Occulte example sentences

Related (10): mysticism, magic, esotericism, occultism, spirituality, supernatural, witchcraft, astrology, divination, alchemy

"Occulte" Example Sentences

1. She was drawn to the occulte, and spent much time studying its mysteries.
2. His knowledge of the occulte was unparalleled among his peers.
3. I was fascinated by the occulte and its power to unlock the unknown.
4. He was a master of the occulte, and his wisdom was sought by many.
5. His occulte studies had taken him to the far reaches of the world.
6. She had a deep understanding of the occulte, and was respected for it.
7. He had a passion for the occulte, and devoted much of his life to it.
8. His occulte knowledge was vast, and he was often consulted by others.
9. She was an expert in the occulte, and her insights were invaluable.
10. His occulte studies had taken him to places few had ever ventured.
11. He was a master of the occulte, and his teachings were sought by many.
12. He had a deep interest in the occulte, and spent much time studying it.
13. I was intrigued by the occulte and its potential to unlock the unknown.
14. His occulte knowledge was vast, and he was often sought out for advice.
15. She was a great believer in the occulte, and its power to unlock secrets.
16. His understanding of the occulte was unrivaled among his peers.
17. I was captivated by the occulte and its ability to open up new worlds.
18. He had a great passion for the occulte, and devoted much of his life to it.
19. Her occulte studies had taken her to the far reaches of the world.
20. She was an expert in the occulte, and her advice was sought by many.
21. His occulte knowledge was vast, and he was often consulted for his wisdom.
22. I was drawn to the occulte and its potential to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
23. He was a master of the occulte, and his teachings were sought after by many.
24. He had a deep interest in the occulte, and spent much of his life studying it.
25. I was fascinated by the occulte and its ability to open up new possibilities.
26. His occulte studies had taken him to places few had ever gone before.
27. She had a great understanding of the occulte, and was highly respected for it.
28. He had a great passion for the occulte, and devoted much of his time to it.
29. Her occulte knowledge was vast, and she was often sought out for advice.
30. I was intrigued by the occulte and its power to unlock the secrets of the universe.
31. His understanding of the occulte was unrivaled among his contemporaries.
32. I was captivated by the occulte and its potential to open up new worlds.
33. He was a master of the occulte, and his wisdom was sought after by many.
34. He had a deep interest in the occulte, and spent much of his life exploring it.
35. I was drawn to the occulte and its ability to unlock the mysteries of the unknown.
36. His occulte studies had taken him to places few had ever been before.
37. She had a great understanding of the occulte, and was highly regarded for it.
38. He had a great passion for the occulte, and devoted much of his time studying it.
39. Her occulte knowledge was vast, and she was often consulted for her insights.
40. I was fascinated by the occulte and its power to open up new possibilities.

Common Phases

occultation; occultism; occult science; occult arts; occult knowledge; occult practices; occult symbols; occult rituals; occult mysteries; occult teachings.

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