Mollification example sentences

Related (6): appeasement, pacification, conciliation, comfort, assuagement, placation

"Mollification" Example Sentences

1. The apology served as a mollification for the injured party.
2. The manager provided the employees with raises in an attempt at mollification.
3. Money was offered as a mollification to settle the dispute.
4. The mollification did little to assuage the aggrieved worker's anger.
5. Promises of change were used as mollifications but never fulfilled.
6. He offered monetary compensation in an attempt at mollification.
7. The mollification seemed insincere and only compounded the problem.
8. The explanation was intended as a mollification but failed to satisfy the customer.
9. The compensation package was seen as an attempt at mollification rather than justice.
10. No amount of mollification could appease the irate customer.
11. His mollification turned out to be merely a façade to pacify critics.
12. Mollifications will not solve the underlying problems causing the strife.
13. The plan was announced as a mollification but fueled further indignation.
14. The angry protestors viewed the politician's speech as an attempt at mollification rather than genuine reform.
15. The accused offered mollifications in an attempt to reduce their sentence.
16. Mere mollifications cannot offset institutionalized injustice.
17. The board offered the stockholders mollifications instead of substantive changes.
18. Weary of empty mollifications, the workers demanded real change.
19. Gifts were given as mollifications but did not address the core issue.
20. Promises of improved conditions were seen as mere mollifications by the labor organizers.
21. The package of benefits was intended as a mollification but did little to assuage workers' ire.
22. Protestors rejected the company's mollifications as lacking substance.
23. Mollifications may provide temporary relief but will not resolve deep-rooted problems.
24. The mollification campaign aimed to defuse criticism and avoid meaningful change.
25. The committee refused to accept public relations ploys as mollifications for inaction.
26. The politician offered mollifications in an attempt to minimize the scandal's impact.
27. No amount of mollification could calm the angry residents calling for change.
28. The mollifications did not match the scale of distress and resentment the community felt.
29. Empty mollifications will ring hollow and risk further inflaming tensions.
30. Critics viewed the mollifications as attempts to placate outrage rather than enact real change.
31. Mollifications may offer temporary appeasement but will not heal the rift.
32. The mollifications managed to defuse criticism for the time being but did little to build trust.
33. Mollifications papered over the cracks but did not fix the underlying problems.
34. No amount of mollification would assuage the grave injustice done.
35. The mollifications were seen as a cowardly attempt to shirk responsibility.
36. Promises of mollification failed to soothe public outrage over the tragedy.
37. Mollifications cannot undo deep wounds or heal serious ruptures.
38. The mollifications succeeded in quieting dissent, if only temporarily.
39. Mollifications may provide temporary relief but cannot substitute for real solutions.
40. The mollifications were regarded as too little, too late by the victims.

Common Phases

1. Her words were meant as a mollification rather than a real apology.
2. He attempted to mollify her with kind words and compliments.
3. The CEO hoped her announcement of a pay raise would provide some mollification after announcing layoffs.
4. The cake and flowers were a mollification for missing his birthday.
5. After upsetting his wife, he bought her flowers in an attempt at mollification.
6. In response to the student protests, the administration offered a mollification by promising to invest in new resources.
7. His gentle smile and soothing words were meant as a mollification after their argument.
8. Offering to take her shopping was his attempt at mollification.
9. In order to mollify the angry customer, the manager agreed to refund their money.
10. Her promises of change were simply a mollification, not real solutions.
11. He tried to mollify her hurt and disappointment with apologies and reassurances.
12. The free concert tickets were an attempt at mollification after breaking their date.
13. The small pay raise was more of a mollification than a true compensation increase.
14. His gift was meant as a mollification for missing their anniversary.
15. The President gave a speech intended to mollify the concerns of the protestors.
16. His stern lecture and harsh words were not intended as mollification but rather a real call for change.
17. She refused his meager apology, seeing it as more of a mollification than genuine remorse.
18. The senator's promise of a future investigation was an attempt at mollification rather than a real commitment to action.
19. The company offered vouchers as a mollification for the defective product.
20. Her words were not meant as mollification but instead were a sincere plea for reconciliation.
21. His gentle touch and soothing voice were meant as consolation and mollification.
22. Her flowers and note were intended as mollification after a quarrel.
23. The employee refused the small bonus, seeing it more as a mollification rather than true compensation.
24. In an attempt at mollification, he offered to take her out for dinner.
25. His mild rebuke was more of a mollification than a sincere reprimand.
26. The minister's homily was an attempt to mollify the frustrations of the congregation.
27. The small pay increase was seen more as a mollification for rising living costs.
28. His gift and apology were meant as a mollification after forgetting their anniversary.
29. The politician's speech was just a mollification and not a real commitment to action.
30. Promises of policy revisions were more of a mollification than an actual plan for change.
31. His mild words of disapproval were more mollification than real censure.
32. The teacher's gentle words were an attempt at mollification rather than discipline.
33. The town hall meeting was intended as mollification rather than an opportunity for real community input.
34. After their argument, he tried to mollify her with flowers and chocolates.
35. The gold star sticker was more of a mollification than a true reward for her hard work.
36. The employee saw the bonus as mere mollification instead of deserved remuneration.
37. His explanation and apology were an attempt at mollification after missing their date.
38. The patient refused the nurse's mollification, demanding real treatment instead.
39. The small box of chocolates was a meager attempt at mollification for forgetting their anniversary.
40. The manager's words were more intended as mollification than a real solution to employee concerns.
41. His mild words of disapproval were more mollification meant to placate her rather than true censure.
42. The minister's mild words were intended to mollify rather than really discipline the congregation.
43. The pay raise was seen more as mollification for increasing workloads than true recognition.
44. His half-hearted apology was clearly meant as mollification rather than genuine remorse.
45. The administration's statement did little to mollify concerns over rising costs and budget cuts.
46. She refused his attempt at mollification, demanding sincere regret instead.
47. The customer saw the voucher as mere mollification instead of real compensation.
48. The professor's mild intervention was more mollification than strict discipline.
49. The employer's hollow praise was merely intended as mollification rather than true acknowledgement of her work.
50. His gentle touch and soothing words were a feeble attempt at mollification.
51. The supervisor's vague promises did little to mollify employees' grievances.
52. The government's speech acted more as mollification than providing real solutions.
53. The small gift was intended as mollification for missing their date.
54. The politician's vague platitudes did little to mollify voters' concerns.
55. The manager's mild rebuke was more mollification for the sake of appearances rather than true reprimand.
56. The parent's soft words were meant as mollification rather than real discipline.
57. The president's speech was intended more as mollification than providing a comprehensive plan.
58. I refused his gift, seeing it as mere mollification rather than true atonement.
59. His hollow promises did little to mollify my anger and frustration.
60. The judge's lenient sentence served only as mollification and did not provide real justice.

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