Mirrorssmoke example sentences

Related (7): reflection, haze, fog, mist, vapor, fumes, steam

"Mirrorssmoke" Example Sentences

1. The mirror reflected the smoke billowing out of the burning building.
2. As she straightened her hair in front of the mirror, she noticed a wisp of smoke rising from her curling iron.
3. The fog was so thick it looked like smoke in the mirrors lining the hallway.
4. The magician disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind only his reflection in the mirror.
5. It was hard to see through the smoke, but she could just make out her own reflection in the shattered mirror.
6. The car's mirrors were smoking from the heat of the desert sun.
7. After the fire, all that remained of the antique vanity was a pile of shattered mirrors and a faint scent of smoke.
8. The smoke alarm beeped insistently, and she finally realized that her hair was too close to the bathroom mirror.
9. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, smoke curling from the cigarette between his lips.
10. She leaned closer to the mirror and breathed in the scent of smoke, wondering who had been in the bathroom before her.
11. The burning candles cast eerie shadows on the fogged mirrors, making it seem as if the smoke was coming from behind them.
12. She watched her reflection in the rearview mirror as the smoke from the exhaust pipe filled the air.
13. The mirrors in the ballroom reflected the smoke from the fog machines, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
14. She wiped away the smoke smudges on the mirror with a damp cloth, trying to erase all evidence of the party.
15. The smoke from the barbecue outside made it hard to see the mirrors on the wall, but they knew they were there.
16. The small room was filled with smoke, and the only sound was the loud ticking of the antique mirror on the wall.
17. The smoke from the fire outside made everything look distorted in the curved mirrors surrounding the patio.
18. He could hardly see his face in the mirror through the thick smoke, but he knew he looked ridiculous in his firefighter's gear.
19. She ran her hand over the smooth surface of the mirror, leaving behind a trail of smoke from the cigarette in her other hand.
20. The mirrors in the funhouse were covered in a thin layer of smoke, making it difficult to tell what was real and what was not.
21. In the dim light, it seemed like the mirror was smoking, and he wondered if he was hallucinating.
22. The vanity was surrounded by mirrors, each one reflecting the smoke from the incense burning nearby.
23. She stood in front of the full-length mirror, watching the smoke rise in delicate swirls from the incense in the corner.
24. The smoke from the candles made the mirrors look all wavy and distorted, like something out of a nightmare.
25. The mirrors in the dance club were so smoked up that she could barely see her own reflection through the haze.
26. She had to squint to see her reflection in the mirror, the smoke from the bonfire outside seeping in through the cracks in the wall.
27. The smoke from the ritual filled the room, clouding the mirrors so that no one could see themselves.
28. She could see the reflection of the smokestacks in the rearview mirror as she drove away from the industrial plant.
29. The mirrors in the antique shop were old and smoked, casting a yellowish glow over everything in the room.
30. The eerie green glow of the smoke-filled mirrors was enough to make anyone feel like they were in a horror movie.

Common Phases

1. Reflections in the mirror; the smoke from the candle.
2. Mirrors don't lie; smoke and mirrors do.
3. Images in the mirror; the smoke of a distant fire.
4. The mirror's reflection; smoke signals in the distance.
5. The smoke dances; reflecting in the mirrors.
6. The mirror shows truth; smoke obscures it.
7. I stare in the mirror; watching the smoke rise.
8. Mirrors reveal; smoke can hide.
9. The smoke fades away; the mirror remains.
10. Mirrors don't judge; smoke can make things vague.

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