Morales example sentences

Related (7): values, ethics, principles, beliefs, standards, virtues, integrity

"Morales" Example Sentences

1. The school's curriculum emphasizes moral values and teaches students about different moral codes and ethics.
2. Many people believe that it's important to lead a life that aligns with their personal morales and values.
3. The company's code of conduct outlines the expected morales and ethical behaviors of their employees.
4. The story's underlying message is about the importance of upholding strong moral principles.
5. He acted in accordance with his strict personal morales, even if it meant going against popular opinion.
6. The decision to donate a portion of the company's profits to charity was based on the owner's personal morales.
7. The debate over capital punishment is largely driven by differences in moral beliefs and values.
8. His actions were guided by a strong sense of moral duty to protect his community.
9. The protagonist in the novel learns important lessons about morality and the consequences of unethical behavior.
10. The parents want to ensure that their children grow up with sound moral values and understand right from wrong.
11. She made a difficult ethical decision that aligned with her personal morales and convictions.
12. The story's theme is a commentary on the moral decay of society and the importance of individual responsibility.
13. The company's ethical standards are based on a shared set of primary morales and values.
14. The church teaches its members to live by the Bible's moral teachings and to lead virtuous lives.
15. The character's moral compass guides his choices and actions throughout the story.
16. It's hard to ignore the moral implications of the government's decision to cut funding for education.
17. His moral fiber was put to the test when he was offered a bribe in exchange for compromising his values.
18. The controversy surrounding the issue is largely due to differing moral perspectives and beliefs.
19. The moral of the story is that honesty, integrity, and hard work lead to success.
20. The movie explores complex moral themes and raises challenging questions about right and wrong.
21. She believes that the government should provide assistance to the poor and the needy as a matter of moral obligation.
22. The company's recent actions have drawn criticism from many who question their moral integrity.
23. He chose to do what was right, rather than what was easy, because it aligned with his personal morales.
24. The moral lesson that we can learn from history is that ignoring our past mistakes only repeats them in the future.
25. The animal rights debate is often framed as a moral issue, as people's beliefs about the treatment of animals are based on their ethical frameworks.
26. She was admired for her strong moral convictions and her commitment to social justice.
27. The play explores themes of morality and the consequences of making bad choices.
28. His actions were driven by a sense of moral outrage over the injustices he saw in the world.
29. Many people believe that a just society must be founded on strong moral principles and values.
30. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters in the story force them to question their values and reconsider their decisions.

Common Phases

1. ¡Vamos, levanta tus morales!
2. Los jugadores necesitan una dosis extra de morales.
3. El equipo tenía morales muy bajos después de la derrota.
4. La victoria de ayer elevó sus morales.
5. La moraleja de la historia es...
6. Necesitamos líderes con altos morales para guiar esta empresa.
7. No podemos depender de los demás para mantener nuestras morales altas.
8. Me siento mejor ahora que he recuperado mi moral.
9. El final feliz elevó los morales de todos los personajes.
10. En momentos de crisis, es importante que mantengamos nuestras morales intactas.

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