Manipulables example sentences

Related (10): Malleable, flexible, moldable, pliable, adaptable, versatile, compliant, tractable, pliant, modifiable.

"Manipulables" Example Sentences

1) The data set contained a large number of manipulables.
2) The experiment was designed to test different manipulables.
3) Manipulables can have a significant impact on the outcome of an experiment.
4) Researchers must carefully control for manipulables in their studies.
5) The manipulables in the study were carefully selected to ensure accuracy.
6) The manipulation of variables is an essential part of scientific research.
7) The study aimed to investigate the effects of several manipulables.
8) The manipulables in the study were manipulated to produce different outcomes.
9) The researchers identified several key manipulables that appeared to drive the results.
10) The study revealed important information about the impact of different manipulables on the outcome.
11) The data analysis suggested that the manipulables were strongly correlated with the results.
12) The researchers made a deliberate effort to control for potential manipulables in their design.
13) The presence of manipulables can sometimes make it difficult to draw valid conclusions.
14) Manipulables are often a source of confusion in scientific studies.
15) The study was designed to explore the effects of specific manipulables on the outcome.
16) The researchers were careful to identify all the potential manipulables in the study.
17) The study made use of advanced techniques to control for manipulables.
18) The data revealed strong relationships between the manipulables and the outcome.
19) The researchers manipulated several key manipulables to better understand their effects.
20) The study highlighted the importance of controlling for manipulables in scientific research.
21) The results suggested that some manipulables were more important than others in producing the observed effects.
22) The study revealed unexpected relationships between the manipulables and the outcome.
23) The researchers had to contend with several confounding manipulables that made interpretation difficult.
24) The manipulation of variables is a fundamental part of the scientific method.
25) The researchers had to consider multiple potential manipulables when designing the study.
26) The study produced valuable insights into the effects of different manipulables on the outcome.
27) The results indicated that some manipulables may be more susceptible to manipulation than others.
28) The researchers found that the manipulables had a significant impact on the observed effect size.
29) The study required a careful manipulation of the relevant variables to produce a valid result.
30) The manipulation of manipulables requires careful consideration and control to ensure accuracy.

Common Phases

1. Move the manipulables to the left;
2. Rotate the manipulables 90 degrees clockwise;
3. Pull the manipulables outwards;
4. Connect the manipulables together;
5. Adjust the angle of the manipulables;
6. Push the manipulables closer together;
7. Separate the manipulables into two groups;
8. Slide the manipulables to the right;
9. Twist the manipulables 180 degrees;
10. Place the manipulables on top of each other.

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