Miasms example sentences

Related (18): contagion, pollution, impurity, toxicity, infection, pestilence, disease, virus, bacteria, fungus, germ, airborne, droplet, spread, transmission, COVID-19, pandemic, hygiene.

"Miasms" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Greeks believed that the miasms of disease were caused by bad air.
2. Fear of miasms led people in the Middle Ages to carry sweet-smelling herbs and flowers.
3. In Chinese medicine, miasms are thought to be caused by an imbalance of the body's energy.
4. The spread of cholera in the 19th century was blamed on miasms from overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions.
5. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant used the concept of miasms to explain the relationship between individual thought and social norms.
6. The idea of miasms was challenged by the discovery of germs as the cause of infectious diseases.
7. The presence of miasms in the air can be detected by the sense of smell.
8. Traditional Indian medicine identifies three types of miasms: vata, pitta, and kapha.
9. The use of perfume was popular in ancient Rome to protect against miasms.
10. Miasmic theory was popularized in the 19th century by doctors such as John Snow, who traced the source of a cholera outbreak to contaminated water.
11. The concept of miasms in medicine has been largely replaced by the germ theory of disease.
12. The belief in miasms as a cause of disease was prevalent during the Renaissance.
13. Miasms were thought to be responsible for the spread of disease during the Great Plague of London in the 17th century.
14. Traditional Chinese medicine uses acupuncture to treat imbalances in miasms.
15. Many cultures have rituals or amulets believed to protect against miasms.
16. According to Ayurveda, imbalances in miasms can cause emotional and psychological issues as well as physical ailments.
17. The miasms of disease are seen as an imbalance of the natural order in Native American healing practices.
18. Religious practices such as prayer and offerings are sometimes used to purify the air of miasms.
19. Miasms are also associated with spiritual pollution in some cultures.
20. The theory of miasms played a role in the development of modern public health practices.
21. The idea of miasms was criticized by some medical professionals who saw it as superstition.
22. Some alternative medicine practitioners still use miasmic theory to explain illness.
23. Miasms were linked to bad odors in ancient times.
24. In some cultures, certain foods are believed to balance the miasms of the body.
25. The belief in miasms influenced architectural design in the 19th century, with the introduction of open windows and ventilation systems in hospitals.
26. The spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa in 2014 was initially attributed to miasms.
27. The concept of miasms is sometimes used metaphorically to describe social or political decay.
28. Herbal remedies are sometimes used to purify the body of miasms.
29. The belief in miasms influenced the development of sanitation systems in cities.
30. Miasmic theory was an important part of medical education and practice in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Common Phases

1. The miasms of fear and anxiety;
2. The miasms of greed and selfishness;
3. The miasms of anger and resentment;
4. The miasms of doubt and uncertainty;
5. The miasms of sorrow and grief;
6. The miasms of guilt and shame;
7. The miasms of jealousy and envy.

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