Nonemployments example sentences

Related (5): Unemployment, joblessness, idleness, inactivity, non-employment.

"Nonemployments" Example Sentences

1. The number of nonemployments has risen dramatically in the current economic climate.
2. Nonemployments can be a crushing burden on families and individuals.
3. It's important to address nonemployments as a serious social issue.
4. Without adequate support, people experiencing nonemployments can feel isolated and hopeless.
5. Nonemployments can lead to a range of mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression.
6. Even if someone is technically employed, precarious work can still expose them to the risks of nonemployments.
7. The long-term effects of nonemployments on people's lives can be devastating.
8. Governments around the world are grappling with how to address nonemployments in a post-pandemic world.
9. Highlighting the stories of people affected by nonemployments can help to raise awareness of the issue.
10. Nonemployments can sometimes be overlooked in discussions of unemployment, but they are a distinct and serious problem.
11. Organizations working to address nonemployments need more resources and funding to make a real difference.
12. It's important to be compassionate and empathetic towards people experiencing nonemployments.
13. Discrimination and prejudice can exacerbate the effects of nonemployments on marginalized communities.
14. Addressing the root causes of nonemployments requires systemic change and social support.
15. The stigma surrounding nonemployments can make it difficult for people to seek help and support.
16. Nonemployments can feel like an overwhelming and insurmountable obstacle for many people.
17. Supporting people experiencing nonemployments requires a holistic and intersectional approach.
18. Policies designed to address nonemployments must take into account the unique challenges faced by different communities.
19. Education and training programs can help to mitigate the risks of nonemployments and improve people's job prospects.
20. Addressing nonemployments is not just a matter of generating more jobs, but also ensuring that work is decent and stable.
21. The psychological impact of nonemployments cannot be understated.
22. Nonemployments can be particularly devastating for young people who are just starting out in their careers.
23. Women and people from minority backgrounds are often disproportionately affected by nonemployments.
24. Nonemployments can lead to a sense of alienation and disconnection from society.
25. People experiencing nonemployments should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their circumstances.
26. Nonemployments can have a ripple effect on families and communities, impacting not just the individual but also those around them.
27. Addressing nonemployments requires a collaborative effort between governments, NGOs, and grassroots organizations.
28. Individuals experiencing nonemployments should be supported and empowered to take charge of their own lives.
29. Nonemployments can be a catalyst for positive change, driving people to re-evaluate their life goals and pursue new opportunities.
30. The impacts of nonemployments can be both personal and societal, highlighting the need for a coordinated response.

Common Phases

1. Due to the company's financial struggles; there have been numerous nonemployments.
2. The sudden closure of the factory; resulted in massive nonemployments in the area.
3. The pandemic has caused significant nonemployments; leaving many people without income.
4. Despite their qualifications; the graduates experienced long periods of nonemployments.
5. The company's restructuring plans; led to a wave of nonemployments across all departments.
6. The government's austerity measures; have resulted in increased nonemployments in the public sector.
7. The seasonal nature of the business; leaves many employees facing nonemployments during the off-season.
8. The loss of a major contract; caused widespread nonemployments throughout the company.
9. The introduction of automated systems; resulted in nonemployments as many tasks became redundant.
10. The company's relocation to a cheaper location; led to nonemployments for many workers unwilling to move.

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