Utilize example sentences

Related (5): use, employ, apply, harness, exploit

"Utilize" Example Sentences

1. The company plans to utilize new technology to improve efficiency.
2. We utilized all our resources to solve the challenging problem.
3. They utilized the new software to optimize the manufacturing process.
4. The scientist decided to utilize the latest equipment in her lab.
5. The committee will utilize skilled volunteers to assist with the event.
6. She utilized her background in psychology to improve employee morale.
7. The manager needs to utilize the talents of each employee effectively.
8. I will utilize data from previous studies to inform my research project.
9. The farmers will utilize irrigation to prevent crop loss during the drought.
10. The town decided to utilize solar panels to provide renewable energy.
11. They utilized his political connections to help pass the new law.
12. We must utilize our time wisely in order to meet the tight deadline.
13. The engineer aims to utilize new materials in designing the bridge.
14. The teacher tried to utilize hands-on activities to engage the students.
15. We need to utilize communication effectively within the whole team.
16. She utilized her public speaking skills to campaign for the role.
17. They utilized social media to advertise the event.
18. The athletes will utilize specialized training techniques to improve performance.
19. Utilize your strengths to overcome any obstacles you face.
20. We must fully utilize all of the information we have gathered.
21. The small business hopes to utilize 3D printing to develop prototypes.
22. Nonprofit organizations often utilize volunteers to fulfill their mission.
23. The students will utilize problem-solving strategies to attack the challenge.
24. He hopes to utilize his artistic talents in his new career.
25. Utilize every resource at your disposal before giving up.
26. The group decided to utilize the old warehouse for storage.
27. The committee wants to utilize their funds in the most effective way.
28. Make sure to utilize strong rhetoric in your persuasive speech.
29. The hotel plans to utilize alternative energy sources by next year.
30. The government will utilize tax incentives to encourage new businesses.
31. We should utilize our vacation days to recharge and relax.
32. They want to utilize multimedia in their marketing campaign.
33. We need to utilize better tools if we want to increase productivity.
34. Utilize available funding sources before taking out loans.
35. The lab opted to utilize new testing methods in their next phase of research.
36. Utilize the representative council to gain feedback from staff.
37. Utilize visual aids to make your presentation more engaging.
38. The emerging company plans to utilize social media influencers in their marketing campaign.
39. She hopes to utilize her creative talents outside of her day job.
40. They aim to utilize digital platforms to engage a younger audience.
41. Utilize every available opportunity to further your goals.
42. The program aims to utilize art to improve mental health.
43. We should utilize applicable evidence from past studies.
44. Organizers want to utilize volunteers to prepare parade floats.
45. Utilize government resources that are available to small businesses.
46. The study aims to utilize brain imaging to understand changes over time.
47. The student hopes to utilize what he learned in class for his future career.
48. Utilize data-driven strategies when developing new programs.
49. We need to utilize strong persuasive techniques in our advertising.
50. The facilities will utilize advanced scheduling software to optimize use.
51. Utilize your unique skills and talents to carve your own path.
52. Utilize downtime at work to self-educate and expand your knowledge.
53. Utilize technology to its fullest potential by learning new skills.
54. The candidates aim to utilize their educational backgrounds to meet voter needs.
55. Utilize modern equipment to maximize results.
56. Utilize social media platforms to spread awareness of your cause.
57. We aim to utilize innovative techniques to solve this problem.
58. The resort aims to utilize sustainable practices by next year.
59. Utilize positive reinforcement to motivate employees.
60. Utilize the latest information available when forming your argument.

Common Phases

1. Fully utilize
Example: The company aims to fully utilize its production capacity.
2. Effectively utilize
Example: Managers must effectively utilize employees' talents and skills.
3. Optimally utilize
Example: We need to optimally utilize our time and resources.
4. Make utilize of
Example: We should make utilize of all available data for our research.
5. Take utilize of
Example: You should take utilize of opportunities that arise.
6. Make the most utilize of
Example: Students should make the most utilize of their university years.
7. In order to utilize
Example: In order to utilize the program, you must register online.
8. Able to utilize
Example: With training, employees will be able to utilize the new software.
9. Without properly utilizing
Example: Without properly utilizing available resources, we cannot succeed.
10. Continue to utilize
Example: The company will continue to utilize contractors for specialized jobs.

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