Misspend example sentences

Related (5): Waste, squander, misuse, mishandle, dissipate.

"Misspend" Example Sentences

1. He misspent his youth partying and drinking instead of focusing on his future.
2. She misspent the inheritance money on frivolous purchases instead of saving it.
3. His gambling addiction caused him to misspend his entire paycheck every week.
4. They warned their son not to misspend his college fund on impulsive purchases.
5. The government officials were accused of misspending taxpayer money.
6. Rather than misspending time scrolling through social media, I should be working on my studies.
7. The CEO was fired for misspending company funds on personal expenses.
8. Instead of misspending your weekend binge watching TV, get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
9. I regret misspending so much time playing video games as a teen rather than learning valuable life skills.
10. Don't misspend your youth chasing after parties and fun; focus on your long term goals and ambitions.
11. Her impulsive shopping habits caused her to misspend her savings account.
12. He was accused of misspending charitable donations on his lavish lifestyle.
13. The finance department was tasked with reducing wasteful misspending of resources.
14. I keep misspending money on fast food instead of cooking healthier meals at home.
15. Stop misspending money you don't have on things you don't need.
16. The politician was investigated for misspending campaign funds.
17. The department head was blamed for misspending the education budget that year.
18. My advice is to avoid misspending any more time thinking about the past; focus your energy on the present and future.
19. We warn new hires not to misspend company time socializing instead of working.
20. Instead of misspending your day indoors, go outside and enjoy the sunshine.
21. Stop misspending your hard-earned wages on conveniences you can live without.
22. The audit revealed numerous instances of staff misspending company resources.
23. I regret misspending so much time watching TV instead of reading meaningful books.
24. Corporations should devote more resources to reducing employee misspending of time and materials.
25. The misspent money represented a crucial investment in the nation's future.
26. My advice to you is to stop misspending money on those late night snack runs.
27. The evidence clearly showed that the school board had been misspending funds for years.
28. Instead of misspending your hard-earned money, look for ways to invest it wisely.
29. Many people misspend their youth chasing after shallow pleasures instead of finding meaning and purpose.
30. The senator's career was ruined by evidence that he had misspent taxpayer funds.
31. I must stop misspending my lunch breaks socializing and get some actual work done.
32. The company claimed that employees frequently misspent time on personal matters instead of working.
33. Stop misspending your valuable time chasing after pleasures that won't last.
34. Her spending shopping sprees caused her to misspend her entire paycheck every month.
35. I regret misspending so much of my college years partying instead of studying.
36. The company instituted new policies to stop employees from misspending company time and resources.
37. Stop misspending your limited time on this planet seeking temporary pleasures that won't bring lasting happiness.
38. It's time for you to stop misspending money you don't have on things you don't truly need.
39. His gambling caused him to misspend his entire inheritance within a few months.
40. The leaked report found evidence that the minister had frequently misspent public funds.
41. I hate misspending money on things that don't really matter in the long run.
42. Instead of misspending your energy complaining about the past, focus on the present and future.
43. Stop misspending your money and start saving for your future goals.
44. The politicians were criticized for misspending public funds on luxurious overseas trips.
45. Stop misspending your life following everyone else and start pursuing your own path.
46. The bank was accused of misspending client funds meant for investment.
47. The reports accused members of Congress of frequently misspending taxpayer dollars.
48. Instead of misspending more time thinking about what could have been, focus on what you can make happen now.
49. She regretted misspending all that time smoking and drinking when she could have been working on her ambitions.
50. Stop misspending your valuable time making others happy; focus on doing what brings joy to your own soul.
51. The auditor's report found convincing evidence of staff misspending company money.
52. I keep misspending money on convenience instead of saving for a more comfortable future.
53. Instead of misspending your money on flashy things, save it for an experience that will enrich your soul.
54. Stop misspending time envying other people's lives; start living your own.
55. I keep misspending money I don't have on purchases I don't truly need.
56. The senator was criticized for misspending taxpayer funds on his lavish lifestyle.
57. The bank executive was fired for misspending client funds to support his luxurious tastes.
58. It's time to stop misspending your limited time on this planet in pursuit of distractions.
59. She regretted misspending her youth partying instead of pursuing her ambitions.
60. I must stop misspending my limited free time on meaningless distractions.

Common Phases

misspent youth - Used to describe someone who spent their teenage and young adult years doing harmful or unproductive things rather than developing skills and pursuing ambitions.
stop misspending money- A phrase urging someone to stop wasting money on unnecessary things and start saving or spending wisely.
avoid misspending time - Used to advise someone not to waste time on meaningless and unproductive activities.
waste/misspend time - A phrase to signify that one spent time on something that did not serve a useful purpose or bring satisfaction.
misspent inheritance - Money from an inheritance that was wasted or spent frivolously rather than used wisely and responsibly.
reduce misspending - Efforts to decrease wasteful or unwise spending of resources.
accused of misspending funds - Accused of spending money in an improper, dishonest, or unethical way.
regret misspending time - To feel remorse for wasting time that could have been used more meaningfully or productively.
misspending taxpayer money - Wasting public funds that were collected through taxes.
stop misspending energy - Used to advise someone to stop wasting mental and emotional effort on unproductive thoughts and activities.

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