Malteds example sentences

Related (4): milkshakes, phosphates, frappes, smoothies

"Malteds" Example Sentences

1. We used to go down to the diner to get malteds after school.
2. The malteds at that soda fountain were the best I ever had.
3. My grandpa always tells stories about how he used to drink malteds when he was a kid.
4. The recipe for malteds is pretty simple - just ice cream, milk, and malt powder.
5. I can't resist ordering a malted when I see it on a menu.
6. The first time I tried a malted, I was hooked.
7. I love to add an extra scoop of malt powder to my malteds for an extra kick.
8. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla malteds?
9. I think the key to a great malted is in the quality of the ice cream you use.
10. When I was younger, my mom would let me make my own malteds at home as a treat.
11. Nowadays it's rare to find a place that still makes old-fashioned malteds.
12. Malteds are a classic American dessert that never get old.
13. The malteds at that diner are so thick and creamy.
14. Every time I visit my hometown, I make sure to stop by the local soda fountain for a malted.
15. I think malteds are the perfect combination of sweet and creamy.
16. I can't believe there are some people who have never tried a malted.
17. My sister and I used to love making malteds together on hot summer days.
18. Sometimes I like to add a shot of espresso to my malted for a little caffeine boost.
19. The malteds at that diner are so popular that there's usually a line out the door.
20. I'm always disappointed when a restaurant claims to have malteds but they're really just milkshakes.
21. What's your favorite topping to add to a malted?
22. I have fond memories of sitting at the soda fountain counter with my friends, sipping on malteds and chatting.
23. Malted milk balls are a tasty addition to any malted.
24. I'm so glad that malteds are making a comeback in popularity.
25. Some people swear by using a special type of malt powder in their malteds for the best flavor.
26. I'll never forget the day my grandpa taught me how to make his secret recipe for malteds.
27. Do you think it's weird to dip French fries in your malted?
28. When it comes to malteds, I always go for the extra-large size.
29. My local ice cream shop makes the most incredible malteds with homemade whipped cream on top.
30. I like to experiment with different types of ice cream flavors when making my malteds - strawberry is my current favorite.

Common Phases

you want to order one?
1. I love malteds; they're my favorite drink at the diner.
2. Have you ever had a vanilla malted? They're delicious!
3. The chocolate malted was so thick and creamy; I could hardly finish it.
4. Malteds are always better with a burger and fries.
5. My grandpa used to tell stories about the malteds he enjoyed when he was a kid.
6. Let's grab some malteds to go before we catch our movie.
7. Do you prefer your malted with extra malt powder or a lighter touch?
8. The secret to a great malted is using quality ice cream and milk.
9. Strawberry malteds remind me of summertime and hanging out with friends.
10. I always order a malted when I go to the diner with my family.

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