Nibblers example sentences

Related (6): munchers, grazer, snackers, peckers, pickers, nibblers

"Nibblers" Example Sentences

1. The nibblers in the field were taking small bites out of the crops.
2. The hamster was a notorious nibbler, always eating small amounts throughout the day.
3. The office snack table was filled with nibblers like chips and crackers.
4. The wildlife sanctuary had signs warning visitors about the nibblers that may try to steal their food.
5. The nibblers on our roof kept us up all night with their constant chewing.
6. The catered event featured a selection of nibblers such as cheese and fruit platters.
7. The pet store recommended giving our rabbit plenty of hay so she could be a constant nibbler.
8. The cows were content to be nibblers, slowly chewing on the grass.
9. The insect-infested logs were irresistible to the nibblers like termites and carpenter ants.
10. The restaurant offered a variety of nibblers including stuffed mushrooms and chicken skewers.
11. The small nibblers in the garden were causing havoc on the plants.
12. The nature trail had signs indicating which plants were safe from the nibblers and which were not.
13. The zookeepers had to carefully monitor the nibblers in the animal exhibits to prevent them from overeating.
14. The children's party featured playful nibblers like popcorn and gummy worms.
15. The nibblers in the birdhouse were making quick work of the seed.
16. The hotel's happy hour included an array of free nibblers for guests to enjoy.
17. The nibblers in the picnic area were fearless, stealing food right off of people's plates.
18. The bakery had a whole section dedicated to sweet nibblers like cookies and pastries.
19. The nibblers in the aquarium were mesmerizing to watch as they pecked at the fish food.
20. The game night snack bar had savory nibblers like mini quiches and sliders.
21. The nibblers in the forest were causing erosion with their constant digging.
22. The health food store had a variety of healthy nibblers like nuts and dried fruit.
23. The nibblers in the backyard were content to snack on fallen fruit and leaves.
24. The park ranger warned visitors to be mindful of the nibblers like squirrels and chipmunks that may be nearby.
25. The cocktail party had sophisticated nibblers like shrimp cocktail and bruschetta.
26. The nibblers in the herb garden were leaving holes in the leaves.
27. The picnic basket was filled with tasty nibblers like grapes and cheese.
28. The birdwatcher's guide listed the various nibblers that could be found in the woods.
29. The hotel's room service menu featured late-night nibblers like chicken wings and nachos.
30. The nibblers in the orchard were causing serious damage to the fruit trees.
31. The museum's cafe had a selection of light nibblers like yogurt and granola.
32. The nibblers in the backyard were leaving a trail of chewed-up leaves.
33. The office vending machine had a variety of convenient nibblers like pretzels and granola bars.
34. The young children were delighted with the brightly colored nibblers on their plate, like fruit snacks and goldfish crackers.
35. The nibblers in the creek were eating the algae off the rocks.
36. The coffee shop offered a range of nibblers like muffins and croissants to go with their drinks.
37. The nibblers in the orchard were being deterred by the scarecrow.
38. The hiking trail had signs warning visitors to be aware of the nibblers like deer and rabbits that may cross their path.
39. The outdoor concert had a food vendor area with tasty nibblers like funnel cakes and corn dogs.
40. The nursery had a section dedicated to nibblers like succulents and cacti.

Common Phases

1. "The nibblers made quick work of the metal sheet; biting through it as if it were butter.
2. "With the nibblers, we were able to easily create custom shapes out of the sheet metal.
3. "I carefully maneuvered the nibblers along the edge of the material; slowly cutting away until the desired shape was achieved.
4. "The nibblers were a lifesaver on this project; allowing us to cut through thick metal with ease.
5. "I've never used nibblers before, but once I got the hang of it, they became my new favorite tool in the shop.

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