Nixies example sentences

"Nixies" Example Sentences

1. I've heard rumors about nixies in this lake, but I've never seen one myself.
2. The children were fascinated by the old sailor's tales of sea nixies.
3. With a flick of her wrist, the witch summoned a group of mischievous nixies.
4. The fishermen warned us to watch out for nixies stealing our catch.
5. Legend has it that if you catch a nixie's eye, you'll be compelled to follow them into the water.
6. The author's latest book featured a group of nixies as the main characters.
7. The curious cat watched as the nixie dove beneath the surface of the pond.
8. The artist painted a beautiful portrait of a nixie playing a harp by the moonlight.
9. The traveler was surprised to find a friendly nixie offering to guide him through the forest.
10. The villagers held a festival in honor of the nixies who protected their crops.
11. The sailor believed that the nixies had cursed his ship with misfortune.
12. The nixies in this river are said to have magical healing properties.
13. The mischievous nixie stole the fisherman's bait while he wasn't looking.
14. The nixies sang a haunting melody that carried across the water.
15. The old woman told stories about the nixies who lived in the well.
16. According to legend, nixies were known to lure travelers into the water with their enchanting beauty.
17. The nixies in this pond were known to grant wishes in exchange for a tribute.
18. The curious child peeked over the edge of the boat, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive nixies.
19. The nixies were known to transform themselves into different animals to play tricks on humans.
20. The sailor left an offering of silver coins for the nixies, hoping for a safe voyage.
21. The nixies in this lake were believed to be the guardians of lost sailors.
22. As the sun set, the nixies emerged from the water, their iridescent scales glistening in the light.
23. The villagers were terrified of the nixies, believing them to be malicious creatures.
24. The nixies in this river were said to be able to control the currents with their magic.
25. The old man claimed to have once caught a glimpse of a beautiful nixie who saved him from drowning.
26. The nixies were known to be particularly fond of music, and would often be heard singing and dancing on moonlit nights.
27. The fishermen were pleased when they realized that the nixies had actually helped them catch more fish.
28. The nixies in this pond were known for their playful nature, often playing pranks on each other.
29. The sailor muttered a prayer to the nixies before setting out to sea.
30. The old woman told bedtime stories about the friendly nixies who lived in the nearby creek.

Common Phases

1. "Nixies go out at night;"
2. "Don't let the nixies trick you;"
3. "I've heard nixies singing by the river;";
4. "The howl of the wind often brings nixies with it;";
5. "The nixies will lead you astray;";
6. "Beware of the nixies' charms;";
7. "The nixies are said to guard hidden treasures;";
8. "Nixies are known to take children away;";
9. "I once saw a nixie dancing in the moonlight;";
10. "The nixies' powers are strongest during the full moon."

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