Malignier example sentences

Related (13): malign, defame, vilify, slander, derogate, smear, traduce, besmirch, asperse, blacken, calumniate, denigrate, libel.

"Malignier" Example Sentences

1. She was warned not to malignier her former boss.
2. The politician tried to malignier his opponent with false accusations.
3. I won't tolerate anyone trying to malignier my reputation.
4. There is no reason to malignier someone behind their back.
5. She was determined to malignier the company that fired her.
6. It is not appropriate to malignier an entire group of people based on stereotypes.
7. He accused the media of trying to malignier him unfairly.
8. I refuse to participate in any attempt to malignier someone's character.
9. They used anonymous comments to malignier their classmate online.
10. It's always better to confront someone directly rather than malignier them to others.
11. Her jealousy caused her to malignier her friend's success.
12. He was the victim of a vicious campaign to malignier his reputation.
13. Gossiping and maligniering others is a sign of insecurity and immaturity.
14. She felt guilty for allowing her emotions to lead her to malignier her neighbor.
15. There is no excuse for attempting to malignier someone's motives without evidence.
16. The rival company resorted to maligniering our products in order to gain an advantage.
17. It's important to think twice before maligniering someone, as it can have lasting consequences.
18. She was surprised when she found out her best friend had been maligniering her to others.
19. The defendant's lawyer attempted to malignier the credibility of the witness.
20. The politician's attempt to malignier his opponent backfired when his lies were exposed.
21. The sports coach refused to malignier any of his players in the media.
22. There is no merit in maligniering someone simply because they disagree with you.
23. She refused to engage in any conversations that centered around maligniering other people.
24. His coworkers were shocked when the boss suddenly started to malignier his most hardworking employee.
25. She chose to take the high road and refuse to malignier her ex-boyfriend after their breakup.
26. The author's attempt to malignier her critics only served to make her appear defensive.
27. He insisted that he was innocent and that the accusations were an attempt to malignier him.
28. She was disappointed to hear that her daughter had been maligniering one of her classmates.
29. The CEO made it clear that maligniering other companies was not a part of their marketing strategy.
30. The journalist exposed the attempt to malignier a prominent figure in the community.

Common Phases

not include inappropriate content.
- Il a essayé de me malignier devant mes collègues;
- Elle malignie toujours les gens qui ne sont pas comme elle;
- Nous ne devrions pas malignier les personnes qui ont des opinions différentes;
- Ils ont commencé à malignier leur ancien patron après son départ;
- Le politique a été accusé de malignier ses concurrents;
- Elle a été victime de la malignation de ses camarades de classe;
- Les médias ont tenté de malignier le sportif après son échec;
- Le réalisateur a été critiqué pour avoir maligni un groupe ethnique dans son film;
- Nous ne pouvons pas permettre que la jalousie nous pousse à malignier les autres;
- Sa réputation a été gravement endommagée après que certains aient commencé à le maligner.

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