Objurgation example sentences

Related (16): chastisement, rebuke, reprimand, scolding, censure, condemnation, denunciation, castigation, vituperation, upbraiding, remonstration, excoriation, vilification, reproach, admonition, tongue-lashing

"Objurgation" Example Sentences

Objurgation means a severe reprimand or scolding.
1. The teacher's objurgation quieted the noisy classroom.
2. The coach's objurgation prompted the players to improve their performance.
3. After the objurgation from his parents, the teenager stopped his bad behavior.
4. The politician received an objurgation from the press for lying to the public.
5. The judge's objurgation caused the criminal to reflect on his actions.
6. The dean's objurgation made all the students fear him.
7. The manager's objurgation caused the employee to work harder to avoid another.
8. The children winced at their father's objurgation for not doing their homework.
9. The referee's objurgation caused the player to control his temper during the game.
10. The soldier quickly obeyed after receiving an objurgation from his superior officer.
11. The wife's objurgation finally made her husband notice his poor treatment of her.
12. The principal's objurgation made all the students start behaving better.
13. The employee feared his boss's frequent objurgations and tried his best to avoid them.
14. The stern objurgation made the child promise never to misbehave again.
15. The harsh objurgation left the teenager feeling ashamed and embarrassed.
16. After the objurgation, the student vowed to work harder and study more.
17. The harsh objurgation caused the employee to doubt his self-worth.
18. The parent's angry objurgation made the child cry herself to sleep.
19. The captain's objurgation spurred the crew into action.
20. The professor's objurgation left the student feeling demoralized.
21. The hotel manager received an objurgation from an angry customer.
22. The severity of the objurgation shocked everyone listening.
23. The nanny's objurgation finally made the child mind his manners.
24. The minister's objurgation caused the congregation to reflect upon their behavior.
25. The doctor's objurgation caused the patient to finally take his health seriously.
26. After the objurgation from his boss, the worker promised to do a better job.
27. The employee feared the boss's constant objurgations and criticisms.
28. The police officer's objurgation made the criminal regret his actions.
29. The objurgation from his teacher caused the student to realize the error of his ways.
30. The client's objurgation prompted the company to improve its customer service.
31. The governor received an objurgation from the press for his inappropriate behavior.
32. The objurgation left the child in tears and feeling ashamed.
33. The harsh objurgation caused the daughter to avoid her mother for days.
34. The sergeant's objurgation left the new recruit fearing for his military career.
35. The scolding objurgation left the boy wishing he had never misbehaved.
36. The coach's objurgation made the entire team train harder than ever.
37. The editor's objurgation made the writer revise his work with more care.
38. The headmaster's stern objurgation made all the students reform their ways.
39. The employee endured the boss's frequent objurgations with growing resentment.
40. The objurgation from the clergy made the sinners repent.
41. The employee tried his best to avoid another scathing objurgation from his supervisor.
42. The angrier the objurgation, the more remorseful the child became.
43. The harsh objurgation reduced the children to tears and apologies.
44. The strict objurgation caused the students to hit the books in order to improve.
45. The harsh objurgation left the employee feeling ashamed and inadequate.
46. After the objurgation, the criminal vowed never to break the law again.
47. The minister's objurgation shocked the congregation into reflecting on their sins.
48. The wife's objurgation made the husband finally see the error of his ways.
49. The stern objurgation left the child too ashamed to leave his room.
50. The reprimand took the form of an angry objurgation from his superiors.
51. The censor's objurgation prompted the author to revise his work.
52. The objurgation from his teachers caused the student to mend his ways.
53. The doctor's objurgation finally made the patient follow medical advice.
54. The strict objurgation caused the children to promise a complete change in behavior.
55. The spouse's angry objurgation finally made the other see their point of view.
56. The general's objurgation spurred the troops into heroic action.
57. The children endured their mother's objurgation in shamed silence.
58. After the harsh objurgation, the workers vowed to work harder than ever.
59. The dean's objurgation caused all the students to strive for better grades.
60. The objurgation from his boss made the employee fear for his job.

Common Phases

1. The teacher's harsh objurgation only made the student's resentment grow.
2. The parent's stern objurgation caused the child to burst into tears.
3. The supervisor issued an objurgation to the employee for arriving late once again.
4. The editor's objurgation of the poorly written manuscript was enough to discourage further submissions.
5. The harsh objurgation from his boss served only to demoralize the already struggling employee.
6. The coach's objurgation of the players after their loss only further soured team morale.
7. The nun's objurgation of the student for breaking the rules fell on deaf ears.
8. The critic's objurgation of the film called into question both the director's skill and vision.
9. The servant endured the master's frequent objurgations with downtrodden servility.
10. The customer's objurgation of the sales associate for the defective product fell on deaf ears.
11. The loud objurgation coming from the headmaster's office could be heard throughout the school.
12. I endured the professor's objurgation of my thesis with a stoic countenance.
13. The objurgation from the district attorney left the defendant feeling hopeless and defeated.
14. After weeks of constant objurgation, the patient finally agreed to follow the doctor's instructions.
15. The admonishment quickly turned into an objurgation as the supervisor lost his temper.
16. His wife's gentle objurgation caused him to reflect on his behavior and seek to change.
17. The captain's firm but fair objurgation of the rookie soldier was meant to teach rather than punish.
18. I endured my father's objurgation in silence, knowing nothing I said would improve the situation.
19. Her objurgation of his unkept promises only drove them further apart.
20. The stern objurgation from his father caused him to resolve to never repeat his mistake.
21. The judge's objurgation of the defendant fell on deaf ears, as the man showed no signs of remorse.
22. After repeated objurgation from his mentor, the student finally understood the error of his ways.
23. The harsh objurgation from his teacher only confirmed what he already suspected - that he was stupid and useless.
24. The passenger's loud objurgation of the bus driver only served to annoy the other riders.
25. The stern objurgation from the sergeant taught the cadet the importance of following orders exactly.
26. After months of objurgation, the child finally learned to clean up his room without being asked.
27. The workers endured the foreman's frequent objurgations as just another aspect of the job.
28. The objurgation from the elderly neighbor did little to change the youth's behavior.
29. The mother's harsh objurgation stopped her son's tantrum in its tracks.
30. His wife's gentle objurgation helped him see the error of his ways.
31. The usher's sharp objurgation quickly restored order in the theater.
32. The objurgation from the priest served only to harden the sinner's heart further against repentance.
33. The harsh objurgation was meant more to vent the supervisor's frustrations than correct the employee's behavior.
34. The principal's objurgation did little to improve the behavior of the obstinate student.
35. The constant objurgation from his parents finally drove the son to move out on his own.
36. The objurgation from his disappointed grandmother caused him to regret his foolish actions.
37. Her sharp objurgation cut me to the quick.
38. The objurgation from his coach finally shook him from his complacency.
39. The harsh objurgation confirmed all of her worst fears about herself.
40. The obnoxious diner endured the waiter's objurgation with disinterested bemusement.
41. I endured my father's objurgation stoically, having grown used to his criticism over the years.
42. The harsh objurgation caused him to resolve to never again make the same mistakes.
43. Her objurgation only confirmed his long-held belief that she did not understand him.
44. The sharp objurgation shocked him into silence.
45. My harsh objurgation did nothing to improve the situation, only exacerbating her distress.
46. The players endured the coach's objurgation with downcast eyes, knowing they had failed to live up to expectations.
47. The objurgation rang in my ears long after she had fallen silent.
48. His harsh objurgation pushed her to reconsider their relationship.
49. The objurgation caused him to resolve to change his ways.
50. The nanny's stern objurgation quickly restored order among the unruly children.
51. The pastor's objurgation of the congregation's unchristian behavior fell on deaf ears.
52. The bartender endured the drunken customer's objurgation with stony indifference.
53. The maid endured her mistress's frequent objurgations with unfailing courtesy.
54. The objurgation left her in tears.
55. The sharp objurgation brought her remorse flooding back in full force.
56 The objurgation served only to worsen her depression.
57. I endured my father's harsh objurgation with bowed head, knowing any disagreement would be futile.
58. The objurgation served its purpose, teaching him a valuable lesson he would not soon forget.
59. His harsh objurgation confirmed her worst fears - that she was a failure at everything she attempted.
60. The objurgation only confirmed what she already knew - that she had let down the one person who mattered most.

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