Overeat example sentences

Related (5): gorging, binging, indulging, feasting, gluttonizing.

"Overeat" Example Sentences

1. I tend to overeat when I'm stressed.
2. Be careful not to overeat at the holiday dinner.
3. She felt bloated after overeating at the party.
4. The doctor warned him about the health risks of overeating.
5. I had a stomachache from overeating last night.
6. Overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity.
7. Exercising regularly can help offset the effects of occasional overeating.
8. Make sure you stop eating before you get full to avoid overeating.
9. My New Year's resolution is to not overeat so much.
10. Some people overeat as a way to deal with their emotions.
11. Put your fork down between bites to avoid overeating.
12. Take smaller portions to help prevent overeating.
13. I feel so stuffed after overeating all that dessert.
14. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to avoid overeating.
15. Overeating can cause issues like heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux.
16. I often overeat at buffets and all-you-can-eat restaurants.
17. The holidays are a dangerous time for overeating and weight gain.
18. Make a plan before going to a restaurant to avoid overeating.
19. Overeating can negatively impact your sleep quality.
20. Only eat until you're 80% full to avoid overeating.
21. Stop eating when you first feel full, not stuffed, to avoid overeating.
22. Distract yourself if you still feel hungry after overeating.
23. Listen to your body's signals to know when you've had enough and to avoid overeating.
24. Overeating can cause health problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
25. Eat slowly and only when you're actually hungry to avoid overeating.
26. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods - just eat in moderation to avoid overeating.
27. After overeating, I feel so bloated and uncomfortable.
28. Avoid triggers that make you want to overeat like stress, boredom and TV.
29. I always overeat when there are leftovers in the fridge.
30. Recognize the signs that you're full and stop eating to avoid overeating.
31. Overeating can cause weight gain, which itself carries health risks.
32. Have a glass of water before and during your meal to help avoid overeating.
33. I overate so much that I felt nauseous afterwards.
34. Make sure to eat regular meals so you don't get so hungry that you overeat.
35. I always have trouble stopping once I start eating and tend to overeat.
36. Overeating can negatively impact your digestive health.
37. Eat slowly and savor your food to help avoid overeating.
38. Overeating can make you feel lethargic and tired afterwards.
39. Eating too fast is a common cause of overeating.
40. Drink a glass of water between courses to help avoid overeating.
41. Once I start eating, I can't stop myself and end up overeating.
42. Distracting yourself while eating can help prevent overeating.
43. Take smaller bites and chew each bite more to help avoid overeating.
44. Overeating stresses your digestive system and organs.
45. Eat mindfully and be present while you eat to avoid overeating.
46. I realized I had overeaten when I started feeling uncomfortable.
47. Avoid eating directly from the container to prevent overeating.
48. After overeating, I always regret not stopping sooner.
49. Eat at the table instead of in front of the TV to avoid overeating.
50. Overeating can cause issues like acid reflux and heartburn.

Common Phases

1. He tends to overeat when he is stressed.
2. I warned him not to overeat at the buffet, but he didn't listen.
3. The doctor told me I need to stop overeating so much.
4. Overeating unhealthy foods can lead to health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes.
5. Learning to avoid overeating takes self-control and discipline.
6. We should stop eating once we are full instead of overeating.
7. One of her New Year's resolutions is to stop overeating at parties and social events.
8. After overeating at Thanksgiving, I felt sick for days.
9. Eating slowly can help you avoid overeating.
10. Please don't stress bake, you'll only end up overeating.
11. She grew up in a family where overeating and unhealthy meals were normal.
12. I get an upset stomach every time I overeat.
13. Restrictive diets often fail because they encourage overeating when you start eating "normal" again.
14. I know eating healthy is good for me, but I just can't seem to stop myself from overeating.
15. Overeating to compensate for emotional pain never leads to true happiness.
16. Many people overeat out of boredom or to relieve stress.
17. Eating mindfully instead of in front of the TV can help avoid overeating.
18. Rather than overeating, try drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry between meals.
19. Overeating at Christmas time often leads to New Year's resolutions to lose weight.
20. Portion control can help combat the urge to overeat.
21. People often overeat high calorie foods without realizing how many calories they're consuming.
22. Focusing on the food instead of distractions while eating can help prevent overeating.
23. Chewing your food slowly and putting your fork down between bites can curb overeating.
24. Depression, anxiety and other mental health issues can cause people to either stop eating or overeat.
25. Eating disorders like binge eating often involve habitual overeating.
26. If you find yourself frequently overeating, see your doctor to rule out any medical issues.
27. Emotional eaters often turn to food for comfort, which can lead to overeating.
28. Before reaching for that second helping, ask yourself if you're actually still hungry or just wanting to overeat.
29. One of the challenges of social eating is avoiding overeating when surrounded by food and company.
30. Mindful eating and listening to your body's cues can prevent overeating at gatherings and parties.
31. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to overeat simply because the food was free at the buffet.
32. Late night snacking is a habit many people struggle with that can lead to overeating.
33. I have an overeating problem and I need help learning how to control my portions.
34. Avoiding triggering foods that you tend to overeat can help curb unhealthy eating habits.
35. Overeating makes me feel tired, sluggish and depressed afterward.
36. Exercising self-control when it comes to food is difficult but learning to stop overeating is possible.
37. Practicing mindfulness and self awareness around food can help stop the urge to overeat.
38. After overeating all day, I felt bloated, lethargic and guilty.
39. Many people avoid social activities because they fear overeating when surrounded by temptation.
40. Cutting back on sugary drinks and snacks can help reduce overeating at mealtimes.
41. A food journal can reveal how often and why you tend to overeat.
42. Overeating and unhealthy snacking often starts with grabbing "just a bite."
43. I overate at the restaurant and now have an upset stomach.
44. Several factors contribute to overeating, including taste, size of plates, lighting and socializing with food.
45. I wish I had more self-control so I wouldn't overeat whenever there are sweets in the house.
46. Many people turn to comfort foods when stressed which often leads to overeating.
47. Overeating once or twice does not have to lead to overeating on a regular basis.
48. Make sure you're truly hungry before eating to avoid unnecessary overeating.
49. Tiredness, boredom and lack of willpower often lead people to overeat when food is available.
50. Overeating even slightly more than our bodies need puts on weight over time.
51. If you find yourself overeating frequently, seek support from friends, family or a therapist.
52. Eating without paying attention often results in mindless overeating.
53. I eat until I'm uncomfortably full almost every day due to my habit of overeating.
54. Research shows that bigger plate sizes lead to significantly more overeating.
55. Most people who struggle with overeating do not lack willpower but rather effective strategies to overcome habits.
56. Tracking my food intake has helped me become aware of patterns that contribute to overeating.
57. My doctor said that losing just 10 pounds could prevent the health risks associated with overeating.
58. Overeating is a signal that something in your life needs change or balance.
59. Many fad diets focus on drastic calorie restriction which can lead to quick weight loss and eventual relapse involving overeating.
60. Studies suggest that slowing your eating pace may be one of the most effective ways to avoid overeating.

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