success in lobbyings.
27. The politician's support for the bill was based on his own beliefs, not on the lobbyings of special interest groups.
28. The organization's grassroots lobbyings efforts were successful in engaging ordinary citizens in the political process.
29. The company's aggressive lobbyings tactics were seen as an abuse of power.
30. The politician's decision to reject lobbyings from wealthy donors was applauded by many in the public.

Common Phases

not use quotes or italics for the word "lobbying".
- Lobbying can influence government policy decisions.
- Critics argue that lobbying can lead to corruption.
- Companies spend millions of dollars on lobbying efforts.
- Lobbying can take various forms, such as campaign contributions or direct meetings with government officials.
- Some believe that lobbying is an essential part of democratic participation.
- Lobbyists often work to shape laws and regulations to benefit their clients.
- Critics argue that wealthy special interest groups have disproportionate influence through their lobbying efforts.
- Lobbying can be a controversial practice, with some advocating for stricter regulations.
- Lobbyists often have extensive networks and connections within government circles.
- The effectiveness of lobbying efforts can vary depending on political climate and public opinion.

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