Mortalists example sentences

Related (8): death, mortality, perishable, transient, impermanent, fleeting, ephemeral, dying

"Mortalists" Example Sentences

1. The mortalists believed that death was the end of existence.
2. Some ancient philosophers were considered mortalists because they did not believe in an afterlife.
3. John Milton was often accused of being a mortalist because of his controversial views on the soul.
4. The mortalist philosophy was often at odds with the teachings of the church.
5. Many people considered Spinoza to be a mortalist because of his views on God and death.
6. The mortalist school of thought was not widely accepted in the early centuries after Christ.
7. Some modern atheists can be considered mortalists because they do not believe in an afterlife.
8. Mortalists argue that the physical body is the only aspect of a person that exists after death.
9. The mortalist perspective can be comforting to those who fear eternal torment in the afterlife.
10. The mortalist doctrine is often associated with materialism and scientific materialism.
11. Some believe that the mortalist view is more realistic than traditional religious beliefs about the afterlife.
12. The mortalist worldview can be difficult for those who believe in spiritual or supernatural forces.
13. Mortalists do not necessarily reject the idea of a spiritual dimension to life, but they do not believe in an afterlife.
14. Some philosophers have argued that the mortalist view is more ethical than traditional religious beliefs, as it places greater emphasis on this life.
15. Mortalists often believe in the importance of living a virtuous life, as there is no hope for redemption after death.
16. The mortalist view is often seen as a rejection of the traditional dualistic view of body and soul.
17. Some mortalists argue that the idea of an afterlife is merely a way for religions to exert control over people.
18. Mortalists reject the notion of an immortal soul, believing that consciousness is tied to the physical body.
19. The mortalist philosophy has been debated for centuries, with no clear consensus reached.
20. Mortalists often embrace scientific inquiry and the naturalistic explanation of the universe.
21. Some people turn to mortalist beliefs during times of crisis or grief, finding solace in the idea that death is final.
22. Mortalists argue that the fear of death is a natural human response, but that it need not consume us.
23. The mortalist perspective has been criticized for being too bleak or pessimistic.
24. Mortalists reject the idea of an eternal, unchanging soul, believing that we are constantly changing and evolving.
25. The mortalist philosophy can be seen as a rejection of the supernatural and a celebration of the physical world.
26. Some mortalists see death as a natural part of the cycle of life, rather than a tragedy to be feared.
27. Mortalists reject the idea of divine intervention in the affairs of humans, believing that we are responsible for our own destiny.
28. The mortalist doctrine can be seen as a way of promoting personal responsibility and accountability.
29. Mortalists often reject the idea of an absolute moral code, believing that morality is subjective and evolves over time.
30. Some mortalists see the world as inherently chaotic, with no predetermined purpose or meaning.
31. The mortalist perspective can be empowering, as it places the responsibility for creating meaning and purpose on the individual.
32. Mortalists reject the notion of an all-powerful God, seeing the universe as governed by natural laws.
33. Some mortalists argue that the idea of an afterlife leads to complacency, as people believe they will be rewarded in the next world regardless of their actions in this one.
34. The mortalist philosophy can be seen as a way of promoting social justice and reducing inequality, as it places greater emphasis on this life and the well-being of all people.
35. Mortalists often reject the concept of sin, arguing that people should be judged based on their actions in this life rather than on some abstract moral code.
36. The mortalist perspective is often associated with skepticism and a rejection of traditional religious beliefs.
37. Some people find the mortalist viewpoint to be liberating, as it frees them from the fear of punishment in the afterlife.
38. Mortalists often argue that traditional religious beliefs are based on fear and superstition, rather than reason and evidence.
39. The mortalist philosophy is often associated with humanism, as it places great importance on the dignity and value of human life.
40. Some mortalists see death as a natural part of the ongoing evolutionary process, rather than an event to be feared or mourned.

Common Phases

1. Mortalists believe that death is the end of life;
2. Some mortalists argue that death is part of the natural cycle of existence;
3. Many mortalists reject the idea of an afterlife;
4. Mortalists often emphasize the importance of making the most of our time on earth;
5. Some mortalists argue that death gives life its meaning;
6. Mortalists frequently question traditional religious beliefs about the soul and the afterlife;
7. Mortalists believe that death is a natural and inevitable part of the human experience;
8. Many mortalists find comfort in the idea that death is simply a return to the state of non-existence from which we came.

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