Midair example sentences

Related (7): skydiving, acrobatics, aviation, parachuting, turbulence, aerobatics, gliding

"Midair" Example Sentences

1. The plane collided with a bird in midair.
2. The skydiver performed a backflip in midair.
3. The acrobat spun in midair during the circus act.
4. The eagle swooped down and caught the fish in midair.
5. The two fighters clashed swords in midair.
6. The diver performed twists and turns in midair before landing in the pool.
7. The gymnast performed midair splits on the high bar.
8. The bike stunt rider jumped the ramp in midair.
9. The dolphin leaped out of the water and somersaulted in midair.
10. The cheerleaders formed a pyramid in midair.
11. The golfer teed off, sending the ball high into the air, her form perfect in midair.
12. The football player made an acrobatic diving catch in midair.
13. The base jumper leapt from the ledge, arms spread wide in midair.
14. The helicopter hovered in midair.
15. The golf ball hung suspended in midair before dropping into the hole.
16. The feather floated gently in midair.
17. The paintball splattered in midair, covering the target.
18. The helicopter pilot carefully maneuvered the chopper in midair.
19. The gymnast executed a perfect aerial cartwheel in midair.
20. The fireworks exploded high above in midair.
21. The float swung back and forth in midair as the parade passed by.
22. The leaves blew through the air, swirling and dancing in midair.
23. The diver pierced the water perfectly in midair.
24. The bird of prey hovered in midair, scanning the field below for prey.
25. The fighter pilot executed a barrel roll in midair.
26. The rowdy crowd rushed onto the field in mid-play.
27. The ball spun wildly in midair after the serve.
28. The fight was broken up in mid-scuffle.
29. Their conversation was interrupted in mid-sentence.
30. The power went out in mid-cook.
31. The task was halted in mid-progress due to time constraints.
32. The download was interrupted in mid-stream.
33. The movie started buffering in mid-scene.
34. The argument continued in mid-shout as they passed by each other.
35. The athlete doubled over in mid-run.
36. The flower blossomed in mid-summer.
37. The storm hit in mid-afternoon.
38. The plane changed course in mid-flight.
39. The fan fell from the stands in mid-cheer.
40. The boss walked in in mid-presentation.
41. The car backfired in mid-acceleration.
42. The speech went off track in mid-sentence.
43. The concert was cut short in mid-song.
44. The computer froze in mid-calculation.
45. The student panicked in mid-exam.
46. The horse stopped in mid-gallop.
47. The fire started in mid-renovation.
48. The eclipse occurred in mid-morning.
49. The phone rang in mid-sentence.
50. The clock stopped in mid-tick.

Common Phases

1. The stuntman executed a perfect backflip in midair.
2. The frisbee caught air currents and spun in midair for several moments.
3. The trapeze artist let go of the bar and somersaulted gracefully in midair before catching the next bar.
4. The high jump pole bent as the athlete cleared the bar in midair.
5. The diver performed a triple pike and spun three times in midair before entering the water.
6. The bird took flight and hovered suspended in midair for a few seconds.
7. The base jumper spread his arms and legs in midair to slow his descent.
8. He tried to catch the falling keys in midair but missed.
9. She jumped up and clicked her heels together in midair with joy.
10. The acrobats tossed the ball back and forth to each other in midair.
11. The fighter pilot performed a barrel roll maneuver, spinning the plane in midair.
12. The figure skater spun rapidly in midair before landing gracefully on one foot.
13. The skateboarder jumped from the half pipe and did a midair twist before landing.
14. The basketball player threw an alley-oop pass to a teammate who caught it in midair and dunked.
15. The rowdy teenagers were jumping on the outdoor furniture and hanging from tree limbs in midair.
16. The cartoon character ran off the cliff but didn't fall, instead remaining suspended in midair.
17. The flagpoles bend slightly in the strong wind, the flags waving and snapping in midair.
18. The performers threw crystals into the air that stayed suspended in midair, glowing and sparkling.
19. The motorcycle rider rode up the ramp and launched into midair, performing twists and flips.
20. The jetpacks allowed the soldiers to hover suspended in midair while firing at targets.
21. The ship hit an iceberg and split in two, with half remaining suspended in midair.
22. The surfer grinded on the rail, performing spins and flips in midair before landing.
23. The cheerleaders tossed the smallest teammate high into the air, catching her in midair and tossing her again.
24. The midair collision between the two birds sent feathers flying everywhere.
25. The juggler kept five pins in constant motion in midair.
26. The hang glider sailed gracefully in midair, catching updrafts and riding the wind.
27. The leaves blew into midair swirling and dancing in the autumn breeze.
28. The weather balloon floated serenely high in midair.
29. The paper airplane sailed gracefully through the air before stalling out and losing momentum in midair.
30. The hawk hovered motionless in midair, scanning the ground for prey.
31. The gymnast performed a one-handed cartwheel, rotating high in midair.
32. The propellers kept the helicopter suspended in midair.
33. The linemen leapt high to make an impressive midair catch.
34. The treetop walkers swayed gently suspended high in midair.
35. The plane circled above the airport, unable to land due to mechanical issues, hovering in midair for several minutes.
36. The boy tossed a handful of glitter into midair to create a magical effect for his friend's birthday party.
37. The jigsaw puzzles pieces clattered and spun in midair as the fan blew them around the room.
38. The man bungee jumped from the bridge, feet spinning wildly in midair before the rope went taut.
39. The trampoline allowed the gymnasts to launch high into midair to perform tricks.
40. The party favor snakes magically stayed suspended in midair, laughing and dancing to the music.
41. The floating candles in the baby's nursery created a magical glow, suspended high in midair.
42. The tree house swayed gently, suspended high in midair between the thick branches.
43. The hula-hoop kept spinning around the child's waist, suspended in midair.
44. The zip line allowed the tourists to soar through the air high above the jungle floor, suspended for a moment in midair before landing safely.
45. The kite strings went taut, keeping the brightly colored kites suspended high in midair.
46. The opera singer held her highest note suspended in midair for several seconds.
47. The ponytails spun in midair as the girls twirled and danced.
48. The monster truck picked up the truck in midair and flipped it onto its roof.
49. The wires held the puppeteers' creations suspended in midair as the performance began.
50. The spinners for the fountain created intricate patterns in midair.
51. The performer juggled five balls, keeping them spinning in midair.
52. The trapeze artist loved the feeling of flying freely in midair.
53. The child pretended her stuffed animals were flying high in midair.
54. The paper airplanes collided in midair, crashing to the ground.
55. The performer balanced on top of a giant spinning ball suspended high in midair.
56. The rainbow shimmered in midair after the passing storm.
57. The dog leapt high into the air to catch the Frisbee snatched in midair.
58. The mattress bounced the child high into midair.
59. The child dreamt of flying like a superhero high in midair.
60. The dust particles swirled and danced in midair.

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