Moper example sentences

Related (13): sad, sulker, depressed, gloomy, melancholic, blue, despondent, downcast, dejected, morose, somber, dolorous, woebegone

"Moper" Example Sentences

1. Stop being such a moper and cheer up.
2. My brother is such a moper when he's in a bad mood.
3. The moper sat alone in the corner brooding.
4. Don't be a moper, the solution is simple.
5. He was known as a moper and complainer around the office.
6. The constant moper is exhausting to be around.
7. My friend has become such a moper since the breakup.
8. I told the moper to either smile or leave.
9. I couldn't take another moment of his constant moping and moper attitude.
10. Stop moping around like a moper and get back to work.
11. The moper sat alone at the bar mumbling into his drink.
12. The child's constant moping and moper ways were wearing his parents thin.
13. The party was ruined by the moper's moaning and complaining.
14. Nobody likes a constant moper with a gloomy attitude.
15. Enough with the moping, get up you moper!
16. There's no point in being a moper; things could be worse.
17. The moper sat alone in the corner staring morosely out the window.
18. The constant pity party and moper attitude weren't helping anything.
19. Nobody wants to be around a gloom and doom moper.
20. Let's not be mopers; there's fun to be had.
21. Stop moping around like a moper and do something productive.
22. The sullen moper sat alone brooding over his misfortune.
23. My friend has become such a moper since she quit her job.
24. The constant complainer was known as the office moper.
25. The moper sat mumbling, refusing to engage with anyone.
26. The perennial moper always had something to complain about.
27. Stop moping around being a moper and cheer up!
28. Enough with the moaning and groaning moper- you are bringing everyone down.
29. Don't be a moper- get up and make a change.
30. The moper sat in the corner refusing to join in any activity.
31. He became a recluse, slowly losing himself to moper-hood.
32. I had to bite my tongue to keep from calling him a moper to his face.
33. The sad sack moper moped around all day long.
34. The constant moper was draining everyone's happiness and energy.
35. The melodramatic moper took every little problem so seriously.
36. Quit moping around like a moper and go get what you want!
37. The sullen moper sat staring glumly out the window.
38. Constantly dwelling on the negative makes you a moper.
39. Being around the moper just made everyone else depressed.
40. We told the moper to either snap out of it or leave.
41. The moper sat alone mumbling and staring into space.
42. His constant complaining and moper behavior were so annoying.
43. Don't be a moper- go out and change your circumstances instead.
44. The party was ruined by the sullen moper's sour mood.
45. Stop the moping and be proactive instead of moper.
46. The moper spent all day complaining and whining.
47. I'm tired of your constant moping and moper ways.
48. The moper sat alone brooding, ignoring everyone around him.
49. Don't become a moper- make a plan and take action instead.
50. The constant downer moper was bringing everyone else down.
51. The moody, sullen moper moped around all morning.
52. Stop moping like a moper and do something productive instead!
53. The sullen moper kept his head down and refused to speak.
54. His constant complaining and moper attitude were really annoying.
55. The sullen moper sat alone in the corner, refusing to join in.
56. Enough with the moodiness- go out and live instead of moping like a moper!
57. Quit moping around like a moper and make a change instead.
58. The moper sat alone brooding over his misfortune.
59. Stop being a constant complainer and moper- go out and live your life!
60. His constant moodiness and moper ways were draining everyone's happiness.

Common Phases

1. The moper sat alone in his room all day.
2. She was tired of him moping around the house all day.
3. Stop moping around and do something useful, Bill!
4. Get up and stop moping, nothing will get better just sitting there.
5. Jane has been moping about the breakup for weeks now.
6. The gloomy moper sat alone in the corner.
7. Stop moping and go outside, the fresh air will do you good.
8. I'm tired of you moping around the house, get out and do something fun.
9. The sullen moper sat at the bar nursing his drink.
10. Go take a walk, you're moping too much.
11. Jane is still moping about that old flame from college.
12. Stop moping, get active, and move on with your life.
13. The angsty teenage moper sat on the edge of his bed strumming his guitar.
14. Bill has been moping around since Mary left him.
15. Stop moping and feeling sorry for yourself, life goes on!
16. Her boyfriend's constant moping was starting to annoy her.
17. Get up, get dressed and get out of the house - stop moping!
18. His tendency to mope drove his friends away.
19. The sad moper sat staring out the window.
20. Enough moping, time to cheer up and get on with life.
21. His gloomy moping was starting to depress everyone around him.
22. Stop moping and call some friends, you need to get out of the house.
23. The dismal moper sat in his usual corner of the pub.
24. Bill's endless moping was making everyone miserable.
25. Stop moping around the house like a wounded puppy!
26. Quit moping and face your problems head on.
27. The teenage moper locked himself away in his room.
28. Bill's constant moping is bringing everyone down.
29. Moping around won't change anything, only action will.
30. She got tired of her boyfriend's endless moping and broke up with him.
31. They tried to cheer him up and stop his moping.
32. His endless moping and complaining got old fast.
33. Jake's constant moping drove his friends away.
34. Enough is enough, stop moping and do something constructive.
35. The gloomy moper sat hunched in the corner of the café.
36. The sullen teenager's moping annoyed his parents.
37. His moping only made him more depressed.
38. Stop moping and call an old friend, a little socializing will do you good.
39. Quit your moping and self-pity, you're not the only one with problems!
40. His girlfriend left him because of his constant moping.
41. The gloomy teenage moper sat alone at lunch.
42. Get up and stop your endless moping and complaining.
43. She told him to stop moping and move on with his life.
44. His girlfriend broke up with him because of all his moping.
45. His constant state of moping took a toll on his mental health.
46. His gloomy moping depressed everyone around him.
47. Stop moping and do something productive instead.
48. His moping and sulking were really starting to get old.
49. They tried everything to lift his gloomy moping spirit.
50. Quit your moping and try to enjoy life instead!
51. The teenage moper sat gloomily in his room year after year.
52. The moper's sullen countenance brought down the whole party.
53. All his moping never changed anything or made him feel better.
54. Her boyfriend's constant moping really started to annoy her.
55. Enough moping! Go outside and get some fresh air.
56. The teenage moper sat alone in his room with the curtains drawn.
57. His moping and sulking just made him more miserable.
58. His gloomy moping depressed everyone in the office.
59. Get up and stop your moping, call an old friend instead.
60. His moping dulled his personality and made him hard to be around.

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